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Posts posted by ----G----

  1. Je te laisse gérer l'économie d'énergie au déclenchement comme bon te semble. Pour le reste, voilà comment optimiser tes pouvoirs :

    1: durée max, portée max (si tu veux pouvoir atteindre des ennemis lointians)

    2: puissance max, portée max (pas le plus utile de ses pouvoirs, à toi de voir en fonction de ta façon de jouer)

    3: portée max, durée max

    4: portée max, durée > 100% (pour l'éco en canalisation) (les dégâts viendront majoritairement des ennemis, donc pas besoin de puissance)

    N'hésite pas à faire un tour sur le wikia, il y a toutes les infos dont tu as besoin pour faire tes builds en fonction de tes préférences et même quelques astuces complémentaires.

  2. At some point, I went on some kind of frenzy and bought the full Volt prime access. I got bored, however, and stopped playing for a while. Now I totally stopped buying stuff, instead I moderately enjoy grinding for stuff because sadly, there is currently (and I really hope this changes someday) no other goal in Warframe.

    In other words, spending money in the game felt like a double loss to me.

  3. With the cap. I am currently between 2 and 4 for one reason : I placed my lens on Nova P. So unless I manage to kill some enemies with my 2, which is never the case on Draco because Ash is all over the place, I can't get ANY focus.

    I think this is ridiculous. Any weapon and frame should be able to gain focus at the same rate (frames would gain 2x or 3x more than weapons so it would be more balanced). Having to KS in order to gain focus is just disgusting. When I first heard of these mechanics, it almost made me feel like I hindered people's progress whenever I killed a crowd of enemies, but the reciprocal was also true.

    So I decided that focus would not be mandatory to me and I don't pay attention to it anymore, because the way to get it is so opposed to the way I see this game, and I use it less and less in fights because I've chosen a path that is completely useless in missions anyway, apart from the 1 energy per second gain.

  4. Donc, voilà mes questions pour la communauté:

    Est-ce que j'ai raison d'estimer que ce genre d'attitude est malpolie ou bien est-ce que je m'offusque pour rien?

    Qu'est-ce que vous pensez de ce genre d'attitude?

    Que feriez-vous si vous vous retrouveriez confronté à une situation similaire dans Warframe ou un autre jeu?

    Est-ce que vous avez déjà été confronté à un joueur dans un jeu dont le comportement vous a paru inconvenant sans pour autant être simplement grossier/insultant?


    Manifestement, ce joueur aime bait (et si c'est pour recruter dans son clan, c'est très maladroit), donc tu devrais éviter d'y prêter attention, d'autant plus que tu précises que cette expérience t'a démotivé.

  5. Indeed, mods are important to learn early, but make sure not to throw too much info at them. If they don't like complexity in games, don't go too deep into details. Instead, just tell them core infos like mission goals and mod fusion. They will learn the rest with experience and ask you questions as they progress.

  6. It's not really a mystery if you paid attention.

    When you find exit the pod, you have to directly touch your frame to control it. Later on when the frame breaks the sword, it's the tenno themselves who push their power to the edge to mimic transference and control the frame without direct contact or aid from a machine


    It's stated a few times the Tenno don't have the ability to do it themselves and must rely on a machine, but (conclave guy forgot his name) hints that we are capable of more.


    It didn't seem like the link was very strong when the warframe divided War, so I tend to support this theory. After all, the stalker was about to strangle us when our warframe went "on" again. This, to me, was a reaction due to adrenaline : the Tenno's powers grew much stronger for a short time, so that they were able to control their warframe without physical contact.

  7. There's always a chance that your Kubrow will be Lotus, same for its breed, size, etc... it's just randomly generated. My guess is that every characteristic has a certain prevalence, and when you mix it with a different one, the one that you have the most chances to get in the end is the one which has the most prevalence. If that's the way it works, the Lotus pattern might be pretty low due to its rarity.

  8. Mais pour les Orokins je verrais plutôt une descendance d'un peuple asiatique (Japon ? Chine ?), en voyant les "traditions" comme les jardins et les décorations de dojo, ou les armes/cosmétiques tennos qui ont un style et un nom à sonorité asiatique.


    Mais si c'est le cas, pourquoi les noms des missions ont des noms en référence à la mythologie grecque ?


    Le "Tenno" est l'empereur Japonais pour ce que j'ai pu lire (ici).


    Pour ce qui est des noms de mission, j'y vois simplement d'une volonté des devs. À la limite, il y a peut-être quelque chose de caché dans la quête de Mirage ?

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