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  1. I have the "out of memory" crash when i enter or exit to nekralisk / sanctum. Don't even finish the loading screen and reaches the maxed possible ram and video memory that the game can use and crash, i can enter/exit all other open worlds multiple times and no problem, but nekralisk / sanctum its a nono, and its fairly recent because i played whispers in the wall when it came out and no problem there. As i say, i have a veeery old pc but can run the game at +40fps on some cases, if it helps I'm using dX11 UPDATE: After testing a bit more, entering nekralist / sactum launches the ram and video memory to the max in the loading screen, but i could load just one time, when the lobby loaded everything was fine even both memories where "ok", but the video memory was slowly moving up even if i was staring at a corner, i exit to the orbiter and try to enter again and crash right in the loading screen (as usual) (i have every graphic option to the lowest or disabled, even destroying my eyes playing 1024x768 and 55% resolution, but no help there)
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