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Everything posted by UnR0cKBaR

  1. 3 and a half years later and i agree aswell :D i just came back from a 5 year brake ? (maybe more) and i have this guy on my back who is just constantly trashtalking me and they are not even good bunchlines they are kinda lame thou. And who is he anyways, why does he has a constant call on me, Odis cut him off. and why out of all people can HE steal my stuff ? Well doesnt matter i figured out how to kill him and did it (thanks to a very helpfull fellow who explained me the process and gave me a rune to speed it up) And 100% honestly i could not have made it without him. My Railjack was freshly build (no parts, no mods) and apperantly a lvl 5 lich is like a demigod wich you dont wanna fight as a returning player. So good luck with dealing with that if you are uninformed. So all in all i was basically carried throu the process. just to run some mission´s after and summon his sister by accident. because after all i learned about defeating him i did not looked up how to NOT summon him. I know now and thats why i am here. Because a flashing screen is okai for a juggernaut that you can avoid if you cant kill him, but if you kill him he doesnt haunt your phoneline. And out of the hundrets of enemies i mow down in a single mission a lich looks like just another Eximus enemy wich i will stab if i can, The red arrow on his head doesnt really help it aswell. It´s screams more like "Hey Kill me" and not "Hey dont kill me, because i haunt your phoneline and the process of killing me is very complex and time consuming and if you are not prepared for the task it is kinda overwhelming so please dont stab me" To summarize. Make it more apparent that you are about to summon a lich or even create some kind of bate wich we are using on a regular these days anyway. Because again a flashing screen can be overlooked easily and the red arrow is also not enough and even is missleading. And it is not enough in comparison to the forced stuff you have to do and endure just for 1 simple mouse click (or your default X button) if you are not aware of what you are about to do because no one tells you. And it just kills the vibe and takes a lot of wind out of the sails because now i have to do all of it again and as a result in the future i will avoid all grineer missions unless i have to do them because a lich can spawn everywhere from lvl20+ and you cant turn it off really. You can stop playing the game after you see a flashing screen. Or you just dont stab the guy with a red arrow on his head in a stab and shooting-game and you good 😃👍 A little weak and i think we can do better :) Thank you. have a nice day
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