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  1. So, I have a few questions. My first one is what is the best way to earn new skins/cosmetics for Warframes and weapons? Also, new color schemes too? Never seem to get any Second, what is the best way to obtain new companions? My current one is serviceable but would like a new one. Lastly, what is the most efficient way to earn those Catalysts? I know you buy via the NIghtwave pass and with Platinum but getting them through BP tends to take a while, at least for me.
  2. Ok, I'll start checking the wiki more, Didn't realize how useful it actually is. Thanks!
  3. I didn't know the best place to post this, so I thought here was good enough. So, I really want a new Warframe. I still use my starting one, Excalibur. It's max lv 30, has fairly good mods and have them pretty well upgraded. Now, I'm currently on Neptune and am about to reach the junction for the next planet. I've done MOST of the nodes on the other previous planets and places. So far, my Warframe has been pretty good in keeping me alive. But TBH, I've been getting pretty sick of it and really need to get a new, better one. But I don't know how I'm supposed to do this. It's frustrating because I've got a bunch of parts for different Warframes but not the blueprint. I've got a few blueprints but not the parts (Xaku, Chroma and a few others). Now, I know there is the Market and know about trading with other players, but I haven't gotten familiar with that yet. Also, I'd really prefer to earn everything as I play. Should I even have a new one by or should I not worry about this? I'd appreciate any help and advice here!
  4. Okay, that clears some things up. I've actually checked the Codex from time to time and I haven't found any lore perse, but maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place.
  5. So, after exploring the forums, I didn't know where else to post this question, so this seemed like a fair place to post this. I just completed the Second Dream quest. I've completed most of the mission nodes on other planets beforehand and have dabbled in other things too. The Second Dream quest was where it seems to start pick up, which I've read online so I essentially expected this. But, as it says in the title, I still don't really understand much of anything in regard to the story, lore and characters. The game hardly seems to dive into much of anything before you reach the Second Dream, unless I'm missing some content somewhere that I should've already played? I've read that story get awesome as you get farther into it and some things are explained and answered. Can someone give some insight as to what I'm missing, or maybe not missing at all? Or maybe there's nothing to worry about at all? I mean, to give a few examples, there are bosses I've had to take out multiples times, like Vor (don't know why), what are Cephalons, what's the story with Alad V (just seems to exist). Thanks for answering! Also, is there a good way to acquire more Endo, besides Avayan stars and the sculptures, cause I'm always low now.
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