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Everything posted by LoreConnoisseur

  1. I wasn't big on Railjack when it first launched, but it's grown on me significantly and now I think that it's one of the better, more fun systems in Warframe. That being said, I think there is a fundamental mission type that is missing from the Railjack experience. Warframe is a looter-shooter, we all get it. Sometimes though, I wonder why the Tenno are still picking through the remains of hundreds of dead Grineer for Polymer Bundles and Plastids. Wouldn't it make much more sense to directly go after a supply ship? Therein lies my proposition. Farming some of the base materials for the game is a tedious and, quite frankly, unengaging venture. It would be far more thrilling and rewarding to do one GRAND mission and get a wealth of resources from it. I think this would be perfect for Railjack. A combination of the Extermination + Mobile Defense/Spy + Capture/Hijack/Sabotage missions. Something to the tune of the following pattern of play: Select the specific resource you're after. Specific factions should have specific resources (e.g. Grineer have Alloy Plate, Corpus have Cryotic, etc). These should be one-shot missions that rotate resources daily, say two Common resources, two Uncommon resources, and one Rare resource Warp in, destroy the fighters/crew ships protecting the Capital Ship (Exterminate) Break into the Capital Ship itself and either hack a vault (Spy) or hack multiple computers (Mobile defense) to search the ship's manifest/call in the supply ship you're looking for If you've searched a manifest, locate the cache of resources inside the Capital Ship and bring it to a loading dock for theft (Hijack) OR If you call in a supply ship, re-board your Railjack, chase down the ship, disable it, and capture its captain (Capture) or disable its reactor (Sabotage) The reward for doing this should be a good amount of whatever resource you're after, scaling down as the rarity goes up. This amount should be either equivalent to or just above what you would achieve doing the base missions for the express purpose of grinding mats. For example, 10 rounds of excavation yields 1000 Cryotic (without resource booster) and should take around 10-15 minutes. So for a mission that should take roughly 20 minutes and happens with more moving parts, at a higher level, I don't think it would be out of the question to receive 2500-4000 Cryotic. Similarly, this should also scale with how common the resource is. A mission for Nano Spores should yield several thousand in a single go. A mission for Polymer Bundle should yield a few thousand. A mission for a rare resource like Orokin Cells should yield 10-15 in one go, but of course, should be more difficult as a result. Some resources should be exempt from rotation, for example it wouldn't make sense for Argon Crystal or Entrati Lanthron to show up since those would likely only appear in their respective tilesets anyway. It also wouldn't make sense to put research materials (Detonite Ampule, Fieldron Sample, Mutagen Sample) as what faction would be hauling around fractured components rather than the real thing? Adding Fieldon, Detonite Injector, or Mutagen Mass would be nice, but I feel would step on the toes of Invasions. Something like Hexenon should be limited to Corpus ships if it appears at all, since it is unique to Jupiter. Specialty resources like Kuva, Riven Slivers, Nitain Extract, Aya, and Endo could also sometimes appear in the rare and uncommon bundles. This should probably not include Empyrean resources since this is already a Railjack mission, same with Duviri for obvious reasons. But this could include resources from the Plains and Orb Vallis. Not everything of course, it would be odd for the Grineer to be hauling around Sentient Cores or Cetus Wisps, but maybe Grokdrul, Iradite, or a random assortment of gems, metals, or fish parts. Similarly, not Toroids or Spores, but Gems, Metals, and Servofish parts for the Vallis. I would imagine that the open world resource runs would not be as "detailed". You know you'll get some measure of Gems, Metals, and another resource but you won't know what, unlike normal Supply Run missions. If/When the infested ship tileset ever gets reworked (hopefully along with Jordas Golem), this might even be extended to infested ships. Breaking in and locating Minerals, Gems, and organic parts that belong to the Cambion Drift, or Plastids, Nano Spores, Neurodes, and maybe even Mutagen Mass (since these are infrequent and few in Invasions). It would be nice to have multiple ways to grind the same resources so engagement with Warframe stays high. Sometimes you just don't want to sit through another round of Survival/Defense with Nekros/Hydroid/Khora because you just so happened to run out of Gallium or similar build material. For the veterans of the game, this could be a good way to get a burst of resources for things like Helminth.
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