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Posts posted by muzashi1963

  1. Playing Devil's advocate here, but,......


    One teeny, tiny, little bit of information that seems to have been overlooked with all the talk of money, and playerbase shrinkage vs growth, or quality vs quantity, is:..... how does the release to China factor into all of this?


     Do they really care? 

  2. I apologise if this has been posted, but I couldnt find a similar post (in my quick search, on the sly, at work)


    Last night 4 players on Orokin Derelict Survival - Excal, Rhino, Ash, Mag, at around the 28 min mark all players went down. Only one was able to revive, even though the rest had revives available. 

    The dialogue for the revive came up, I clicked on revive, and then was stuck in some sort of limbo, with no control over keyboard or mouse. 

    I could not escape from game (unless by hard reset, which I was loathe to do).

    The one player who was able to revive (an Excal) spawned with no head. He was, by pure luck, able to make extraction and we received the 30 min reward.


    While we all did not lose a revive, and were able to complete the mission, the bug is pretty game destroying.

  3. I look at it this way:


    I remember when I was a noob and asked the questions. I recall the absolute bollocking that some dudes insist on handing out to noob questions.


    I try and help anybody I can, within reason (asking a question politely, will elicit a polite response...hint hint.). it takes little to no effort. Ranting and raving at people who ask questions is counter productive, unnecessary, and probably will come strike you with karma.

  4. And when you sign in to the game "come home from work", they follow you around, meowing and rubbing themselves up against you, pretending to like you, until you give them their dose of gene therapy. Where after they studiously ignore you, sit on top of the highest point and lick their arses, while your Kubrow tries to eat them.


    When your excitment on signing in is not to play the game, but the gambler's excitment at the chance of winning a 75% discount, it's time to move on.


    When you find yourself enjoying the to-and-fro on the forums more than playing the game, its time to move on.


    When you find yourself angered, and in short order, indifferent, over the umpteenth sequential nerf of an ability or weapon, its time to move on.


    When you feel guilty every time you look at your 6 Forma Grinda Excalibra, and then slowly, and with extreme sadness, close the equip menu, it's time to move on.


    When you have to wait for a break in the flood of Trade and Recruiting to post in Regional chat, it's time to move on.


    When you realise you are the last member of your little clique still playing the game, it's time to move on.


    When you realise that you have been through all five stages of grief over a g@ddamn game, you should have moved on.


    Moving on. 

  6. Dude, you obviously did not get it. Exploiters will exploit. 


    Don't let that stop you enjoying the game. I know I will not.


    But please, don't make me wade through molasses trying to make every player conform to your perception of how the game should be played.That way be rail-shooters.

  7. Powerfarming using AFK/spamming tactics is extremely detrimental to the overall health of the game. You'd have to be blind not to see that. Just look at all the problems that have come up because of it.


    There is a speed at which one is supposed to farm. As we saw with syndicates, things are supposed to be gained in a specific time frame. And that time frame has to be adjusted when people find a way around it, which hurts everyone. Basically, the faster players are able to tear down walls the higher those walls get built. 


    Not only that, but it creates a negative and adversarial atmosphere in the community. A secondary effect, but also something to consider.


    There's a line we cross at some point where a tactic changes from a gameplay style to exploitation of game mechanics. 





    Uh? Wut? So by this logic faster players must be shackled so that every player progresses at the same rate? Negative and adversarial effects are created when these shackles are employed, because they do not level the playing field. Faster players are going to be faster, but at a slower rate, and slower players are going to be slower at the SAME rate. Where is the logic in that? At some point slow is going to become drag., and then rage quit. 


    I don't believe  powerfarming and Spamming tactics are the way I want to play. I will admit to using them. It was fun for a while, but it wears thin very quickly. 

    However I will not prescribe my own playing style on anybody else. It is a game, and it is entirely my choice. what others do for kicks does not harm me in the slightest.


    What does affect me is somebody changing the way I like to play the GAME, by forcing shackles upon me, in an attempt to force every square peg into the same round hole.

    Why can people not understand that different people play/live/do things differently? 


    The only way people doing things differently to the way you choose to, can become negative or adversarial, is if you let it. Play with other people. simple.

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