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  1. With Autofocus Textfields disabled, cursor will still autofocus to numerical input fields (notably number of mods selection and number of blueprints selection)
  2. Rock on, will keep an eye and ear out for other little details
  3. Nah, meant bullet jump, notice it off and on where it goes in the direction the frame is facing then attempts to go in the direction of the cursor, think its an issue playing on high sensitivity or some controller/k+m confict but I'm not sure. Most of the time its there sometimes it isn't. All sorts of movement bugs for me tbh. Have a spontaneous roll while melee is used but think that might be a problem with the n-key rollover on my keyboard spooling inputs as I hold shift down nearly the entire time I play. Inputs responsiveness being tied to melee attack speed (try to slide attack with a regular wep vs trying to slide attack with a frame under wisp buff kinda thing, feels like the game doesn't accept the input). Wall latch being inconsistent, does an aim-glide when next to a wall fairly frequently instead of the latch (might be user error, like .1m out of the latch range or approach at an incorrect angle. Just doesn't 'feel' right) UI bugs as well, like cursor magnetizing a to number inputs even with it set to zero, autofocusing on loot in the mission reward screen (prob because I hit WASD without realizing and there is no way to rebind the keys the selection uses), cursor disappearing and reappearing in the lower right quadrant on the mission reward screen, etc. Probably not the best place to gripe, they're just minor frustrations you deal with during every mission. Doesn't crash the game.
  4. Bummer, that and bullet jump going in the character direction instead of the cursor direction makes movement in every mission unnecessarily more frustrating. Appreciate your reply.
  5. Returning player here. Is there an option to revert to the old waypoint system? Can't find one in the settings. Seems like the waypoints attempt to mark a footpath to follow now instead of marking the doors separating tiles like they used to.
  6. As stated it title, the cursor magnetism is still enabled even with the slider at zero. The cursor is not persistent across screens, often disappearing and centering/off-centering (notably at mission completion screen). The cursor magnetism seems to be enabled even in mission when controlling character leading to weird lock-on behaviors even with auto-targeting turned off. {edit* Fixed the weird lock-on behaviors, seems controller settings affect mouse and keyboard. Can verify by disabling ability use on button press in the controller settings then hitting 1-4 to use an ability on a keyboard.)
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