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Posts posted by Sci_Ant

  1. So is there NOT going to be a cumulative boost for people who have literally put in more than 50 days of time into this game? I have like 2200+ hours and it's starting us all off on day 1 login regardless??


    What happened to Steve's "we're gonna thank veterans for playing, we wont forget about them" ?


    Got a Gold core as a login reward and am MR 20, yay?

  2. You say Blind Rage lvl4 for higher levels, but at what level does it become impossible to do the current set-up?


    Currently with my 2-off Blind Rage, and Fortitude, the limit seems to be around 120.

    It gets to the point that enemies damage you more than you can efficiently Lifestrike your 300hp back, so you eat away at your Energy because every few hits you take breaks through your ability to get to enemies to Life Strike, or they just do so much damage that they bypass it entirely.

    So in terms of team play, using 4x CP, and using Energy Restores, ETC, would the build be the exact same? Or max Blind Rage out as well?


    Even if the effective hp of Steel Fiber+Vitality is lower, at really high levels you can only take ~16k damage with the current set-up before it instantly goes through your health, and eats away at your energy. Would swapping Steel Fiber+Vitality for ~800hp be worth the lower end EHP loss for being able to take a ~45k burst from enemies without instantly losing your energy?


    And thanks for this insanely detailed guide.


    Instantly losing energy while using Quick Thinking is a really old client side bug. Seems it can't be fixed since it all depends on your internet ping and lag so if you feel that depending on QT and your energy pool isn't helping then I'd agree that you should max out HP and Armor and Power Strength.

  3. Already consult this thread many times, but i never said what i'm thinking about it:


    You did an amazing work, helpful to understand the mechanics of Chroma. It helped me to build a monster that breaks faces.

    When i saw first his abilities i thougt "ok he's powerful", but i didn't know how good it is. Very, very good job.


    So thank you, you and all the people helps you to work on this warframe.


    Thank you so much for the appreciation friend! :D I'm so glad my guides could help you out. :)

  4. They use PNG as the file format of choice. This format supports only 4 color channels; Red, Green, Blue and Alpha. While alpha is most commonly used as a transparency channel, the game uses it as a fourth color channel.


    Oh, I see now. That is just sad though. That means there wont be a solution for this for a long time and this pattern of losing customization will occur with all the primes. Oh well, thanks for the technical heads up.

  5. It is sad that you call the devs "lazy". I am sure that if there was an easy fix for this that they would have fixed it. Having played around with Tennogen skins I can see that there is a technical limitation of four colors in the tint masks; RGB + alpha. The way I see it as a non-programmer, they would have to somehow code a seperate fifth tint mask into the game, if that is even possible at this stage.


    Wait, what? I'm sorry but why would the number of color areas on a model limited to RGB and Alpha? Won't that be just for the base texture and not the color tints you put over that? We are allowed to choose from millions of colors technically, and we can only add 4 of them at a time? They are going on separate parts of the model or texture and are a different thing from the base texture or model files.


    And as we have already seen, it seems easy for them to combine existing slots, why wouldn't it be easy to add another?

  6. Just here to give my 2 cents after playing with Saryn for a day or 2.


    I'm actually liking this rework, being able to use her first 3 abilities together synergystically is a nice change from always feeling like I'm forced to use Miasma all the time.


    Sure Miamsma got nerfed, but I'd rather have 3 abilites to have fun with than just one press 4 to win ability.


    I'm loving using my zerker Tipedo with Toxic Lash, Sporing an enemy in a group and going ham on them just to see a never ending spiral of viral and toxin. :D


    Thanks DE, this is a good rework and I'm sure ppl will find ways to use her abilites in end game scenarios too without having to depend only on Miasma anymore.


    Sci out.


    *Flameshields up*

  7. I haven't played Saryn yet since I just forma'd her, but there's only one thing bothering me atm. Is there no unique Profile Icon for this skin, like there was for Proto Excal?


    Please DE, just give us Profile Icons for all skins.


    Would be great if everyone who bought the expensive 200p pack would get the icon along with it.

  8. Its in the settings menu under Key bindings. Take your time to read every setting in there :-) you will find it!


    There is no 'Slide' key. You slide only if you hold 'Crouch' while moving forward. That's why I was wondering what you were talking about.


    Could it be that this is not working anymore? Or is there a melee weapon requirement in order to do this? i can't seem to jump after the melee tap.

    so it is bullet jump then tap melee then it stops and i cant jump afterwards...?


    Yes it is still working. I just checked. Follow this video >


    Aim a little higher so you don't hit the ground too fast and give a little pause between the melee and Double Jump. Double jump still works after melee with both a single Jump tap or Crouch+Jump.

  9. I'm really sorry to necro this tread, but i have a question. I'm an old player returning to the game (but now on pc), and A LOT has changed. Is it still possible to run on walls ( horizontally ) because apparently one needs to keep jumping against the wall in order to traverse gaps via walls?


    thank you

    Kind regards


    You don't have to tap Jump repeatedly, you can hold the Jump button and it will automatically do the Wall Hop for you. Another way to move forward along walls fast is to Jump then Bullet Jump, then repeat as can be seen in the following video by Pavelord


  10. Thank you for this analysis. Since i got Chroma i was looking for a strong build & happened to be pointed towards this thread from wiki. Though i am not a number cruncher like you what i understood in simple terms is that using quick thinking + rage build is much more beneficial for tanking. I just wanted to ask your opinion on this build of mine (pic below). Btw i don't have primed flow so the potential of my build is pretty limited at the moment. Do you think swapping out steel fiber would be okay ? I would probably put more power strength or maybe a streamline to manage the high efficiency cost or even duration to keep vex armor & elemental ward up. I am using a ice build.   




    The EHP with your current build will be >


    Total Armor = (3.5 * Pwr Str %) * [350 (1 + Steel Fiber % + (1.5* Pwr Str %))] = 8.26 (350 (1 + 1.1 + 3.54)) = 8.26 (1974) = 16305.24 Armor

    Dmg Reduction % =>100 / (1 + (16305.24/300)) => (100 / 55.3508) => 100 - 1.807% = 98.193 %


    Effective Health = Shields + (Health * (1 + Net Armor/300)) = 200 + (740 x 55.3508) = 40959.592 HP


    Now, the Effective Health from Quick Thinking = 55.3508 * 2.4 * 450 = 59778.864 HP


    The total Effective Health is = 100,738.456 HP


    Haha, that's a lot more than I expected, let me run those numbers again.

  11. Thank you for this analysis. Since i got Chroma i was looking for a strong build & happened to be pointed towards this thread from wiki. Though i am not a number cruncher like you what i understood in simple terms is that using quick thinking + rage build is much more beneficial for tanking. I just wanted to ask your opinion on this build of mine (pic below). Btw i don't have primed flow so the potential of my build is pretty limited at the moment. Do you think swapping out steel fiber would be okay ? I would probably put more power strength or maybe a streamline to manage the high efficiency cost or even duration to keep vex armor & elemental ward up. I am using a ice build.   



    You dont need more power strength, you need to to get more efficiency first. 55% is not good at all and you will feel it at the high levels. Since you're using QT and Flow, the point is to save as much energy as possible to be used as EHP when your HP drops to 2.


    While using Cold it is better to use more Power Strength than to use Steel Fiber since the gain of EHP after adding Steel Fiber is very little for Cold since you get 385 from it while 200% Power Strength will give you 9800 armor. So you can remove Steel Fiber.


    Secondly, after 200% Power Strength the increase in EHP from Power Strength mods scales less strongly so you can easily drop Blind Rage to rank 4 to save on Efficiency.


    Use the slot you got by removing Steel Fiber for Streamline and you will already have quite a decently efficient build also while having a lot of EHP. :)


    The following build is what I'm using for Cold :



    The following is what I'm using for Electric, Toxin and Heat:



    Since Steel Fiber doubles EHP with those elements I'm using it there instead of using Blind Rage since they scale less with Power Strength.


    Since you're using cold you will have about 75 to 76k EHP and if you drop Blind Rage to Rank 4 to get 200% Power Strength. If you drop Vitality too you will lose only around 14.8k EHP at 200% Power Strength.


    With your current build you should have around 90k EHP but at the cost of really bad efficiency.

    Wait, that would be if you had a maxed Primed Flow, let me calculate your exact EHP currently and tell you.

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