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Posts posted by Thingy-

  1. IGN: liamthing

    MR: 12

    Joined in Update 6-ish. Stopped playing for a long time after the star-chart changed and the pet system got put in.

    Favourite Weapon: Sancti Tigris

    Favourite Warframe: Atlas

    My spare time is split between Warframe and Overwatch as far as games go at the moment. Loving both, still a lot of Warframe content I've not touched yet since I came back 2 months ago like Sorties and Raids so I'm looking forward to grouping for stuff like that after playing mostly solo for the entirety of the game.


  2. DE get constant complaints: "The game's too hard for new players and too easy for veterans".

    DE try to right this by including a much better tutorial, equiping new players with a selection from differing weapons and even switch out Loki to Volt due to a Damage orientated Warframe being more straight forward than a pure Utility and Debuffed focus one.

    DE then proceed to make the Infested faction less easy to exploit and in general improve their effectiveness through mechanics rather than just making them meatier targets.

    DE continues to receive complains. Only this time "The game's too hard for veterans".


    There are no winners.

  3. It's going to be even more hilarious to see dozen of topics where people claim that kubrow are useless since they can't vacuum loot, "gg back to using Vacuum...I mean Carrier."

    Not trying to offend anyone, I just find it funny when people say that Carrier is the only sentinel worth using.

    This so much.


    Can't pause in Solo anymore. My one and only concern.


    In short - there are no cons to this other then a broken pause feature which I'm sure will be fixed in the near future. Going to pet the Kubrow now...

    Thanks for redeeming some faith. As far as the Pause in Solo mode, DE_Steve said on Stream he's got it to work for the Prologue so far and he's trying to get it work for the rest of the game. So by the sounds of it - it's not intentional, they're just making do for now and it will hopefully be fixed.

  5. I'm glad we see eye to eye on the fundamentals. Normally I'd be agreeing on everything you've just written. But. the Kubrows feel like they're too important and something I personally am far too eager to get my hands on. And that's the very reason DE seems to receive so much hate and negativity around it. The newest Warframe addition for example only so far seems to have gotten some few time constraint removal complains but other then that people look favorable towards the whole deal with no info from DE and third party guides are welcomed.


    But upon examining it from a neutral perspective, I can see that they would want to time constrain the this new system as all previous Warframes could be obtained instantly through the usage of platinum. This way they're denying people the convenience, so much for the whole "Pay for Convince instead of win" module ;) but once again, not executed well. Could give the Kubrow but make you wait to customize them or alike from the top of my head.


    I also have the fullest of respect for not wanting any pure complaints without any value or criticism that circle around. And I try my best to raise my humble opinion in the form of feedback which we both value, cheers mate.

    I'm glad we see eye to eye too and I do get how precious of an update the Kubrow system is to people I just wish they'd have less of a doom and gloom attitude straight off the bat. I guess it's more a lack of patience than anything.

  6. I can't help but feel that you've misunderstood me and my reasoning. I am in no way saying I could run a better show nor demanding better treatment. If I was doing that I'd start bragging about how I'm a grand master and supported the game and therefore not only should but need to be catered to and use my closed alpha and closed beta experience as reason to be put in charge or alike.


    But I truly abhor such things. The main point I wish to make, speaking for myself, is that they've executed their idea very badly. What might've been planned as, just as you put it something that should take time, proved to be an annoyance through primarily the "partly rush" - what's the idea of offering an rush on the egg if you can't do anything with the puppy and gotta wait for it to mature anyhow? This creates confusion, especially with them refusing to speak about it.


    I'm in no way saying they are bad and have no idea what they're doing, I'm merely raising my concern and questioning their actions. I have no such default mod and I'm merely trying to achieve just what you ended your post with; It's a brand new thing and might change. If we don't raise our frustrations it actually won't change..


    And finally regarding it not being the only content the game has to offer, it's certainly something in an league of it's own and not something as petty as a new weapon or warframe. But an entire collection/system of various pets which offer new kinds of mods that allow them to unlock lockers to dig and allow you to breed your own.



    If we don't talk about it, it won't change and they won't be aware it's in need of change.

    I apologise if that seemed aimed at you, it's more of a sweeping statement. Mainly because every visit to these forums usually ends up in seeing post after post about every fault in the game and how people think they can design a game better than the people who do it for a living. Feedback is all well and good but some ideas such as a few posts up about 'lack of information' and that 'it doesn't seem fair to spend my credits, materials and platinum for something I'm not sure on' (Not the quote word for word) seems ridiculous to me.


    I mean, DE have done it like every other game: Introduce a new system, show the clear basics then you figure out the rest through progression. That's why most games end up having guides...if you don't wanna figure it out yourself you go to a 3rd party source to get the information you can't be bothered finding out yourself. Yet when DE do it, it's slated like it's some new concept of not giving the information for how long it takes for a Kubrow to mature. God forbid any of these players try out Dark Souls, they wouldn't get past the Asylum Demon.


    However, I do agree partly rushing it and then not having the option to doesn't make sense. But if we're honest for a second the entirety of Warframe is geared towards milking the cash shop as much as possible (And F2P isn't a defense because there are plenty of games that do it better). The ideal would be for them to remove the delayed building times all together and concentrate more on cosmetics in the Market, but that's not going to happen. At least I doubt it from the direction they've clearly gone.


    As far as feedback though, I do basically agree, but as said above...I'm just personally getting fed up with the sour attitude of some players. Sure DE might not get it perfect but just bashing them with no actual thought out criticism is such an arsey move.


    tl;dr - Sorry. Platinum sucks. Feedback's cool but not when it's just bashing DE with no real criticism.

  7. Because gamers want everything perfect all at once, this is usually coupled with them thinking because they play games they understand the work that is put in when making them so they gain this attitude of the Developer not being good or not 'listening'.


    Incredibly frustrating seeing all of these demanding posts when there are so few topics on actual positive feedback. Just as you said, comparing where this game is now to last year - it is leaps and bounds better. 

  8. Literally a day after the update. For all anybody knows the whole Kubrow system could be changed in future. I get the frustration with waiting for maturity after rushing the Tech development. The fact is the whole building system is probably the weakest point of the game - any other game, you craft something, you get it there and then. This has been my biggest dislike of the game since April of 2013. However, I digress...


    The point is, I get some people rushed it and are disappointed that they can't rush the maturity but that's the negative. You know this game is all about time constraints, walls and barriers slowing your progression. You should know by now you won't win with the Platinum system. Instead of moaning about it, and going straight to the default "DE have no idea, they're awful...I could totally do a better job" you're going to have to deal like the rest of us. They might change it...it's a brand new thing. Put your dummy back in and play the game, the Kubrow system isn't the only content the game has to offer.


    Man, I don't rant often but all this "I deserve more" attitude...

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