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Posts posted by HailDropDevil

  1. 3 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    Seeking Fury is a nightmare mod. You can get it from nightmare missions on Phobos, Jupiter, Ceres, Saturn, Void, and Europa. It is seriously a good mod, especially for the Tigris. The punch through makes your shots more effective against crowds (which are the Tigris series weakness) and gives them a decent reload speed buff (also a critical weakness of the Tigris series).

    Thank goodness. I hate having to switch to my melee frequently to slice through crowds. Thanks for the help.

  2. 1 minute ago, Insizer said:

    The Tigris needs a good deal of compensation mods to make it really usable. Seeking Fury helps out a lot (frankly, I'd say it was designed for the Tigris series). My Tigris build centers around usability, and having 4 shots per mag really does the job. For that I use a max Ammo Stock and a lvl 1 Burdened Magazine (maybe it was lvl 2, whichever one provides just enough magazine size buff to get to 4 shots). Yes, Burdened Magazine does increase the reload time, by a little, but I figure that magazine size divided by reload time is more important than reload time.


    Didn't think anyone would actually respond. Did you happen to find Fury in a specific place, or was it a reward in a specific mission? Still adjusting to the drop rate since 2014, so bear with me.

  3. I definitely agree with this. Since I'm taking a break from my current quest, I've been relentlessly hunting for resources. I prefer stealth, because my Warframe is Loki. Basically, the reinforced hum is my only reason for farming sometimes. 

  4. I've been playing Warframe for a good while now, and I've been doing quite well. My loadout is:

    Warframe: Loki

    Primary, Secondary, and Melee (in that order): Tigris, Akvasto, and Dual Ether (with the Crossing Snakes stance)

    Now, I'm not saying that I'm not content with my loadout. I just want to know if anyone thinks there's certain mods that can improve them. I already have the Hellfire mod equipped for my Tigris.


  5. 1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

    "It always is." she replied "I had worse cases. One time, my client literarily started crying in the court, asking to see his mommy. Ended up shortening his sentence though."

    "Even in death his shadow looms over me..." He looked suddenly at a wall, but nothing was there. "There he is! No...there he is..." The Loki apparently saw something that wasn't there. He started swinging his shackled fists.

  6. 8 hours ago, Cvrellia said:

    Hmm, this is fairly new and I'm pretty new to the WF roleplay forums and I like the idea of it. So what the heck, I'll join. Do hope this is ok. If not, it's fine. Worth a shot though. 

    Name: Taighlaré Lanos

    Race: Tenno; Saryn

    Physical Description: Tai is a moderately tall woman at 182 centimeters. Her skin is a light mocha tan. Her build is toned, but on the curvy side. Ai's wavy hair is the color of dark chocolate, ranging to mousy brown in some lights. It reaches down to her hips. She has genetic defeat in her eyes caused by heterochromia, inherited from her mother, and causes the left to be blue and the right to be violet. Most of the time, it's not very noticeable because the shades are similar in darker lighting. 

    Mental/Personality Description: Calm and collected are best to describe the female. It's hard to piss her off or make her feel pressured. Her mental state is relatively normal, however, she did suffer severe depression in her awkward teen years as result of events in her childhood. Honesty and loyalty are key components to her and some of the most important things she values. She is blunt in nature and just as brutally honest with people. It's a gift and a curse. It doesn't help that her expression is a cold, unreadable one to strangers and her tone of voice just as cold. For the most part, she can seem apathetic. She has a protective wall built around her, she does not trust easily. Tai is serious when need, but has her playful moments with those she is close to. With about anyone that shows interest though, she is a very flirtatious being. No one said the female was exactly shy or modest. Ai is not exactly a team player, her sportsmanship is not up to par as she is more of an independent worker. This doesn't mean she won't play nice with others, she's competent young woman. She is a much better listener than speaker, Tai will always put her loved ones and comrades first. She's reliable in that way.

    Preferred weapon loadout: Daikyu, or Vectis for "jobs" with a silencing mod, Dual Toxocysts, she will also commonly switch them out of the Pox, and Nikana. Orange and white, athletic, female Chesa Kubrow by the name of Valliselua, Valli or Lu for short.

    Bio: Tai was born to a fairly wealthy man and an unknown woman, someone she can only guess she inherited most of her physical traits from. Her father always compared them. When she was an infant, her mother left her behind. Her father fell into depression and as she age, got involved with alcohol. Often he blamed her for her mother's leaving. She does not have very positive family views nor childhood memories and they were abusive ones. Her father died of alcohol poisoning when she was ten. It was about two years later an assassin connected with the Steel Meridian that she finally knew affection. His name was Ceirsi Lanos and took the girl in as his own. He taught her what she knows and Tai grew from that. As she got older, she ended up becoming involved with the Lotus and became a Tenno. Though because of personal decisions, she is now, in rough terms, a Tenno assassin for hire-more so for the Lotus or Steel Meridian. Mainly, she takes "jobs" from the Steel Meridian and any contracts from the Lotus that need to be taken out. Once in a great while, she'll team up with other Tenno for rescue missions. 

    |Accepted! Welcome aboard.|

  7. 4 hours ago, RoxasVedeath said:

    Sounds interesting. I'm joining. 

    Name: Grey Borealis.

    Race: Tenno, Limbo.

    Physical Description: Grey is a man of short stature, standing at the height of approximately 155 centimetres. He has black hair of shoulder length. His eyes are of a black color. He has a scrawny build.

    Mental/Personality Description: Grey is a shy person, often being in passive and quiet behaviors. He frequently shows signs of nervousness when around people, such as speaking in a quiet tone and stuttering a lot. He constantly worries if he's being an actual help to the squad and not a liability if he's in one. Grey is also a benevolent person, if a teammates needd any help, he'll probably be coming towards them to assist.

    Preferred weapon loadout: Grey prefers using an Amprex, the Pox and the Atterax.

    Bio: Grey was born into a middle-class family, and was a very shy kid. He didn't have any friends, so he had lots of trouble making them. He would often be seen alone, just thinking and staring at something. That trait of his carried on to his older years. At some point in his life, he had decided to become one of those Tenno mercenaries for the reason he didn't want his parents to keep on supporting him so they would have credits for themselves. And also because he felt it was his turn to support them as well as because he didn't really know of any other job that would be like this. He became one of these mercenaries, and made his way up a bit.

    |Now we're talking! Totally accepting this. Welcome aboard!|

  8. 11 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

    "Well... there goes your innocence..." the lawyer commented "But we can still say what we planned earlier. A couple of lies and you're out of trouble and feeding your Kubrow in no time."

    Angus sighed. "I just...lost it. It's hard to live up to high expectations." He shifted his stiff legs, wincing when he moved his neck. "I'm sorry, if I seem so doubtful about all this, ma'am. This is just...scary."

  9. 50 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    "That you were caught red handed over a corpse of a grineer and about to kill the next, and several grineer were needed to put you down."

    "Well...the whole thing wasn't really an accident. I knew the Grineer soldier. He was always taunting me, insulting me, just because I'm a Tenno. He'd say things like 'Tenno scum', and all that. I couldn't stand it, but I kept my cool for a while. That day, on the staircase, he started following me. Almost like he wanted to pick a fight, and...I just lost it. I threw him down that staircase, and then I killed him." He was shaking in a somewhat violent manner. "I don't know what came over me."

  10. 35 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    "That's why you'll leave most of the talking to me. If they ask you something, take deep breaths and let me handle it. If you can't help it, make a show. Maybe seeing how easy you can freak out will make them assume you're not exactly right in the head, and therefore shorten or even remove your sentence."

    The Loki attempted at controlling his breathing, but the pain in his head manifested. He slammed the shackles into the wall, his blood boiling. "I used to be trusted. Now I'm in here, a cell, in shackles. Like an animal." He sat in silence for a few minutes, before glancing at the shackles around his feet. "If I may ask, do you believe we'll win this case?"

  11. 16 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    "Of course. People like us, who don't have such void powers, seem to be just waiting for opportunities like these to stick it up to you Tenno. Not me though, that would be against my job." she said with a smile. "Besides, that mistake of yours had caused someone's death. But don't worry, it's still just that, a mistake. And mistakes can be forgiven, if understood correctly."

    "See, that's the thing. What if I say the wrong things? What if I panic out there?" His head felt like it would split in two.

  12. 5 hours ago, ShrimpOverlord said:

    Name: Layla Ward

    Race: Tenno, Nyx

    Physical Description: A bit short, standing at 1.65 meters tall. She has shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. She is a bit chubby, but still healthy-looking.

    Mental/Personality Description: Layla is pretty normal, with no notable mental conditions, although she isn't that much of a nice person either. She's rude, doesn't really care about others, she's spoiled, and will mostly act before thinking. But she still has a bit of a nice side, even behind all of that.

    Preferred weapon loadout: Tigris Prime, Vaykor Marelok, and a pair of Fangs.

    Bio: Layla Ward was born to a rich family, living their normal lives in a small town. But it all changed after a raid by a small of elite Grineer who were hunting down a wanted Tenno. They wrecked the town as they searched for him, killing people who didn't know anything about him and torturing those who did for no reason at all. When they finally realized that he wasn't there, they left it, but not without taking any casualties; both of Layla's parents were murdered, leaving her alone with her brother. She moved in with her aunt, leeching off her, stealing money from her, and being a major $&*^head, until her aunt finally decided to kick her out. Angry and annoyed, Layla decided to take the mercenary life.

    |Accepted! Waiting on two more people to send applications, and we should be good to go!|

  13. 19 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

    "See? Perfect! Details like that are just what we need." she said "I think we have enough, but anymore you can recall would help. You're gonna be fine."

    Angus tried at the shackles again. "It's just scary, you know? I'm supposed to be this ancient warrior of gun and blade, a protector. Expected to do what's right. Suddenly, I make a mistake, and they all turn against me."

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