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Posts posted by Glitch_Kitten

  1. They're extremely wasteful.

    The single biggest issue with them is that you can't dismount, I can look past the price and the clan tech requirement, that's all fair enough, but it's the fact you need to waste several archwing charges to get from point A to B to C etc. Now this wouldn't be nearly as bad if the bounty objectives werent seperate instances spaced roughly 600m apart, I have to ask myself "Do I want to bullet jump over this dead space when I want to hurry up and finish this bounty or do I want to use 5 charges and get it done sooner" and a lot of the time I pick the parkour option because the crafting requirements make them arbitrarily precious despite being presented in a disposable manner. So I ask to either give us a dismount option so we don't burn through 5 charges on one bounty, or cut the crafting cost by a huge portion.

  2. 1 minute ago, Duckz4Win said:

    how did you guess that?

    dude do you not understand memes?

    last i checked 666 isnt a meme, sure its a significant and well known number but nothing so mind blowing warrenting a whole post because the open squads happened to be said number at that time.

  3. With the recent addition to simulacrum in multiplayer capabilities, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility to suggest a few things that could help make the simulacrum more helpful and much more convenient to use. The Simulacrum as it stands right now is a useful tool to help gauge the effectiveness of your weapons and warframe abilities, allowing you to test different builds, in different scenarios, against different enemies to help find the most effective one. Right now it gets the job done but I feel that there are two major things setting it back, but with just a few changes will turn it from a good tool, to a fantastic one.

    The UI.

    The current UI the Simulacrum used to spawn enemies is dated and at best: Clunky. The scroll menu begs you to use the search bar, You have to deselect and reselect the specific enemy if you made a mistake in how many you'd like to spawn and the "Enemy Level: X" and "Exit" buttons are frustratingly close together. I have a few suggestions to solve these issues and a few UI elements that could be added to benefit us.

    1. Change the "X Selected" tab over the portrait of the enemy to instead be a button that sits below said enemy's portrait, that way we can change the amount of enemies we'd like to spawn without having to deselect and reselect them.
    2. Add new filters "Light" "Heavy" and "Specialised" to help group enemies in a more useful manner.
    3. Add a "Favourites" Tab, I find myself using a level 135 Bombard and Corpus Tech for scale when testing my weapons, I feel like an option to bookmark enemies instead of typing their name every single time can only be beneficial.
    4. And finally, Display the selected enemy's codex details. Allow us to see their weaknesses, resistances, health types and amounts, allow us to see their health amounts AT THE SPECIFIC LEVEL THEY ARE SET TO, the current information in both the codex and wiki is absolutely useless, I have no clue what 50 alloy armour means at level 108, I have no scale on how much damage I am actually inflicting other than assuming "a whole lot". If anything I would like to see this added the most, it makes sense thematically because the simulacrum was constructed by Simaris, a disembodied conscience with a knowledge kink, of course his virtual world would have all the information catalogued, displayed and modified to be useful, plus it'd be extremely convenient to have the numbers right there, contained within the game, instead of on some webpage.

    Enemy Behaviour.

    Enemies spawned in the simulacrum at the present moment are fine, they get the job done, they serve as accurate dummies for real enemies and let you test the effectiveness of your weapons and/or warframe abilities, however that's all they are, accurate dummies of already existing enemies with no options to modify. Currently they behave completely normally, which is a pain if I'm testing a weapon, I don't want to get shot at, I want to see and accurately measure the effectiveness of my weapon, enemy AI can be bypassed with invisibility or CC, but this is just a sloppy workaround to an issue that shouldn't be present. There isn't much reason to spawn more than 8 enemies for weapons testing purposes, since past that amount they become spread and are spawned in different locations and I feel a few simple options with different scenarios would be greatly useful, so these are the suggestions I feel could benefit the Simulacrum:

    1. Allow us to set enemy behaviour, whether it be hostile, patrolling, slightly alert or just disabled entirely. I use the Simulacrum to test weapons against enemys and find out how I can bypass their armour and health pools, at level 135 everything is nearly guarunteed to one shot me, now this is great to test the tanking capabilities of say, chroma or rhino, but if I'm trying to test how quickly my acrid is going to kill a level 135 bombard, I'd like to be able to shoot them without an insta kill death rocket trailing me.
    2. Give us some preset spawn locations, as I stated previously, I find little reason in spawning more than 8 enemies, since they wont be grouped together, I feel an option of changing between presets could also open up a few oppurtunities to test weapons under different circumstances, what if enemies were above me? How effective would my Acrid be then? Create presets for enemies to spawn in a large group, on the pillars/high ground and a default option for how it is currently, while this isn't really mandatory, I feel like it would be a nice addition.
    3. Lastly, while not really necessary, but ties in with point 1, give us an option to spawn a 'dummy' version of an enemy, that is, a version of that enemy that has infinite health and would show our damage numbers regularly, but would also have custom ui near it that shows the DPS we are inflicting upon it, not only will this give us clear indication to our weapon's power under different circumstance and enemy type, but serve as a clear, easy to digest number for us to use when comparing our weapon's effectiveness against one another.

    While I do not expect none of these changes to become a reality, nor are they really necessary since the simulacrum right now gets the job done, I believe even a few of these changes would make it an effective tool that is not only more convenient to use, but give us concise information that can truly allow us to appreciate our weapons.


  4. I'm cautiously optimistic for PoE, because it has the POTENTIAL to solve warframe's biggest issue: Warframe's gameplay is boring, it's difficult to balance potential lategame content for the reasons you've stated AND the current gameplay loop is in such a position in where simple number tweaks or more enemy variety just wont cut it.

    Trying to make Warframe fun outside of adding shiny new toys to farm for is like trying to convince yourself mac is a viable alternative to windows when it comes to gaming, it's just not gonna happen. With the introduction of PoE comes the possibility to reinvent the core gameplay loop. It's a giant canvas waiting for interesting events, unique missions and as teased in the cinematic: multi-staged bosses. While I don't expect huge server wide events on the scale of WoW or GW2, I am hopeful that this new open world will give DE some wiggle room to really flesh out the currently mundane gameplay in a way much more significant than a new weapon or enemy type could. 

    However I won't put it past DE to not fumble and have some serious missteps, open world is incredibly easy to screw up, sure there might be a big expansive feild for us to explore, but it's going to need to serious work to actually be alive and have purpose, plus it raises serious questions like "How is this going to intergrate with the current gameplay loop?" "If it's vastly successful will the previous gameplay and tilesets become vestigel?" "What will happen to it if it turns into a flop?" "How will it play into progression?"


    I want to see PoE succeed, because it could breathe new life into Warframe and turn it from a "Get X simulator, kill enemies along the way" to something much more.

  5. Prior to U21 if I was online as the daily clock ticked over I would receive my daily login reward after I relogged or finished a mission, since U21 this hasn't been happening, if I'm online during the daily reset, the UI doesn't come up and I can't tell if I received a login reward or not.

  6. More then anything else I'd like DE to clean up all the half baked mechanics they've released over the past 2 years before they release too much new stuff: Archwing, pvp, focus and operators (less so now knowing that plains of eidelon have changes coming for them), enemies 2.0 (as a solution to the damage 3.0 predicament) Syndicate death squads being completely inane, making little sense with the introduction of quests and serving only to glitch out and slow down missions, Dojo kingping system (that dropped off the face of the earth without a word) and general clan improvements, a serious look-at at rivens, riven lore and kuva acquisition.

    And one last big thing, I want DE to figure out a way to make the game difficult and give us the oppurtunity to actually fail without just turning our warframe's powers off, the only time I ever feel challenged in Warframe is when I'm getting gangbanged six ways from sunday by energy leech eximi or energy reduction sorties, because really that isn't difficulty, it's an annoyance. 

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