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  1. Exited out of a Mot mission with two argon, ran to foundry to build and rush Grendel Prime. Started building all three of his parts, his systems, chassis, and neruoptics. They all began to build normally, and both his chassis and his systems I was able to rush using plat without any issues. However, (I may have been clicking too fast, but I've never experienced this problem before) when I rushed the neruoptics, the 25 plat was used, but when I checked both my inventory and Grendel's Blueprint the part wasn't build. The neruoptics blueprint is still in my inventory unbuilt, with my two argon crystals missing as well. Both my platinum and my resources were used up as if the rushing process had been successful as normal, but the part was still completely unbuilt. I tried reloading my game, wondering if it was server lag, yet that didn't work either. I am also certain I didn't accidentally build another prime part, as no other neruoptics nor anything else using argon is built in my inventory.
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