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Posts posted by muzashi1963

  1. Just tagged along on my first completed Raid with these folks!  Joves talked the group through what needs to be done at each stage and the differences you encounter in Nightmare mode! Very calm, didn't even get his feathers ruffled when we started derping around. 

    Ah Yes. Derp indeed. I was on the same raid (my first too), and if MTJ is as calm even 50% of the time when my derpiness resurfaces, I shall be content.




    PS: Joves, Sorry for getting your @55 knocked the f*ck down, by stepping off the plate in the hijack while casting Irradiating Disarm, and then promptly falling off the cliff during the animation.

  2. Yeah, This is getting old, like me.


    MR10, going on 11. Should be higher MR, but do not put much emphasis on MR as a measure of dedication or skill.

    No real goals, but to enjoy Warframe.

    My old Clan all faw down. None of them plays Warframe any longer.


    Just looking for a clan that is active, because solo, so tedium, much bored.


    Hope to learn to be melee nutter. I am a nutter. Nuts.

    I do not have the steam version of Warframe, but I can get it. Did have it. Do have a Steam account though.

    Based in New Zealand, So GMT + 12.

    Generally do not have issues with connectivity, as my former Clan was based in the US.



    So yeah. Maybe?

  3. :START

    MR10, but no store put into MR. Ever.

    Play because I want to. Not because RNGesus (who shall be worshipped) says so.

    Sarcasm is like good wine. I like a good whine....dup.



    Only thing you may have against me is....I am in New Zealand. Not Australia Extension, please.

    or that I am a South African.

    Have Teamspeak. A mic, a PC, a keyboard and a mouse.

    Was in a US clan, with a bunch of Texans, Californians, Tennesseans, and even some Canucks, etc., who have since stopped playing Warframe. I am the only old bugger left who plays it pretty much every day.


    echo 1.Yes
    echo 2.No
    echo 3.Wait what?
    set /p choice=?:

    if "%choice%" == "1" goto INVITE
    if "%choice%" == "2" goto WHATSAMATTAWITHYOU
    if "%choice%" == "3" goto WHAT


    (echo Error: Invalid choice. && pause) & (goto START)

    echo You know what to do.
    goto exit


  4. Have never looked for a clan, have always been invited, but here goes.


    MR10, but have been plying (playing?) for quite a while. Not Elite by any means, but I like to think i am ok.

    Tired of playing alone. My old clan (=VMTR=  a U.S. Based clan) has stopped playing Warframe.

    I am OLD. most of us in VMTR were 30+. I am a ways older than that, but not the oldest by far.


    Been in the military, In South Africa, dont hold that against me, please.


    I am a Robotic Engineer, and Electrical design Engineer, with Trades in Mechanical and Electrical.

    I dabble in CAD design, Music, (all types, favorite being Heavy Metal), I am a pretty good artist (lucky i guess)

    Speak 2 languages (although the second is AFrikaans, being ex South African. So not much chance to use that)

    Understand Dutch, and German (if you speak slowly, and it is in context)

    I play mainly FPS, or sim games, Been through the CoD series up until MW3, Played Ghost recon, Arma, Arma 2, Arma 3, Etc. Etc .

    rFactor, Need for speed, and Assetto Corsa are my go to racing sims.


    Yeah, so. I can carry on, but I would prefer if you guys talk with me, and make your own minds up.




  5. There are stances that have vertical swings like Rending Crane and Iron Phoenix...

    So your solution for not being able to aim your melee, is to equip a specific stance, tying you into a specific group of melee weapons? and then hit the right combination of E in a melee? when you may be surrounded by a gazillion Enemies, all trying to pull your lungs out through your throat?



    @OP yes, the creeper on the floor, or getting stuck against a low-flying drone, with little chance of swiping it out of the air, that keeps you just out of reach of the corrupted unit you are trying to impale/hack/slash/bash.

    Very, very, very annoying.


  6. No, for the love of god do not introduce PVP into the main game.


    There is literally not a worse idea. Nothing would drive this community into a S#&$hole faster than PVP in the main game. Leave it as it is. 

    This. No. Just No.


    PVP is the cause of the most toxicity in any game I have ever played.


    I have no opinion about Ughwing. Don't play it.


    Edit: I did read your post BTW. To introduce Rewards to PVP will open a whole new era of exploiting.


    Have you ever played a PVP game where rewards are obtainable? It becomes a reward farm fest.

  7. TutorFrame? Bespectacled Dowager with Energy cane in one hand, and the Tome of WarFrame Lore in the other? Peering over her horn-rimmed frames at all these frenetic Tenno?


    Just kidding. I am happy for you to be able to play WarFrame in your mother tongue.

  8. 3 Clanmates started playing it in closed beta.  founders. They pestered me for nigh on 2 years (jeeesh), until I downloaded the game and tried it.


    They have all moved on, but I been here over a year now. Slowly getting the hang of it. :)

  9. Bleeding from laser beams and Plasma bolts, I agree, no. due to stated cauterization.

    However, Impact and Puncture can be caused by these energy weapons.

    Think about it like this. Both these weapons primary effects are heat and radiation.

    Heat at the level that these weapons are theoretically capable of, would cause water/blood to turn into steam, and explode violently, thus impact.

    Radiation reacts to materials (such as armor, flesh etc), also causing violent ionization, and gassification. Again a mini explosion. Again Impact.

    Not necessarily as a direct result of the laser beam or Plasma bolt/beam, but as a side effect of the reactions.

    Puncture, because it burns into whatever is hit, and an explosion can cause slash and puncture damage, from shrapnel, as well as the expansion of gas into soft tissue, believe me.

    Also if you have ever been burnt, does it stop as soon as you pull your hand away?

    No. because the energy introduced does not dissipate instantaneously. The same effect occurs with radiation.

    But don't take anything seriously, because you know, Logic.

  10. I don't get your point regarding "shinies".

    Not collecting overly rare stuff is fine but not going for new weapons , frames ?


    You might be surprised by a new weapons mechanic or style that might change your whole gaming experience.





    Other than that , cool stuff , i too stopped the "grind" a few months back.

    I usually play in short bursts and take days worth of brakes while waiting for new content that actually adds new important things and not just prime gear #56 for instance parkour 2.0 got me very much excited for u17 , looks like a whole new game.

    Oh I do buy new weapons (BP only mind.) I just meant I don't go out of my way to look for the new stuff. If I get the components during the course of my play, I am a happy chappy.


    If I find I lack maybe one component for a frame (the rest having been obtained by chance), I may go and try farm it. However, I will not run more than 5 to 10 repeat missions, before I decide that it can wait. 


    Most times I have been lucky. If not *shrugs*, it will come.

  11. Warning: Lots of text. Opinionated and Subjective.


    This is MY experience, If you agree or disagree, so be it.


    While I am only a lowly MR10, and have not yet played thousands of hours as some have, I have been around for a bit, on the forums not so much, but on the Chat in Game, and playing Warframe.


    I have been through the burnout cycle, having tried to grind and fight rng, and losing horribly.

    I stopped playing Warframe for a while because of this, and then realised that I have no control over the nerfs, buffs, rng, changes to Warframe etc., and getting all worked up over them is a study in futility.


    I decided that I would not grind just for the sake of collecting all the pokemon, and/or becoming maximum mastery rank, but rather use a select few frames, and try my damnedest to become as proficient with them as I possibly could.


    Shocking, yes.


    I returned to play Warframe, and having made the concious decision not to turn Warframe into Warfarm, play the game without grabbing for the newest shiny, or weapon, or mod, help newer players as much as I can (yes some of us do),  find myself having fun again.

    I jump into games with what I have equipped, and try to complete(mostly survive) the mission with whatever warframe, weapons and mods I have equipped. I know I will learn all the strengths and weaknesses of my kit this way.


    If I collect the shinies as I play, that is a bonus, but I am not going to fall into the grind trap and make that my objective to the detriment of my enjoyment.





    TL:DR      I don't grind. I play to get better, not collect, and I have fun doing so.


    A request: please be civil.



    EDIT: Another (in my opinion) positive effect of my decision, is that I have no need to spend real money on plat. I can get by on the odd things I sell in trade. The only need I have for plat is weapon/frame slots. :) Bargain.

  12. yes, we do get recruiting in region, but we DO tell them to **** off (well most of the time, sometimes just can't be bother) when people posting trade in region.

    region is suppose to be chill and talking randoms,

    and with the population of Oceania, we kinda have to have recruiting to keep the region chat going.

    do you know that feeling when you stare at the region chat for a good 10 minutes and no new message come out?

    it happens, a lot, in Oceania

    Actually, the reason regional chat is (was) quiet when there is no recruiting going on, is because the recruiters basically drove everybody who likes to just chllax away, due to not being able to get a friggin word in edgewise.

    Sometimes some of us would attempt to keep up a conversation, but having to keep scrollollolololing backwards and forwards through lines of LF and TAXi, and H  just got too difficult.

  13. Necromancy, but still valid.


    A few chat mods have tried to clean up Oceania chat now, bless them, but absolutely no luck in sorting it out.


    Please install a chat Kickbot as per the other regions.



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