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  1. I had micro stutters in another game that was caused by having a mouse polling rate greater than 1k.
  2. https://i.gyazo.com/8c6a6225cfef90fe226a68e1e2459d94.mp4 I am not using Razorwing Blitz. In the clip, I have +132% sprint speed and +252.5% cast speed, but also experience this level of stuttering with just +25% sprint speed and 215% cast speed. I experience no stuttering when using +65% cast speed. I don't experience any stuttering when playing solo, regardless of the setup. The issue is exclusive to running high cast speed with a squad. I can run high-strength Razorwing Blitz in a squad without experiencing anything comparable. It is extremely consistent.
  3. Thinking about getting it, but worried its electricity is coloured by attachment energy. Can conflict with ephemeras.
  4. Ended up building both the hammer and scythe; Rabvee and Dokrahm. Rabvee does seem to have an extra metre to its slam radius, but I can't stress enough how miniscule one metre actually is. I'm trying to make the ideal slam Zaw for triggering Exodia Brave. Can't recommend Rabvee over the Dokrahm's extra damage and speed (speed isn't important but still nice if you want to immediately follow up with ranged attacks after a slam, or want less lockout when exiting operator with melee).
  5. @RLanzinger No Yes - once you preview a selection of parts, you can then hover your cursor over the slam damage to reveal the radius. Still need to test if the stats are accurate.
  6. Can anyone confirm if a Zaw's slam radius is just the default for its weapon class. i.e. 9m for hammers and 8m for scythes (for either, +1m on heavy slam)? Isn't listed on the wiki and I don't own these weapons to test.
  7. Always have and always will want a first-person mode. Would be incredible.
  8. You know the Amar mods? The ones that allow you to teleport with heavy attacks, with one of the three being exclusive to dual daggers? Although buggy, they made for what was easily my favourite style of melee. Soaring through the air while sliding, aim gliding and charging a heavy attack, taking advantage of the overview to connect a teleport strike without ever slowing down. If you try to do this now, you'll just perform a slam. Even if you weren't using Amar mods, mid-air heavy attacks were cool. Whether you were charging on the way up, across or down, carrying your momentum and timing the attack was satisfying. Hoping this gets reverted.
  9. And again: https://i.gyazo.com/1d2464e933cc51e0f3407c1614475bc8.mp4
  10. Just got screwed over: https://i.gyazo.com/7fe69003f4c3d39f6c875ac76f296f29.mp4
  11. Problem is Mark for Death needs to be cast prior to every attack. diluting the gunplay with constant interruptions. If choosing a precision weapon out of preference, Mark for Death ultimately defeats the purpose.
  12. nvm I no longer care, would delete if I could, post was just about bleeding body ephemera appearing pitch black regardless of attachment energy colour or video settings
  13. This premise can come off as arrogant. I'm not a game designer and I have my own preferences. Some aspects of the game are likely boring by design, being a pay-to-skip MMO. I've got over 6k Steam hours, though less than 2k mission hours. How much of that was spent having fun? How much of that was addiction, having been conditioned to trudge through repetitive content in pursuit of a massive number of various shiny rewards, hoping they might spice things up? Most of which I'm left with no reason to ever use. Repetition is expected of an MMO. What enabled me to stick to it was the gameplay being great at the most fundamental level: the movement, the gunplay, melee and special abilities. Even when you're forced to wait on wave defence, you can at least spam manoeuvres to keep yourself stimulated. Warframe is most fun in the beginning, then gets exponentially more boring, relying on you developing a reward-driven mindset. To begin with, you have reason to use everything at your disposal. As you progress, you become more adept with your arsenal, yet at the same time, this becomes less relevant, as you supplement the need for input and engagement with stronger gear. At first, you might obtain a weapon stronger than anything else in your possession, encouraging you to default to it the vast majority of the time. Later into the game, you'll have specialist frames that dumb down specific mission types. Titania forfeits your variety of manoeuvres for an unengaging, spectator-mode style of flight. Wukong provides this same style of flight alongside invisibility and immunity to laser detection. Numerous frames can press a single button to nuke enemies through walls without any downtime. You are both enabled and actively incentivised to optimise the game's repetitive content to require as little time and input as possible. There is so much I would change, but for now I could at least see this being a realistic addition: 1. Non-AoE weapons could have access to a mod that, on headshot/weakpoint kill, spreads a portion of the damage dealt to surrounding enemies. The lower the fire rate, the larger the radius, within reason. This way, players that have a preference for precision weapons won't be so heavily discouraged from using them in favour of more crowd-effective weapons and abilities. Less realistically: Incorporate more meaningful enemy variants. What if there was an enemy variant that had a TTK limit unless melee was incorporated in your attack against them? You wouldn't be dependent on your melee's damage output, only needing to incorporate it to ignore the enemy's TTK limit. What if there were other variants with this same feature; one with primary/secondary damage as its criteria, and another requiring ability damage (excluding weapon buffs)? Collectively, these variants would incentivise a variety of attacks, rather than defaulting to any one thing in an unengaging way. I - would - also suggest enemy variants with access to true lethality, such as slow-charging sniper shots that misfire when you break line of sight, or massive delayed AoEs that force you to actively reposition. However, being a power fantasy MMO, I doubt suddenly reviving the threat of death would be well received. I also believe adding cooldowns to certain abilities, particularly high-impact AoEs, would make for far more balanced and engaging gameplay, but I understand this is a well-cemented part of the game's identity.
  14. EDIT: dynamic lighting helps, though some things are still broken, bleeding body ephemera is pitch black
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