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Posts posted by Tellakey

  1. 37 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

    They probably just thought replacing one mundane system with another without using the opportunity to try something new just wouldn't be very exciting, hence the lore to follow and exclusive stuff to work towards. DE are an ambitious, experimenting bunch.

    Eh. As long as I get to make plans for my day and week in advance without having RNG snooze-and-lose nonsense coming out of nowhere to ruin them or make me regret having them, I'm happy.

    There's so many ways they could've retained the lore aspect of Nightwave without all the time-limited exclusives nonsense. For example, put the Wolf Armor on the store as an expensive, permanent item. Boom. Problem solved. You can still farm the boss for the hammer and whatnot and the chapters are still a thing.

  2. Simple fix to all our issues:

    Step 1. Remove alerts

    Step 2. Remove Nightwave ranks and exclusives

    Step 3. Every challenge provides you with X amount of credits wherewith to purchase the once alert-exclusives from the Nora store.

    Why couldn't DE just do that?


  3. 11 hours ago, Eis_Katze said:

    "Onkko: You have searched long and hard to find all my fish. Yet, your success was always known. Will you discover the secrets within them, the layer hidden? To honor your achievement, The Quills bestow this statuette upon you."

    According to the inbox message from Onkko, it's him actually. So that's like, first person evidence or something, right? XD

    The least credible type of evidence 😄 

  4. 8 hours ago, MrTitan123 said:

    The ropalolyst fight when she’s monologuing and giving her life’s story.

    Yea, so I wouldn't regard that as credible evidence since we don't know the mental state of Natah. It is clear to see in the Apostasy Prologue that the Lotus was somehow repressed by Ballas' trick, meaning there is a chance she did not transform into her current form of her own volition.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Eis_Katze said:

    Here, Thousand Year Fish statues for Unum.  

    " The being known by the Ostrons as 'the Unum', and to ignorant offworlders as 'the Wall', has a reputation for prophecy. Those wealthy enough to own moons have journeyed to Cetus, hoping to buy and audience. But the Unum has no use for wealth, and she alone decides who will hear her words, and when "



    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Cetus fragments narrated by Onkko? Meaning the information relayed in them is basically narrative? Like an adult telling a child about the local culture. I could be wrong, but I'm going through memory. If that is the case, however, it would negate any objectivity in referring to the Unum as a she as well as attributing any power or sentience to it.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Eis_Katze said:

    Hmm... can't find what I remember online, and I havn't played Fortuna ever since the last orb fight, and even then was prettymuch only running the fight and didn't need access to her much as I was well stocked with those stupid toroids enough.  

    However, did find off the fandom wiki quote segment her association with the quills was more just akin to a mercenary contract or obligation, so that explains why she isn't really a fan of her employers, assuming she even gets paid for it. And reading into her personalty and lines, the Quills (and by association, Unum's) ability to perceive future events seems to irk her as it undermines her own abilities and ideas of free thinking.


    Ugh, this is gonna annoy me, I know she mentioned it once! Don't like being considered a lair >.< Gonna keep searching.

    There's a difference between being a liar and misremembering 😉

    I don't think you are misremembering, though. Perhaps there is a quote about the Unum in Little Duck's archive.

    But from the way it sounds, the Unum might simply be a secret organization above the Quills. As to their seemingly supernatural capabilities, it could be anything from field intelligence to a technological artifact. Still, we don't have enough info.

  7. Ahh... I'm not sure you understand the concept of evidence. All the wiki does is say "maybe the Unum is X, it is probably Y" without stating why that would be the case. There is no reference in the wiki to anything ingame that might expand on the facts concerning the Unum. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Eis_Katze said:

    However, Little Duck also is part of the quills and mentions the Unum. This does have a tie in in that our operator abilities are, so far in regards to weaponizing our powers at least, something the Unum has a direct interest in. Not to mention, while we can't positively identify the Unum created the designs for the Amp pieces, we can imply this. And with that, we would expect the Unum to know a great deal about Sentient tech as both Eidolons are, and Orb mothers are derived from. They also seem to know how our void energy works given the connection needed between the two to weaponize our energy.


    I really want to know more about the Unum too, to visit the tower, would love to even see a link between Unum and the new Paradox world that got teased.

    Oh! Now we're going somewhere. What is the exact quote from Little Duck?

  9. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    They don't have to change everything if our new knowledge of the Unum remains just our own.

    True. I did think of it as a possibility. I just find it odd for us to know and not share it with the Ostron. But I guess it makes sense for the sake of the social fabric, much like the latest wave of self-professed secular Christians who admit they don't really believe in Jesus and whatnot, but act as if they do because they hold judeo-christian values as fundamental for western society.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    The only people who know more than mere speculation about the Unum are the Quills, and they aren't the chatty kind. (Or if they'd like to share their knowledge, would be hard to understand since their mind works differently, like Onkko's. That guy have a series case of spice poisoning 😃)

    I guess she (or it) is either a living orokin, or a mind of one, living in the Orokin tower as a cephalon or something like that. I like @Tellakey's idea, that the Ostron are thinking about them as their guardian, impersonating them like a primitive tribe. Living being or not, could have good or bad intentions, or maybe their way of thinking is so different they don't even think of good and bad as we do.

    But hard to discuss something with no certain knowledge. This is an interesting topic though, and I really hope we will get more info in the future!

    Indeed. I do find the topic itself intriguing, but I think DE treats the open worlds as separate instances of lore rather than inter-connective ones, which is why I doubt they'll ever expand on the Unum.

    Not to mention, discovering the truth behind the tower is detrimental to the Ostron culture. It's the ambiguity around it that maintains the religious belief toward it. Should DE ever expand on the Unum, they are also expected to update the Ostron dialogue and general attitude, which is highly unlikely since, again, PoE is, much like Fortuna, an isolated instance in the game. It does not evolve.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    Just read the link of this that I highlighted

    Which it got me thinking pretty hard why the Unum didn't leave the tower, which it is an evident the Unum needs the people to delay whatever the attention that try destroy the tower or capture it and killing them.  This is why its hard to trust the Unum even thou they did help us it doesn't mean is to trust them what they are.

    I just read it.

    Again, you have no evidence to support that the Unum is an entity or a "she". The wiki is total speculation.

  12. Mmmm well first we have to establish that the Unum is even alive. I'd say it's probably a lost piece of Orokin technology to whom the Ostron attribute sentience, much like a primitive tribe. I'm not familiar with any evidence implying it's an entity. What makes you believe it is?

  13. 12 minutes ago, CuChulainnWD said:

    I am not so sure. I agree with you up to a point. Continuing a pointless fight will work for a year or two on the surface, but the story must progress. Let's face it. Natah knows that the Tenno completed the Sentient objective, kill the Orokin. Mission done. The only reason I can see the war continuing beyond that is because Mommy does not like any life in the Sol system, must do the Dalek objective... EXTERMINATE!.

    That said, IF Natah realises she is still cherished by the Tenno, she may come around and aid us against her Mum, or she turns on us completely, and we kill her. Ludonarrative realised, fine... but, it would be so much more fulfilling to us and the game if a truly alien race decided to exterminate us all. Now that would be a new war worth sinking our teeth into, and perhaps unite the Sol system  factions.

    I just hope the Sentients have a really, really good reason to start this war beyond "Humanity bad, exterminate".

  14. 1 hour ago, CuChulainnWD said:

    This new war is rather pointless, in that the Tenno succeeded where the Sentients did not, killing the Orokin. Really the old war should be over. Whether we save or kill Lotus only time will tell. The Sentients were created to create a new world, which they wish to protect from the Orokin, unless their mandate changed to protect the Tau system from all life in the Sol system, who knows?

    It maybe possible that Natah/Lotus may reconcile their conflict when confronting the Tenno, Natah could end up being the ambassador of peace towards her Mother, or she could turn against her if the story leads us towards Natah/Lotus, showing her that we forgive her and want her back.

    Personally, I would like to see a conflict that eventually gets resolved, as a NEW truly ALIEN threat emerges that threatens both the Sol and Tau system. For once we might fight mobs that did not originate in the Sol system.

    I agree with you, but mechanically, I can't see this war ever ending, seeing as that would result in a ludonarrative dissonance wherein the Tenno battle the Sentients despite the war having gotten resolved. It's the same reason that the Grineer and Corpus will never be stopped.

  15. What about a third option?

    My assumption is that, based on previous quests, in the moment of truth we'll be presented with three options - Yin, Yang, Balance. I'd assume the first two would translate into kill or spare, but what about the third? Perhaps we can somehow preserve the Lotus? Put her to sleep without extinguishing her life force per se? 

    You also have to consider how this decision might translate into the future of the story. I doubt DE  would make multiple branching paths of lore depending on our choice, which leads me to believe the Lotus will either live or die regardless of our decision. There's also Rebecca heavily hinting (albeit somewhat sarcastically) that the Lotus is done for, which negates the possibility of preservation. Who knows.

    • Like 1
  16. You'd be surprised how quickly a huge chunk of platinum can deplete.

    I have never purchased Prime Access, only small packs like unvaultings and Tennogen. I have, however, made around 18k of plat via trading in my entire 6-7 years of playing Warframe. Before my current 9k plat, I had a previous 8k which I dropped almost completely by the end of half a year after farming for it. I only use them for cosmetics, rarely a resource booster (3 days), some forma bundles, slots, and the occasional foundry speed-up for new prime equipment. Half a year of that and I went from 8k to 1k.

    I'd say one of the most plat-consuming habits is Liset decorations. Since you want every corner to be covered by something you end up spending thousands of platinum over items that cost from 20 to 100.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, MrTitan123 said:

    According to Lotus herself, she was brainwashed or reprogrammed to care for us like a robo-nanny. When that was undone by Ballas, she returned to her old self, Natah. It only makes sense that while she is now a full sentient again, she still holds some sentimental value towards us, most likely a lingering fragment of her ‘conditioning’. If she gets over that and comes after us, yeah, I’d gladly put a few bullets in her. 

    However, if there is a way to save her, I would prefer that.

    Care to source that? I don't recall the Lotus, but current Natah 2.0, who is arguably under the influence of whatever Ballas did to her, stating similar things, but not Lotus of old. 

  18. Steve has specifically stated that Nightwave cosmetics are not exclusive. We still don't know how. I personally had enough of Nightwave by the time intermission started so I also missed out on the Eidolon Epehemera. I suppose it will eventually be added to the Tridolon drop list as rare loot. Wolf of Saturn Six, however, who knows.

  19. Not only, we've also got operator gunplay and horse riding.

    Buuut, I sure hope the implication of the Duviri Planes existing in another dimension does NOT mean we'll only get the adult look temporarily or exclusively in the planes themselves. Remember, many like the puberty stage of the operators, meaning a stark transition into adulthood might prove problematic for DE to satisfy the playerbase. Sure, we can always toggle, but I wonder how that's gonna work lore-wise.


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  20. On 2019-06-18 at 10:24 PM, (NSW)Kyroto said:

    Honestly, if you're sick of it don't do it. You should enjoy yourself with the game, instead of feeling like "Oh great, I have to do this mission..." I understand that the rewards are nice, but the goal of this is to give you a little bit of a challenge with your game play, such as getting 150 kills with a magnetic, or flame attribute weapon. It gives you a little more to do than just doing normal missions, and it also gives free rewards, for just taking 15 minutes out of your life to do the challenge, instead of farming for Prime stuff to sell for Platinum in order to buy say the accessory for like 75 plat, which would take much longer than 15 minutes. Honestly, I'd prefer to spend 15 minutes rather than a few hours to reach the same goal.

    While I completely abhor the "then don't do it" argument as totally clueless as to the nature of online video game exclusives, I gotta say - I stopped. I stopped playing, I stopped logging in. I just don't care anymore. The game has gone down the drain. I'm gonna check out for updates every now and then, but I'm practically quitting Warframe.

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