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Posts posted by Feltal

  1. 2 hours ago, [DE]Saske said:

    Hey Tenno! Thank you for the report, we are looking into the interaction between Magus Revert and Magus Lockdown.

    The more prominent issue with this exploit is the use/abuse of a macro enabling you to void dash unrealistic amount of times which otherwise wouldn't humanly be possible are not condoned.

    Are scroll wheels banned now?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    The question is why does it has to be this way? Why is it that warframe clans fails to achieve their purpose?

    Because DE doesn't do clan leaderboard events anymore and turned off Dark Sectors four years ago and haven't brought them back. I too long for clans to be something more than a friends list, market, and decoration simulator

  3. I agree. The new system added more layers of unnecessary grind that gets staler than just hopping right into a void mission with a key. It's also much more selfish since you can't share keys. Each prime release means back to square one farming what are essentially keys again when before we could stock up keys. The hundreds of relics is also super convoluted.

    I went from a player who only farmed prime parts everyday to one who doesn't farm prime parts at all.

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  4. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    I kinda Wonder what Support's Fix will be

    Obviously they can't change the game to use 64bits

    will they simply set your Credits to 0?

    set you to +2,147,483,647 so you can risk overflow again?

    perhaps some random high number in-between?



    Probably set him to 2 billion?

  5. 3 hours ago, CarrotSalad said:

    I think its a great idea.. It adds a new type of dynamic to consider as taking something with wide aoe has a side effect of hurting your ability to spot targets at different ranges whom are still a threat.

    Also if the particle effects bother you, you can Turn it down or off in all versions of the game. Or also just change the weapons energy color to black.

    Trust me I have all forms of particles as low as possible. Such a good way to get people to admire your GPU particles.

  6. The "Use abilities on selection" = off option often has oversights like this so this is another (happy zephyr doesn't work with this option on). If I press my use ability key I've assigned it does not charge the blood ball. This makes Garuda's 1 useless for a whole control scheme, and I'd like to believe I'm not the only one who still uses an ability activate key.

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