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Posts posted by Feltal

  1. On 9/3/2017 at 7:38 AM, Tangent-Valley said:

    Old Title: "Did the Razorbacks just take a nearly 10 percent hit in 5 hours?"

    I went to sleep sometime around 2:00 - 2:30 (Central Time), and the Razorbacks had 58.8% health or so...

    Now it's 7:30 (Central Time), and they have 49.4%.

    What did I miss? Did the Third-shift part 2 Crew seriously, like, come in or something and attack this thing THAT MUCH in the time I tried to sleep? It barely took this much of a hit on the First Day, when the starting 3 Mission rush happened...

    I don't know...something about this Rush in the dead of night before morning just seems way too fishy...



    Keeping track of times and numbers now, just to show this odd Rush's rate:

    (Times taken in Central Time Zone)

    7:30am = 49.4%     |     7:48am = 49.0%     |     8:01am = 48.7%     |     8:15am = 48.3%

    8:30am = 48.1%     |     8:45am = 47.7%


    (Switching to half-hour updates after this. Got things to do after all. But seriously, keep an eye on this, folks. It seems WAY too suspicious how quickly this is going.)


    9:00am = 47.4%       |      9:30am = 46.6%

    10:00am = 45.9%     |     10:30am = 45.2%

    11:00am = 44.5%     |      11:30am = 43.8%

    12:00pm = 43.0%     |     12:30pm = 42.3%

    1:00pm = 41.6%       |       1:30pm = 40.9%

    2:00pm = 40.2%       |       2:30pm = 39.4%

    3:00pm = 38.7%       |       3:30pm = 38.0%

    4:00pm = 37.3%       |       4.30pm = 36.6%

    5:00pm = 35.9%       |       5:30pm = 35.2%

    6:00pm = 34.5%       |       6:30pm = 33.8%

    7:00pm = 33.1%       |       7:30pm = 32.6%

    8:00pm = 31.8%       |       8:30pm = 31.0%

    9:00pm = 30.5%       |       9:30pm = 29.8%

    10:00pm = 29.2%     |      10:30pm = 28.5%

    (At this point things started to get interesting, only reaching 1.3% Health Decay per hour, but sadly, I had to take a break from it and Sleep.)

    8:00am = 16.4%       |       8:30am = 15.8%




    As you've probably have noticed, there's a nearly perfect 1.4% Health Decay every hour. This is CLEARLY on an Auto-Decay program, no doubt about it now. DE has rigged this Event to prevent the destruction of the Relay. =__=


    Another Edit:
    Look. I'll admit, I am a little upset DE did this...but if they actually acknowledge later that they made a mistake, be it overestimating the number of people who would play/farm the event, or the very important "Must not be Destroyed" location of the Larunda Relay, and that they had to rig the Razorback's health pool to fix it, then I'll honestly forgive them for it.

    They've always rigged these events, don't you think it's just mighty convenient all platforms have a low, medium, and high rank relay?

  2. 15 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    You could have saved a whole lot of time and wrote "make auction house" instead of going into detail.

    It has been suggested about a thousand times and shot down (even by DE) every time.  They either do not want to waste time building trade chat into something convenient or its already on their to-do list and we'll just have to wait and see what happens.  

    Maybe the marketplace area in PoE will have some player-based interactions for buying/selling.  Otherwise, give up the dream, its not getting any better.

    No the issue is everything would become so devalued because some people have an immense amount of prime parts, essentially the market only exists because it's a hassle to sell things. If the hassle did not exist and that veteran could just type in "275 sets of Loki prime for __" it would be an endless undercutting war and everything would be worth nothing. Either undercut war or that veteran player already has tens of thousands of plat and doesn't care, puts items up for 1 plat etc. 

    DE already go to great lengths to keep the economy alive as is with Baro, this would destroy it. I say No as well.

  3. I finished my 10th synthesis for the anti moa research entry for Simaris, and right after I scanned it before the standing popped up on screen I extracted because it was that close. Simaris said "visit me for your reward" but it still says 9/10 and I can't get another anti moa target to spawn even after relogging and trying changing the current target. It is broken to a state where I cannot finish it now no matter what I do. I've even waited several days because I submitted this as a support ticket but there was nothing they could do.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Alphas said:

    You essentially just get an extra warframe slot at that point.  If you already have them, just delete the frame and weapons and enjoy the accessories if you bought them.

    I wouldn't do that, I would keep the extra frames in case you want to try a different build and the polarities you have on your main one don't match up, then you can have two very different builds on the same frame easily.

  5. 7 hours ago, Noktin said:

    Hello. Any chance to get any of the following bugs fixed?

    • Operator and pets: if pets get downed while you are in operator mode, they just die and you can't revive them for duration of the mission. In kuva flood kuva guardians oneshot my kavat with 611 armor and 8974 health, so once I'm entering operator mode, I can say farewall to my cat;
    • Index UI: time left indication is hidden if "Overlay map" is chosen or if you just press "M" to switch mimimap position;
    • Minimap position (Overlay map) resets to top left after "leave/stay" screen to default position. I find it more convinient for me to use minimap in right side of screen and has appropriate setting on, so why does it reset? Same for UI in "infested salvage" mode: stations health gets lost after "leave/stay" screen and player usually needs to reset it by pressing M (changing minimap mode) twice;
    • Quick rewards screen (Tab) does not work for AW mode and Titania's Razorwing;
    • Missing booster icon from rare containers for non-host;
    • Kuva amount is hidden in mods section until one selects riven mod. Either show it or hide endo too.
    • Crafting: reduce amount of owned blueprints by one after crafting process has been started. (ex. I have 2 BPs of forma, I craft it and when it's built it still shows I have 2 BPs. I press "claim" and suddenly it becomes 1 BP. It's confusing.)
    • Mirage and Zenistar. Aren't Mirage's doppelgangers supposed to copy all things she do? When Mirage releases Zenistar's disk, then casts "Hall of Mirrors" and then does charged attack, Zenistar's disk returns to player, while doppelgangers throw 4 disks.
    • Sprint detection: holding shift while standing still will break Ivara's Prowl;
    • if you're holding sprint key as operator and you jump, you need to press and hold sprint key again after jump to "continue" sptinting.
    • Bald operators: if you hold 5, operators spawn as bald. Same when they return to warframe.

    As per https://forums.warframe.com/topic/765831-pets-ui-operators-sprint-detection-bugs-annoying-as-fieldron/#comment-8460615

    Also if you entered Mesa's peacemaker with your sidearms out and get downed while you're in it you have your primary out while down.

  6. 2 hours ago, desdendelle said:

    New UI is terrible; all of the affected UI looks like the UI my grandpa uses - upscaled up to eleven because he's a bit old and has bad eyes.

    Here are pictures, as examples.

    Edit: running on 1920x1080.

    Don't you hate how the overlay map obscures your vision when you explore a lot of the tileset? I use it and always have but it just sucks since TWW..

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