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Everything posted by (PSN)Jurassic_Might

  1. Yes, it’s formatted badly, I’m writing this in the very early morning because this problem irked me so hard that it kept me awake. Yes, it’s all over the place (give me a break man, I’m writing full paragraphs while extremely tired) Yes, exactly, profit beyond belief, on the backs of many a player, and some don’t even know it. It’s like some bad game show gone wrong, betting on people’s morals/interactions to see what would happen while we gasp for air lol. While they greedily munch on $$$ in a bowl of cereal. Yummy…😖
  2. It must be just like the railjack game mode they gave up on; left in the dust and forgotten.
  3. Well, I guess I’ve gotten what fun there was out of it, I just wish there was more, ya know…Game could be amazing (so close, yet so far). Content has been great. It’s just the old system of the rivens hasn’t been changed, what since, the release of the game? I’ve only played for a year so, what do I know?
  4. Dam it, it’s gambling on steroids😑😫🤬😱☹️. I hate gambling too. Just that one more pull…one more pull…
  5. Yes, thank you for at least validating it’s a problem. It just seems the only way to get large video-game companies to do the bare minimum is to yell up top the mountain and burst your lungs in doing so☹️😖😬 nowadays. They don’t listen unless it involves burning holes in their pockets long-term. To be honest, I wish they would just shut it down and just lower the prices in the DE marketplace/ make the rivens for each specific weapon purchasable with in-game materials or credits because I’m tired of the in-game roulette rivens and challenges. It needs another way of acquiring them. The only reason in my opinion why they don’t, is because it’s very profitable to not do so. It’s just a cycle in my eyes of, barter, harassment, manipulation, scam, then DE makes $$$ off of it in the process of bad behavior that they instigated. I would rather the game have a subscription based model. At least then, this debacle of riven selling madness would end. This rivens process being so tedious is just to make a profit in a way that just irks me… I’m totally fine with the other paid for features of the game. It’s just a downright BAD monetization/time waster that’s hidden underneath the chewy yummy parts. Once you reach it, it’s just mind blowing they don’t throw it in your face (like it’s on purpose…).
  6. That’s similar to saying, everything is fine (as it burns newer players and annoys long-term enjoyers who aren’t ignorant). I buy from trade chat because it’s usually cheaper to buy weapon parts/sets from other players. Usually those are reasonable prices because they have a set price originally in DE’s market which you can go off of. It’s when it comes to rivens is when it has gotten out of hand. You know other players can over-inflate prices purposefully right? People can group up and start making people think something is worth more than it actually is? Players are the ones that regulate the system, not the system itself. Other video-games have done the free market much better. Yes, you’ll never get away from gold sellers, but they are blatantly easy to see. In Warframe’s free market it can be anyone. There is no where to check what the base price of a riven is that’s supported directly by DE. Heck it could even be myself by accident because someone put it in my head it was worth more. It’s not that difficult to manipulate someone if you know what you’re doing (I’m not saying that I have, I’ve just been bullied in real life which gives me experience). You can believe me or not with the experience.
  7. Step 1. You Ignore it exists Step 2. You say you can do anything with their mechanics/game in whatever you please. I never said I had the right too. YOU put that in my mouth. Step 3. You don’t have a thorough understanding of how online communities in video-games work. Step 4. Usually the conversations start being nice, and then after that that’s when the harassment begins. I don’t shut people out right away because I believe it’s impolite and rude. Also, that’s just the way that I function mentally. Everyone is different in the way they handle conversations. Step 5. When you invest in product you should expect it to deliver the bare minimum at least. Especially when it involves real world currency. As soon as you invest in a video-game that expects you to play long-term it becomes more than just a video-game; it’s a product to be consumed by the public. Fossil fuels is an example that isn’t regulated, hence they become billionaires off of peoples backs and hard earned money except, instead it’s the community using the cracks in the system DE built to take advantage of, which in-turn fuels the boilers of deception/greed in the community; which makes them richer and people addicted to their game even more. Step 6. Why do I even bother writing this?
  8. Also, all I did was say poop, and I even censored it myself.
  9. So, I don’t have the right to be angry? By the way, they do have the right to, it’s their game, they can do whatever they want with it. That first point of yours also says you’re part of the problem (you’re one of them), which means you’ve proved my points already. If you haven’t seen the majority of MMO’s with in-game shops, you have no idea the severity of this problem. You can’t just ignore a major feature of a game that includes min-maxing, it’s human nature to find the fastest route or quickest way of finishing a mission. The third point, have you ever seen the responses you get right away before you’ve been able to ignore the person? They also purposefully aggravate you for the sake of aggravation/trolling.
  10. Ok, this is me posting a complaint about the majority of the in-game community market-place trades. I’m Sick and Tired of the massive amount of scammers and free-loaders flowing around inside the community servers whether PS/XB/PC. DE, you NEED TO REGULATE THE MARKET PRICES, this is unacceptable, especially with RIVENS!!! The amount of times I’ve been bullied and harassed by people trying to scam in-game currency trades is INSANE!!! Either, you need to set limits on Riven prices or in-game items; or you need to make rivens for specific weapons easier to get for players/give another way to get them/re-roll them. Another option is to get rid of rivens from the market and make them un-tradable. Now that I’ve played this game for nearly 2000hrs I can’t handle this anymore. Get your S*** together DE, or I’m done supporting this game. I’ve tried to keep myself calm about this subject for a while but, I can’t handle it anymore. I’ve been beat up too many times mentally to keep this post constructive any longer. This is my first post on the forums too. This is the only reason why I took the time to type this up, because I was content until now. Please DE, do something about it. Don’t just brush it off that it doesn’t exist because it makes the company boat-loads of cash. It’s no different than people scamming real-world goods or livelihoods from people.
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