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Posts posted by BlueFalcon13

  1. 5 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    I'm curious as to whether you've actually played the update.

    It doesn't punish you for using abilities. It punishes you for spamming the same ability in very quick succession.
    I've been abusing the crap out of Excal's new Radial Blind, and it still only locks on me if I actually try to trigger the cooldown with it. I'd imagine it's a bit more strict with 4-spamming, but at the same time, I don't think there are loads of frames that need to rapidly press 4 at high levels (save for Vauban or something)...

    I was jacking around on Ash earlier today. Seems telepprt triggers it quite frequently. My build has the telepprt augment and that is a great way to remove and eximus so I was using it quite frequently at some points 😁 

  2. 1 hour ago, MadMaximoff said:

    What I've seen/tried thusfar that seems to have solid success.

    Trinity, Banshee, Frost, Octavia (Banshee using Sonar mod) 

    Saryn, Equinox, Limbo, Oberon 

    Chroma, Nidus, Inaros, Ivara 

    Mesa, Mirage, Volt, Loki 

    So far, pretty much anything works as long as you have a Speedster/Stealther to go grab the efficiency orbs. 

    Edit : Additionally the Amprex is absolutely disgusting in there 

    Yet, I see no listing of the best frame in the game... Excalibur. Radial Blind, and stab. Things stop existing when that happens. Add in the hedge clippers and chromatic blade, and you have a whirlwind of destruction.


    But in seriousness, your list seems very particular. Hell, my pug group was me (Excal P), Mesa, Nidus (bad idea... Stacks can't build up), and something else. We rolled to wave 13 and lost cause Nidus kept getting dropped. ANY group will do, if you know how to play your frame, but I would recommend against build up frames, that you have a huge need of setup time. Every round removes all buffs, and puts your energy pool down to 50. Maxed blind rage? Good luck using skills at the start of a new round...

  3. I disagree OP. I am having a ton of fun in onslaught. For example: today I ground out a forma on my dakra prime. Need new polarities to try a different melee build out on excal. So strap in, go-to hydron and low and behold I get yelled at for meleeing enemies not directly at the pod. All cause this guy didn't want to go pickup loot. Really? Are you freaking kidding me?

    Sharp contrast, pug my first onslaught (elite mode of course) and it's a freaking blast. Stabbing all the things, wrecking face, having a ton of fun. This is exactly the mode I have wanted. Survival without having to jack with life support. The transitions are nice cause you don't spend an entire match fighting on the same tileset, fighting the same enemy. Excal is awesome in onslaught. Chromatic blade, radial blind, the occasional slashdash, all the melee you could ever want. This is an awesome game mode for me. I know where I am spending my time in Warframe.

  4. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    I wouldn't call it an issue, it's just how the PS is applied.

    Mesa's PS is additive to the base damage mods, so every point of PS is like adding to your Hornet Strike.  Excal's ult is multiplicative, so I don't believe it has the same sort of diminishing returns.

    So, for Mesa, it's a trade-off in that higher PS can get you more damage, but you'll want to build differently.  For the star chart, up to and including sorties, 30% PS is enough with a good pistol build.

    If anyone out there who has done the math more extensively than I wants to correct me on this, please do.

    I use my Mesa primarily for Zenurik focus, so starchart stuff. Was thinking I need to take her on a kuva-survival run in the very near future. Haven't really played with her new augment yet.

  5. 59 minutes ago, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

    If you use a dual pistol, she does get increased fire speed, which I believe carries over to Peacemaker.  Still, beyond her passives, only the mods will matter.

    Also, you only need 30% power strength for 95% damage reduction from Shatter Shield.  Adding more power strength starts to give diminishing returns with Hornet Strike.  If you want to run high power strength, you can actually get more bang for your buck by dropping Hornet Strike and adding Anemic Agility (corrupted fire rate mod).

    I actually ran Mesa for the Prodman poster.  I found that having 45% PS (which is my build) was enough.  I ran HS, LT, BD, 2 primed crit mods, 2 90% mods for corrosive, and Primed Heated Charge.  On Mesa, I had only Vitality, the rest into duration and a little PS and high efficiency.  I dumped Range as a stat.

    I didn't know that with her power strength. I foresee a rebuild on Mesa in the very near future. Are there similar issues with exhaulted blade on excal?

  6. I don't have the akbolto yet. Personally I am a fan of Mesa's passives for single pistols. I usually use my insane 6 forma lex prime, or on weaker mobs, my vasto prime (it reloads stupid quick). I avoid my akvasto since it has a riven mod, and rivens don't transfer to peacemaker.

  7. 48 minutes ago, (XB1)Red X278 said:

    I was thinking of corrosive for the element and just using two blue mods. What about Mesa? I was thinking of doing my basic build I have for everyone which is steel fibers, vitality, redirection, stream line, flow, intensity, handspring as exilus, corrosive projection, and I don’t know about the other two spots I would have open.

    I'd say duration and power strength are more important than survivability mods. Shatter shield is a great skill and with enough power strength it will give you a 95% damage reduction. I only run vitality. I recently changed my mesa build to drop narrowminded, and can't remember what it was, but it's focused on increasing duration and power strength without killing range. The new augment is solid too, and fits in the exilus slot :)

  8. 1 minute ago, Diarmut said:

    Check out Invasions every once and a while, the show up in the tab on the top right of your navigation screen, click on the fist and a bunch of missions will show up, sometimes these offers Orokin reactors and Catalysts as rewards. 

    I ALWAYS forget about this.

  9. 20 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

    I'm rather surprised that this hasn't been implemented. Here's an upvote for an outstanding recommendation.  

    Me too. I know folks from DE play Warframe. I'm sure some of em don't admin in things too. It's a pita to bulk buy these blueprints... Could've been playing rounds of something last night during this time instead of buying blueprints ><

  10. Hey DE,


    Returning vet here. Have some quality of life feedback for y'all. Would it be possible to add the ability to purchase multiple blueprints from the research labs? Particularly for detonite injectors, mutagen masses, and fieldron? I like to buy them in bulk so I can use the app to build a bunch of em whenever they finish building, and, for example, I just spent time last night buying 20 blueprints of each last night. Buying one of these blueprints requires either 4 mouse clicks, or two mouse clicks and two enter key mashes. Multiply that by 60 (20 each...) and you could save me a whole lot of time NOT playing Warframe while I click on things O.o


    Thanks for your consideration,


  11. 6 minutes ago, iHaarhus said:

    Well,thanks guys, i actually learned more than i wanted. So ill focus over what i want to use rather than what i am supposed to use.

    That's what I do :)

    The best is when someone tells you you are in group only cause they couldn't find 'x' frame, and then you carry the whole group.  Had that happen alot of times on old excal (pre-exhaulted blade buff).  Always loved it.

  12. I don't really do meta per-say.  I do on the other hand try and find a nice build that meshes well with melee (cause that is way more fun to me compared to guns) for any frame I play.  Other than my favorite (Excal P, melee combo counter build, not exaulted blade...) some frame combos I have really enjoyed:

    Ember w/ dark dagger and augment: two major keys to this one, 1) the red veil dark dagger augment, 2) a build that leaves fire damage as a separate element.  Ember makes enemies vulnerable to fire dmg, her world on fire is there for extra damage, but primarily you need to abuse accelerant.  Very fun build as the Dark Dagger augment gives you energy.

    Sayrn, w/ any melee: leave pools of death around(toxic lash augment) and heal yourself (molt augment).  Also, cast the 1 on stuff, as you spread the 1st ability via hitting with melee and toxic lash up, you actually get power back as well.  Very fun spin on a melee caster playstyle that keeps you working all the time.

    As for excal, I run a pretty balanced build on him, and the slash dash augment.  The whole purpose to the build is to get the combo counter up quickly, and keep it there.  Marry the build with a high crit weapon with an infinite crit/combo build.  Very fun to play :)

  13. 4 hours ago, Gynju said:

    Well, I can't confirm this myself, but wiki claims, that Eximus units spawns randomly during fissure closing, but only the ones that spawn on 30%, 60% and 80% are dropping Void Traces. I don't know if this info comes from datamining or just observation, but for me it was true so far - I never get more than 4 drops of Void Traces without Nekros or Hydroid.

    Ahh that make sense I guess, but to be honest, I don't know if he dropped an essence cause I was too busy beating his rear and moving onto his other friends.

  14. I think the policy I remember reading was only one personal account in use concurrently.  IE you could have 50 accounts, but as long as you only use one at a time it is A OK.  The OP's question was regarding two different people's accounts within the same household trading. These are not a single person's account.  Therefore he should be fine, but I still recommend the OP clarify via support as that is the safest method.

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