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  1. Well, i’m done guys. Logged onto warframe and couldnt find the will to do anything without my fiance to play with. Maybe I’ll be back one day - putting 500 hour in a game in a matter of months shows how much we loved it l. Maybe i’ll feel that again one day for it, or maybe it’s just onto the next game. For anyone interested, we’re both playing stardew valley now, and having a great time. Getting away from this live service rubbish and devs with their own semi-political propaganda or whatever the hell jade was supposed to be? Reminds me of when a game was allowed to be a game and didn’t have to be a “representation” of every aspect of reality. Have DE forgotten what escapism is?
  2. For anyone still following this - we don’t really play warframe anymore. Maybe we’ll come back to it, we’ll be back for the void trader for tennocon at least, but we’ve both slowly found ourselves logging in less and less to play since jade. Her design means my fiance doesnt want to play her, which has killed her momentum as she did want a new frame to play. And i like playing with my fiance, so without her I have also gotten bored. As an aside the ascension game mode is so boring I don’t know how it made it out of the drawing room. DE knowingly misled us with their marketing on this, and then failed to even acknowledge our complaints - it’s left a sour taste.
  3. To whoever merged my thread with the others - It’s just confused me and made me feel like I can’t talk about this anymore because its now 5 different discussions at once, and seems like you want to confine the issue to make it look smaller than it is. Kind of lame. I don’t know who’s talking to who and its all very confusing and hard to follow now. Cheers for that. Someone asked if we’d pay for a non-pregnant toggle or skin for Jade - yes we would.
  4. A warning message on purchasing the frame isn’t really necessary. Simply actually showing her belly honestly at some point before youve actually bought her would be enough.
  5. Sometimes things are just obvious. It’s just obvious that her being pregnant should not have been hidden from us. Spoilers is no real argument because you see Jade players in every game atm. Also, you can’t say that my fiance’s feelings don’t matter but that spoilers do - that’s just feelings too. You’re saying that people would be hurt if the story was “spoiled” for them and that that matters, but my fiance feeling hurt doesn’t matter. Either they both matter, or they don’t matter. Misleading people with marketing actually is a big deal, unlike story spoilers, because people are spending real money. And to whoever said that we should have played the quest before buying the warframe - no-one has to do anything in any particular order. We were looking forward to Jade, my fiance likes to play as women in games, and neither of us find the warframe story very compelling. We both skip all the cutscenes we can. She was waiting for Jade for months and excited for her, based on the marketing, and when she came out she bought her with platinum. What’s wrong with that?
  6. Just caught up on this. I think some people are missing the point. I think that it is up to us to manage our trauma but the marketing was clearly misleading. If they wanted a pregant warframe that’s fine, they should have marketed her as such. Also, no-one wants Jade censored, just an optional skin or toggle. An animation set would be great but not 100% as necessary as there are plenty of animation sets to choose from already. You can argue that my fiance’s trauma isn’t really relevant and that’s fine - I’m not gonna die on that hill. The fact is that that was her response so I am obviously going to mention it, and as someone who loves her, do my best to help her. She enjoys how Jade plays, just not how she looks. A world where she can play the frame she enjoys whilst also enjoying how she looks is a world I want.
  7. Errr okay man thats a lot of conspiratorial thinking lol. I started playing warframe in february on ps5 and linked my account at some point after so that I could trade with someone. If you look at my comments you’ll see that I only posted here after googling how to give feedback. This is the only post I’ve ever made on the forums because I don’t really care about most decisions too much. Most of my gripes with the game are with things DE won’t change but this seems like something that would affect a lot of people, and seeing my fiance upset was enough to make me want to try to get something done. I don’t even have a reddit account, I saw the reddit posts because I googled something like “Jade pregnancy belly warframe” to see if other people felt the same and if there was already some pushback. I have nothing to do with the petition, I just signed it. I think you need to ask yourself how likely it is that someone would feel like me and my fiance do about this, given the amount of people who play the game. Also, even if there was some planned thing to attack Jade’s appearance, would that make the arguments invalid? I’m not gonna ask her to post aswell lol. Plus her account is 2 days newer than mine (I think) and I had her link her account shortly after I did mine because it then wouldn’t let me trade with her ps5 only account from my now-pc account. That whole process was painful. Either way, it wouldn’t change your mind. Also, she wouldn’t be half as reasonable as I am lol. If you do find a conspiracy to get Jade’s appearance then feel free to let us all know here so that we can give them our support lol. Oh I forgot to say I’m sorry about it hitting close to home for you, regardless of any online shade you may or may not be casting lol. No-one deserves that pain
  8. Arguing that she isn’t pregnant is just odd. You’re either lying to yourself or just trying to derail into semantics. She is a robot. She has a pregnancy belly.
  9. Fair enough, would just be nice to get a “we’ve seen this. We’re not making any commitments but we recognise the concern”
  10. Has DE even seen these concerns? I don’t really see them having a good reason not to offer an alternative skin for people. Fair enough if they want to keep the default skin as is, but at least show her from the front at some point before you actually have paid for her. And then give us an alternative skin. The spoilers argument doesn’t make a lot of sense because you can get that same spoiler by just buying jade before doing the quest. And we DID do our research. We looked at all the drip marketing, concept art, the animation of her second ability that was shown before her launch. None of it revealed the pregnancy belly. No-one would be thinking “i’d better check if this warframe is pregnant”. Saying “they didnt specifically market her as NOT pregnant” is just silly. I mean come on. That’s like trying to prove a negative. There are an infinite number of things that you could say that about.
  11. I posted here because we both googled how to give feedback and this is what came up. I’m not really looking for a meaningful discussion, my fiance’s trauma is probably not going to heal from a warframe forum. We do want this to be changed, playing as a pregnant woman isn’t what was advertised to us. We just want our concerns heard by DE so that they can offer an alternative skin for people like my fiance. It does suck that she’ll still have to see other players with the default skin and that might hurt her but as long as there’s an alternative option then it at least feels like there’s a choice people can make. Right now, it’s not a particularly inclusive choice from DE, and the marketing didn’t make it clear at all. Neither of us has a problem seeing different body shapes. Its about knowing what you’re purchasing. I don’t like how grendel looks personally, so I don’t use him. My fiance doesn’t like how hildryn looks, so she doesn’t use her. Neither of us have a problem with them being in the game because we understand they are not “for” us. Jade was shown to be something other than what she actually is, and that’s the real problem. If DE would give a refund so that anyone who feels misled can get their money back, that would also be reasonable. But that is annoying for anyone who finds her actual kit fun. It’s not really a problem who agrees with us and why. I don’t see anyone saying the things you seem to be thinking they are saying. Most people don’t want to play as a pregnant woman, but are fine with other people playing as one. Personally, I can’t see why anyone would want that but it’s not my place to judge. People feel tricked, that’s the issue. My fiance’s trauma response is just one symptom of being tricked.
  12. Good idea on the petition, I signed it an hope anyone else who feels the same way will do too.
  13. As I said, normally we manage triggers the best we can. And you’re right that expecting a company to cater to individual traumas isn’t realistic. But i’m showing how it has affected her because she was surprised by it as the marketing material was misleading. As I said, neither of us would have had a problem had the marketing shown it properly. My fiance would have just skipped Jade and managed her trigger that way. The way DE went about this didn’t allow her that - and fair enough if you want to say that they don’t owe anyone that, but the amount of people who also seem to be feeling tricked shows that there was a lack of transparency in the marketing, and that can lead to any number of issues with customer dissatisfaction, her trauma being one example of that. I’m not using her trauma for my own needs, she’s been next to me as I have written all of this and these are as much her feelings as they are mine. She just isn’t the type to engage in public discussion so I’m doing it instead.
  14. Spoilers aren’t really something that bothers me but if its something they care about it doesn’t stop them adding an option or alternative skin still. Besides, its more about it being misleading than anything else.
  15. Its reassuring to hear other people agree, and thanks for the kind words from those that understand and especially have been in the same position - it sucks. It’s never nice to be reminded of it, but most of the time you can avoid any potential triggers. This one surprised us both after she’d already spent the money. We wouldn’t have minded as much if the pre-release stuff had been more honest and shown Jade as a pregnant woman. Whilst it still would have been a little triggering, It would have been an easy skip with no hard feelings because we don’t go through life expecting to never be reminded. But the way DE marketed this feels like we were misled. The stuff shown of jade before her launch seemed to deliberately hide her belly area, almost as if DE knew it wouldn’t be popular or something, IDK. I really hope they see this and decide to be a bit more thoughtful about stuff like this in future.
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