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  1. 1. You managed to make Terrain Affinity a consistent version of old Mirage's Eclipse: the way you use the environment to gain the buffs is more controllable, and even though the buffs themselves are mostly secondary, you compensated it by giving the ability extra utility on activation. Losing detection during half minute sounds great even if it only works on enemies at certain distances, and also seems pretty good being immune to damage while rolling for the same amount of time. 2. Finisher builds with this frame in particular could be crazy for the first time. Combining the Konthro perk of doing finishers at distance and the crit and damage buffs the frame set gives, the strategy sounds very playable to me, and i would love to immediately destroy high level heavy gunners at full health and stuff like that just by doing finishers on them, if that becomes possible. It could also make blinding abilities more viable. 3. I liked the concept for the frame itself and the design of the weapons you described, specially Blank and Shank's being able to be used with the Konthro as a one-handed gun because they are designed to be paired. I hope more people see your post, it's an original concept and it has a lot of potential.
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