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Posts posted by Reactions_with_will

  1. Not sure if this only happens on Xbox, and i actually have reboot the entire console in oder to regain access the joy stick. I have also tried a mouse, and the mouse does work in the condition, but joy stick no longer functions at all, until the console is rebooted. Just reopening the game, doesn't work. It actually just happened while in the moding screen.

    Just in case it's system or controller dependent, im on the Xbox series s, and using the elite series 2 controller, and have a keyboard attached to it.

    I have also had it happen while browsing vendors inventory as well, oh and i think it also happened while browsing the codex

  2. Ok so since we can remap keywords and mice, it seems obvious that we don't need the ability menu anymore. As i have a keyboard attached to my controller, i have enough buttons to program anything I want. So the ability menu shouldn't be necessary, but for fishing it is. On console you have to hold the ability menu then select which category you want to activate. Either switch spears, select bait or throw bait. So even though my rb button is jump, the prompt says hold rb to select gear. Not sure why they had to mess it in the first place. I've never used the dang ability menu, so I've always had trouble programing all the  functions i need. And i hate having to switch button mappings just to do a specific task, then switch it back. The old system was perfect, once you select a spear then the gear wheel would switch to fishing gear. If they could add the ability menu to the program list for keyboards and mice, that would be great. I did find a similar function that was use selected ability, but that also brings up the gear wheel, but does let us interact with the gear. Also if they could add quick progress view in the ability menu, i could live with that. But the best case scenario is if they just add the ability menu to the keyboard function. And just to clarify for all the pc players, the ability menu is a real thing, but it only exists on console, because they realized that there just isn't enough buttons to program everything.

  3. It's perfectly fine to disagree with the promise, every player has different preferences, and different motivations. And it's surely not that uncommon for players to Want to find medallions as quickly as possible, and don't particularly enjoy searching. I like many other player am just collecting the medallions to be prepared for the new primes, not because i love searching. In fact I'd much rather spend my time running fissures and such. But throwing around insults just wasn't necessary and Also changed most of the discussions, to be about that. And what i was trying to say was that most online forms are just too toxic to get anything meaningful out of it. And it's boring and lame, and i think this community shouldn't suffer the same fate.

  4. 15 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Their claims weren’t wild at all, Zakkhar was dipping into toxicity (doing their usual thing), the fact you dropped in and took offence is strange, also nowhere did op use the word “community”.

    What do you mean, i dropped in and took offense to it ? Are you not realizing that i was was the one who created the post ? And they suggested that i lack so much skill, that i don't know how to look around for items ?

  5. 4 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    But, again, it wasn't multiple people. It was one person (doing their usual thing, alas).

    That doesn't make the community as a whole toxic.

    Back to the actual topic, some small buffs I wouldn't say no to (less cooldown on Air Support in general would be fine),
    but personally I do quite enjoy the hunt aspect when going after Medallions etc,
    having a tool that would just (moreso than it already does) take away that exploration bit ... dunno, feels like you'd lose something.

    (And "just don't use it then" doesn't really work, self-restraint is not my forte lol
    and making things artificially harder on yourself doesn't really feel good either.)

    Also i didn't mean That this community as a whole is toxic, i meant That online discourse is almost always toxic. Case and point, because i disagree with the premise, and think the tools work fine, let's call him a idiot and imply that he doesn't know how to look for things. And you also implied that i didn't even know That it's centered around the player, and That i didn't know that i should try to find better places to activate it. Surly you can see how this is unnecessary toxic right ? I am very familiar with the mechanics of the these tools. And know how to search, but checking every square inch of a huge map, isn't very efficient. And i don't actually enjoy searching for things like that. It's great that you enjoy That, and you can opt to search any way you want.

  6. 3 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    But, again, it wasn't multiple people. It was one person (doing their usual thing, alas).

    That doesn't make the community as a whole toxic.

    Back to the actual topic, some small buffs I wouldn't say no to (less cooldown on Air Support in general would be fine),
    but personally I do quite enjoy the hunt aspect when going after Medallions etc,
    having a tool that would just (moreso than it already does) take away that exploration bit ... dunno, feels like you'd lose something.

    (And "just don't use it then" doesn't really work, self-restraint is not my forte lol
    and making things artificially harder on yourself doesn't really feel good either.)

    To put it the simplest way,  letting us farm more efficiently isn't a bad thing.

  7. Just now, Venus-Venera said:

    don't understand your logic. Do you like the missions, so play them? because missions don't disappear.
    but for you it seems to be about reward? So do you prefer the reward?

    Yes i liked running the missions every week, but since they have removed the archon shards, there really isn't a reason to run them every week.

    I would actually like to see this shard be a choice, either get it from bird 3 or chipper. So once you grab it from either place, then it would be gone from both vendors.

  8. 12 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Please direct your criticism to the single person that disagreed with you,
    don't include innocent / fictional others in your wild claims about toxicity.

    It wasn't about someone disagreeing with me. It was about people saying either it's a skill issue, or have i tried to look around.

  9. I think you guys totally misunderstood the purpose here. It's not that i can't find them without the use of these tools, it's that im trying to be as efficient as possible. As im running syndicate missions almost every day, and trying to find we many as possible, in the least amount of time as possible. But instead some of you guys just want to abide by the boring rule, That every online forum must be toxic. Which I'm just not interested in, you guys keep trying to make everything toxic, but i will not engage with it, thanks im good. Instead I will just focus on asking the Devs to make implementations to make the game more efficient.

  10. I think the cooldown for the orokin eye could be reduced a bit, and possibly increase the range.

    As for the golden instinct, please make it so it actually adds a icon just like the orokin eye does. Or maybe make it add a yellow circle, so it would narrow the search a bit more. As right now it seems to stop way short sometimes. And sometimes it actually points in directions, that has nothing left in the area.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Uhm ... I thought this was about having LESS icons cluttering up the screen? :P

    And sorry, but I never really had trouble differentiating between Alchemy and ammo drops, what with the bright glow on the former and all.

    Yes and about item clutter on the floor as well.

  12. As mentioned here

    When wwe're running alchemy and distribution, icon clutter can make it a lot more difficult to find the keys or elements. So the idea is that, we should have a slider to hide map icons within x meters of the player. Probably 10 meters would be perfect. Also as mentioned in the video, ammo drops should be drawn to each other within x meters of each other. So that would also reduce icon clutter, and pickup clutter. As we are trying to pick up the element, it gets really confusing when it's hiding in a cluster of ammo drops. Also the elements should have the symbols actually show while on the floor, instead of just the color. Just like the distribution keys, as with those you can look at the key before picking it up, and clearly see which conduit it goes in.

  13. 16 hours ago, ominumi said:

    Dojo needs a Foundry. That's it. Relic station isn't needed. Helmith chair not needed. Market console is avoidable. Just allow the Foundry to be privately accessible by individual player.

    Well what i was meaning is that, building a dojo is expensive. Each room costs resources and formas to build. But i think in the dorm, they should let us build Feely, without any cost, and 0 build times, so it would be something That newer players could do, and actually have some fun building things. And adding a assets. Like for instance, adding navigation and foundry. Then add the arsenal, then perhaps add portals to our favorite vendors. I think this would be the best option, and probably the easiest. And hopefully the portal could take us right next to the vender.

  14. it would be much appreciated if we could add special vendors to this area, and set it to home base. and of course have a navigation console, and everything else the ship has. or better yet perhaps we could build our own home base? Just like we do with dojo. except i think it should be a lot easier to build a home base then a dojo. so newer players could have fun with props and setting everything up the way they want. and we could have a portal That launches us back into the ship, if we need something from there. and i think the ship should have a portal that launches us back to the dormazone, so the two would feel connected. so i would want the vender from iron wake, and also perhaps we could just have portals that sends to venders that we select.. so we add a portal then select what vender we want it to take us to. so perhaps bird 3, chipper, and iron wake to get those riven mods. you guys wanted to more with the dormazone so i think this is it.

    • Like 1
  15. On 2024-04-13 at 10:25 PM, Enjin3 said:

    DE had everything they needed to make Kahl missions awesome, not the least being all of that great Sentient inspired artwork. I've never seen anyone in any endeavour s*^% the bed so hard with the implementation that what we ended up with. I quit Warframe entirely after trying to bear with a few Kahl missions & have only very recently returned now that they're no longer even remotely relevant.

    I'll never know how many people quit rather than deal with the era of Kahl missions, but I have to imagine it was significant.

    well i actually liked the idea of having to find things and complete different objectives during the same mission. although quite a few of the challenges was just way to annoying.

    • Like 1
  16. Ok so I've written everything down from the hidden mastery website, and i wasn't missing anything at all. And i used the codex to make sure, everything was actually listed there and had been leveled. So what i did was just searched for prisma for example and then just checked everything off. Then i typed in wraith, etc. So that's a pretty efficient way to cross check. So the only ones i was actually missing was the ones you get from running the narmer bounties. Very cool, and Thanks for all the helpful feedback. And maybe de could help to simplify the process of discovering hidden items.

    Maybe they could add a setting for people who want spoilers, then it would just show everything.

  17. 4 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

    DE has made the decision to hide a few items from profiles because they aren't accessible most (or all) of the time or is a spoiler of some sort, and rather than leave players with an item in their profile that they can't get (and who knows when/if they'll return) they just hide them from the profile.

    An example of this is the founder gear, which will never return, so why have it on peoples profiles?
    Excalibur Umbra is hidden to avoid spoilers.
    The dex weapons are hidden because they are only obtainable during the anniversary periods.
    Invasion weapons aren't listed IIRC.
    And so on.


    This was caused bay a rather vocal part of the playerbase complaining that they can't complete their profiles because a lot of gear wasn't accessible and wouldn't be for a while, so DE hid things to shut them up...and it has largely worked.

    I can definitely see what you mean about founders items, and things That i could never actually get. That part is totally fine, and i Also get the part about spoilers, but i think we need a better system so we wouldn't have to find a list of hidden items elsewhere. And i think i may have an idea, there could be just black boxes in place of hidden items that they could actually aquire, and hovering over said boxes would give the player a hint, how to aquire such items. Like completing quests, or reach a certain rank in a syndicate. That would be a great thing for people, who may want to unlock everything so they can make complete lists.

  18. 6 hours ago, quxier said:

    IMHO, what we need for profile to show every, even hidden gear (e.g. quest weapons). Afair profile doesn't show some stuff unless you own them.

    As you are soon l4 you probably know that you can sort via progress. At the end there will be not maxed gear.

    Yes im definitely aware That you can sort by progress. But if certain items aren't listed then sorting isn't gonna help you find those items.

  19. So i was making lists of everything i still needed to get, by going to my profile and checking equipment. But i ended getting a blueprint for something that wasn't in the equipment list. So im wondering if I have a complete list or not. Im getting close to hitting legendary rank 4, so this issue is incredibly important. We definitely need maybe a refresh button, or something to run a check and make sure every single mastery item is listed in the players profiled. And also we definitely need a search button when looking through the equipment.

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