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Posts posted by muzashi1963

  1. While I agree with you, Marthrym, I cannot but think that the "horizontal content" that DE churns out, is somewhat out of their hands.

    The DEVs probably have the game at heart, but the beancounters run the show, unfortunately.

    Sorry to say it, but beancounters only think of one thing, and one thing only.


    Somewhat cynical, I know, but also realistic.

  2. Strange, I updated to Windows 10 and let Win 10 choose the settings (i.e. no customization, express install)


    Not one problem. (except for a scanner driver that is not compatible, due to Epson not updating drivers)


    I don't use the Steam version.


    I used to, but I hate having to have that running in the background.

    As GhostShip20 has stated, perhaps try that if you cannot get the Steam version to work

  3. I am not a very good photographer.

    I am however, a passable murderer of grineer, corpus and infested.

    Thus generally i can be found slicing, dicing and liquidizing on some random mission, or sitting in region chat and making snide or asinine comments, and having a laugh at region banter.


    Simaris annoys me, bloody in-your-face numpty, so i avoid it.

  4. My Cat's Name History:


    7 week Kitten:             Kitty, Hope.

    4 month kitten:            Hope, damn cat

    1 yr old cat:                 Hope, damn cat, %^^&ing cat

    2 yr old cat:                 Your damn cat

    4 yr old cat:                 Your @&*^ing cat

    6 yr old cat:                 Tree fertilizer (no i have not buried it, it's what i call it)



    So yeah, you should be able to change your Virtual Pet's name. why not?

  5. Make affinity into a manually distributed point system.

    Get affinity during mission, nothing goes into any weapon or frame during mission.

    Get to extraction, mission is over. You now have 60 seconds to assign percentage values to your weapons and frame.

    Weapons and frames get the amount specified of the total affinity pool you have amassed.

    Awesome idea +1

  6. This forum thread was made in order to inform DE about recent discoveries and awful mistakes made in the Sol Map.


    1. New Horizons mission. I guess everyone here have heard about this, so there's no need to mention that now we actually know how Pluto looks like.


    2. Europa & Ceres. These are the mistake which are the worst. Actually we know how these little boys looks too, and if you're enough perceptive you will notice that both have recoloured textures of MARS.


    -The difference is that the Europa is greyscaled and darkened Mars, while Ceres is changed bit more, recoloured, wrinkled and have a changed rotation axis in order to hide Olympus Mons and 3 other mountains well visible on Europa texture.


    These planets are great! Non they not!


    And the 3rd mistake. Combined to make thread shorter.


    3. Phobos, Sedna, Ceres. These are asteroids. Not valid planets. And Ceres is the only spherical here.


    Some of you may think ''that's a minor change, c'mon Merc'' IT'S NOT.


    To make it clear for everyone, here are some links which will enlighten your knowledge about the real Sol System:








    And also, currently Pluto uses a texture of another valid moon, (which gas giant's? Not sure, need further search), and suprisingly, uses the same Tileset as Neptune (Which deserves it's own Gas Cities - it's Corpus temple!) and Venus (Which is f*ck!ng hot, not cold.)


    So please, DE. Update the planet textures or promise to do so with U18.



    I got so intrigued, that I lost 2 hours reading up about Eris, Sedna and the Sol system




    Was this a devilishly clever attempt at elucidation?


    Damn you Wikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,  and you, Merc ;)


    On topic. I agree that the planets should have some semblance of originality.

  7.  It's really sad that people come in here and lash out at any criticism. The sort of intellectual cowardice required to disregard any opinions that don't echo your own say a great deal about the shallow reserve of character those individuals must possess. 

    I don't like the new system all that much, I think it looks absurd. Whether or not it's functional is largely irrelevant when using these new animations makes me feel more than a little embarrassed; or sometimes outright disgusted! Knowing that they were the result of deliberate effort. Like doing your best Little-Mermaid impression to cover great distances rather than simply taking a sprinters leap. Or impersonating the elusive wall rabbit across various dark corridors, when a simple wallrun might have done. Or relying on your wire-fu magic glue to slow you down and make those mid-air shots as easy as possible. Or repurposing said magic space glue to stick you to walls, when you in fact have hands that might have achieved a similar result. It's a system that wants to make changes to gameplay, but does not work to achieve them logically. Parkour 2.0 instead relies on fantastical and absurd aesthetic elements as justification for results that practical movements could have just as easily achieved, and without so much ire...

    ^ what more is there to say?

  8. I'm a bit older and appreciate the costs of business.

    I see scathing criticism more than jubilant praise, and often wonder how many people posting in this manner have invested in the process or at least appreciate it, even if they disagree with it.

    Feedback please?

    As you, I am of the older demographic.

    I have easily covered the price of an AAA title and then some. I did not keep track, as I have been through 2 accounts,  1 with Steam and 1 without, and it was worth it while I played Warframe.

  9. MR tests are supposed to be hard, yet achievable, for everyone who takes the time to learn a little of the mechanics and abilities available.


    Why are they not set up so that each MR test has a specific Frame/Primary/Secondary/Melee/companion. That is "Supplied" for the MR test?


    That is: Specific Standard kit per MR test. e.g This way people cannot cheese the MR tests.


    How can a measurable baseline be set in a "test" where you get to choose:


     Whichever 3,4,5 or 6 Forma Perma invis/Invulnerable/flying Warframe with all the bells and whistles?

    Your  Formaed and potatoed Primary, that can destroy whole hordes in a single shot?

    the Same for your Secondary or melee weapon?


    MR tests are supposed to be hard, yet achievable, for everyone who takes the time to learn a little of the mechanics and abilities available.


    This achieves 3 things:


    1. it levels the playing field, no cheesing involved.

    2. We get to experience (albeit for the MR test only) weapons and frames we may not own or use.

    3. MR tests become valid again.



    I don't think the grind is going anywhere soon. we have to learn to live with it.

    The XP gained for all the leveled frames, weapons and companions star-chart completion etc, will still be pertinent.


    Just an idea.

  10. What the game really needs, is to take the choice away from the player in the MR tests.


    That is: Specific Standard kit per MR test. e.g This way people cannot cheese the MR tests.


    How can a measurable baseline be set in a test where you get to choose:


    a. Whichever 3 Forma Perma invis/Invulnerable/flying Warframe with all the bells and whistles?

    b. 3 Formaed and potatoed Primary, that can destroy whole hordes in a single shot?

    c. Same for your Secondary


    MR tests are supposed to be hard, yet achievable, for everyone who takes the time to learn a little of the mechanics and abilities available.

    Why are they not set up so that each MR test has a specific Frame/Primary/Secondary/Melee/companion. That is "Supplied" for the MR test?


    This achieves 3 things:


    1. it levels the playing field, no cheesing involved.

    2. We get to experience (albeit for the MR test only) weapons and frames we may not own or use.

    3. MR tests become measurable.


    Just an idea.


    I do realise that it is pretty far gone to have everybody redo their MR tests.

  11. I had the biggest scare of my life, when my boy had his first seizure ever at age 18, in front of me, while playing a game. Me, a full combat qualified medic. Still shat my pants.

    I had enough knowledge to make sure he did not hurt himself, pulled him to the floor and just craddled his head in my arms until the seizures passed.


    I then studied epilepsy to prepare myself, obviously. Epilepsy can be caused by many things, turns out that my boy had an hormonal imbalance, which together with the video, caused the attack. It was his trigger.


    Strangely a lot of people only need a specific set of conditions for their initial trigger, and then suffer from epilepsy continuously.


    He is on hormone therapy, which has greatly reduced his incidence of having seizures, but he does not play Video Games any more. too damn dangerous.


    @OP, go to the doctor. get it checked out, stay away from the game until you have been given the all clear, or altogether if advised to.

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