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  1. The buff can be obtained by killing ONE enemy at a time, as I managed to find out.
  2. DE, for some reason, when I try to activate the Harmony effect by killing multiple enemies with a heavy melee attack, I can't get a buff.
  3. Al_Dench

    Arcwing's bug

    When you take off arcwingin on landscapes by pressing melee button, if you equipped only melee weapon, you disable the ability to use melee and roll for a period of 5-10 seconds. This bug may occur on PC and PS4.
  4. Why did the DE completely stop developing the syndicate system? In my opinion, they should represent what players want the game world to be, rather than being a simple store with a set of missions that we already complete every day, with the only difference being that we are given a couple of dumb and useless NPCs and 8 medals for the reputation we spend in the aforementioned store. The only thing that they have added in a coordinated new way recently is beacons for missions, on which you you can earn good amount of affinity. What I'm trying to say is that you, DE, should bring the mechanics and systems that are already in the game to working order, rather than adding new ones, overloading the gameplay and scaring away new players with a high exit threshold.
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