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  1. People seem to be referencing 2 slightly different problems here, and I have now experienced both: ∙ One seems more like a quality-of-life issue than a proper bug. Trying to leave the water, jumping-out animation begins but then drops you back in the water. You can trigger this out in the middle of the water, where the surface should act like just an invisible wall. If you go hunt down a proper exit ramp, you should get fully surfaced. I have this problem consistently, and I find some ramps are a bit fiddly on exactly where you must position. ∙ The other is a game-breaking bug. You try to exit the water via a ramp and get frozen in place. Your movement, gun fire, zooming, and abilities are all completely non-functional. Your only agency is turning the camera. Your warframe will still pick up loot from things dying close enough to you. If you die and get revived, you will still be stuck. If someone else tries to exit at the same spot, they will get stuck too. The only "solution" I found, so far, is to wait for everyone else to leave. After you get host (or maybe just after switching to any other host?), everything returns to normal.
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