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Posts posted by HailDropDevil

  1. 1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

    "So a veteran with too much weight on his shoulders. That helps your case too."

    He nodded, and heavily sighed. "Yeah. Sure." He had sat there silently, recollecting his thoughts. Before he knew it, he had closed his eyes. The same tormenting vision of the Stalker haunted his mind. He opened his eyes abruptly, and glanced around him.

    'Still a cell.' He thought. As usual, he was in minor shock.

  2. 6 hours ago, LordOfScrugging said:


    That new player experience

    YESSS. xD Thank you for this.

    18 hours ago, TheMetrocop said:

    please elaborate how that works

    because the little mermaid was better

    Just think about it. Simba could be Excalibur, and Mufasa would be Rhino. Scar could be the Stalker, since he's full of treachery and hate. I assume the Lotus would be Rafiki, and Mag would play Sarafina.

    But, y'know, just an idea.

  3. 20 hours ago, 321agemo said:

    Man you have my condolences. My facial hair does not permit me to have a fully grown beard that wouldn't make me look like a complete idiot.


    So when are we roasting that friend of yours? *brings the torch*

    We'll roast him as soon as the Kubrows mature. They will be a...valuable asset.


    15 hours ago, shadowfire380 said:

    At least you can grow a beard. My father had the worst genes when it came to facial hair and I seem to have inherited all of them. My choices are either no beard or comb over beard because the huge patch missing on one side combined with a stripe down the middle missing as well just looks weird.

    My father only managed to grow a walrus mustache despite the other Scottish-Irish (Scottish and Irish, not Scotch-Irish), men in the family. Surprisingly, I managed to grow mutton chops.


    *Cries in corner*

  4. (Yes, I have a beard. Not a stubble, a beard.)

    So it's about 6:40 in Dublin, Ireland right now. I live with two other guys, in a nice field. For some reason one of my roommates, Sean, decides to shave half of my beard off. He didn't even have a reason for it. He just picked up some bloody scissors and said: "Ey, lemme just shave off your S#&$e real quick."

    I just really had to vent.

    I look like Sal Vulcano from Impractical Jokers now.

  5. On 11/21/2016 at 9:13 AM, Denny2669 said:

    "Yeah, the Stalker just loves sending love letters..." she muttered "You're in neutral space, it's almost like a relay. The Stalker can't even set foot in here, unless it'd be to be judged. So don't worry, and try not to sound crazy. Especialy not infront of the judge."

    "Yeah, real encouraging..." Most of the time his PTSD would give him a splitting headache. Unfortunately, being a Tenno with that condition would serve as a confusing handicap. "It's tiring, at this point. Having to deal with the Stalker almost every time I'm on the battlefield can make someone go mad. Dealing with PTSD is difficult. I have to relive the moment most of my friends were slaughtered because of the Stalker. I have to relive the moment the Stalker held up War to my throat, severely wounding me, and leaving me to die. I suppose that's why I sound crazy. I'm just tired. That's all." 

  6. Another unsuccessful attempt to escape in an elevator rendered Angus with a minorly cracked helmet, and a bloody face. At this point, he knew resistance was futile. He was rendered unarmed with all his weapons displayed on a table, a Corpus soldier nonchalantly watching over it. He was bruised and battered all over, one leg damaged to the point that he was limping after his most recent altercation. Part of him wanted nothing more than to throw himself onto the seat in the cell, but part of him wanted time to slow down. An agitated Corpus guard saw Angus slowing down, and pushed the Loki ahead.

    Finally, they reached the cell. The warden entered a code, and the cell doors opened. A blast of cool air reminded Angus to stay alert. He knew anything could happen, something a Tenno should always be mindful of. The guards threw him into the cell, and his last sight of freedom was blocked out, and replaced with taunting doors. He looked around him. Barred windows that displayed a cold land of ice, and water. Otherwise, blank walls, until he saw an inscription below a...digital wall clock? He ran a shaky hand along the inscription while reading it. Corpus language. All he could read was 'Nuisance' and 'Put to death'. He sat down rather fast. There were 3 sections on the clock, so hopefully it meant there was plenty of time before he was put to death. 

  7. 6 hours ago, samuelx43a said:

    yah, thats what i read from the wiki.


    i quote: Due to their durability, Wardens can be tough to face head-on, which may make rescuing the hostage difficult. However, they are highly vulnerable to Stealth Attacks, taking +1600% or effectively 16x more damage, therefore one can usually be killed in a single hit despite their durability"

    Ah, okay. To be honest, I like the fights without the stealth sometimes, excluding rescue, because I have to stress about retrieving the hostage before they're executed. Otherwise, I like the shootouts, and melee opportunities. Stealth executions are fun to watch though. 

  8. Angus was currently being escorted to a lower level in the complex. A wave of uncertainty flooded the minds of the five guards that walked in front, behind, and at his sides. For one reason or another, a warden was also with him. He seemed confident, boasting heavier armor and a rifle.

    The Loki made one last attempt to break free. He pushed one guard back, and quickly turned around and forced his shackles around another's neck. It didn't do much, other than forcing the warden to jab a metal object sparking with electricity into the Loki's spinal region. He fell on impact, but was forced up and ordered to keep walking. The soldiers now seemed in an understandable effort to hurry up.

  9. On 11/6/2016 at 2:24 PM, Denny2669 said:

    "The Stalker?" she asked "Maybe you have PTSD after an encounter? Remember, we could use that."

    He jumped at the name, probably involuntarily. "He's still tracking me. Everyday I see him...everywhere I go. He won't leave me alone." He began having, what seemed to be, a panic attack. "You have to let me out of here. He could appear at any second..."

  10. |Here, the first chapter shall begin. Here is the starter.|

    -Incoming Mission Briefing From the Lotus, Operator-

    Tenno, you are needed on Jupiter. A Loki by the name of Angus has been captured by Corpus troops and is currently being held in a heavily guarded complex. From the information that we have now, he will be executed. He is currently being hunted by the Stalker. If Corpus troops do not execute him soon, the Stalker will stop at nothing to find Angus, and kill him. Tenno, find Angus, and escort him out the complex safely. He will be questioned later. Be quick. He is a Tenno in need.


    Operator, please be aware that other Tenno may be in the complex. You can go alone, but finding Angus working together would be *Less work for me saving you from those mangy robots* much easier.


  11. 6 hours ago, samuelx43a said:

    ho! i can join dis. looks interesting!

    Name:He refers himself as hunt, and for more personal companions he's refered as samuel.His codename is sigma


    Physical aspect:With a modest 172cm, sam wasn't the tallest tenno around, but he thinks that he's ok with the stature. his skin is of a white tone, as he descends from families of the north old european earth.He's got fair hair, fair sideburns and a slight redhead beard(IRL aparently my mum was slightly redhead when she was born, so yipee for my genetics)His eyes have a blue color. he has a somewhat of a stocky build.

    Personality descs:being gifted with bilinguism as a kid, he was able to talk in the street like any other, however in his house he was also able to speak like his parents. of course, not everything in his life was awesome. he was bullied a bit at a young age for being different, and a radically different personality from them.Other than that, he's very grateful to his parents and will always try to visit them whenever possible. he thinks that family is very important.He didnt have many friends, but those relationships have become very solid over the years, and he's pleased about it.He's a friendly and respectful person, having good people skills, and highly sociable. this has hurt him sometimes, due to opening himself too much, but he'll give it a shot none the less.Also, never been with a female. one of his goals is to get an awesome companion for the rest of his life.

    He suffers a very mild, but still noticable, dyslexia and dyspraxia. which is why he didnt choose ash(highly reliant on co-ordination).

    just like his parents, he found himself natural in the water, so he chose hydroid.

    quirks:will not hesitate to use puns. you can comically threaten him.loves the designation x43a. loves gadgets. he appears to also like animals. and while he reselbles a pirate, he doesnt act like one. he does love doing the accent for it though


    weapons a boltor prime(never had one, but voy i'd like one. his ever reliable lex prime, with various accesories(like a silencer :D)as for his melee he chose the ack and brunt, because bonking enemies with a shiald is fun.


    hope this is accepted

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