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Posts posted by muzashi1963

  1. I'm with ACorpse on this.


    All the folks crying about the events in Oceania Regional Chat, are the ones ignoring the rules or who believe they have the right to do whatever they please, without consequence.


    The rules have not changed, they have been consistent since I started playing Warframe. There is no fault but your own in having totally disregarded the rules.

    Then some players have the audacity to complain when they have to relog after being kicked for disobeying the rules.


    Big deal.


    The moderators have the right to moderate in Oceania Chat (or any chat). DE would not have empowered them without ensuring their integrity, and from what I saw in the chat after the moderator made his presence known, a few of you are very lucky not to have blanket bans.


    People using the "we should be warned first" argument is so typically Oceania. 

    We'll do whatever the eff we want, ignore rules, spam chat, etc. Woe to the person that lets us know we are doing wrong.


    No wonder Oceania is largely ignored by DE. Who would set themselves up for such abuse?



    Some advice:

    1) Read the rules, or TnC (which you would have had to agree to, when you signed up)

    2) Stretch your fingers. Click on Recruiting and Trade. Post.

    3) Harden Up. Whingers and whiners are at most, embarrassing.


    Really easy. 


    and yes I edited my post to make it a little more lucid. I was tired and annoyed when I posted last night.

    that's my excuse and I am sticking to it.

  2. Just thought I would pop in and say HI. And thanks to the DE team for the game so far.


    Been playing for about 3 months, and as an "older" gamer, never thought that this would interest me. But I was wrong. Introduced to Warframe by a Clan member, who we nicknamed the "Tenno Ho" because he spent so much time on it, now the rest of us are hooked too.


    Says something about your Game DE.



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