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Posts posted by Drzzter

  1. 4 hours ago, Syncrasis said:



    Weathering is next.

    Looks great!

    I know you're not quite done yet, but the current chrome colour feels a bit too silver or shiny? I don't know how different it's going to look when you're done with it, but the in-game model looks a bit more matte to me. Maybe it's just a weird angle or something though. :)

  2. The design and idea is certainly.. interesting! I'm liking all the flowing-dangly-scarf-things and the butterflies so far. The poofy collar bit in the back looks nice too. :)

    The main thing I dislike about it, and it's not a big deal anyway is the ear flap (?) on the side of her head. It feels a bit too big in my opinion, it could definitely could work there, it just feels a bit awkward at the moment.

    Kudos to the artist and Rebecca so far though, looks great!

  3. Woo! Shiny things! Now all I need to do is wait 6 more months for my next 75% discount! :)

    Everything looks great, Banshee skin included - admittedly it didn't capture some of the beauty of the original artwork but oh well, what're ya gonna do? Thanks for the new stuff DE.

  4. 1 hour ago, Syncrasis said:

    I have small hands, so I had to settle for some latex yellow gloves that I plan on dying slightly orangier. Gonna take some trial and error. If it doesn't end up working out I'll go with medium size Atlas nitrile gloves, which are more perfect right out of the box but rather large on my babby hands lol

    Great. Now I can't help but picture you like Dexter's Mom. lol


  5. Hi Cordy!

    Just curious, would you happen to know what happens to capture targets once we're through with them? Do we have some sort of space daycare for them or do we send them back to their places of dwelling? I'm not so sure the Corpus - let alone the Grineer - would be too pleased with the actions of their comrades. This seems like a death sentence to me, and far more cruel than vaporizing them ourselves. ((I'm looking at you Atterax.))

    I realize this has been somewhat discussed in the past, but I'm not satisfied with the cannibal solution the community has come up with! hehe

  6. Love the colours and details on all the armour pieces! Looks great!

    One little thing that's bothering me though, I feel like maybe the morph suit ((whatever that is underneath the armour lol)) could stand to be maybe a little more grey/black and a little less purple? It still looks fine either way, just didn't know if you were going for more of an ingame look or if it was a stylistic choice. :)

    My favourite part is probably the helmet, there's a lot of depth and colour on that thing. I wish I was this talented with these sorts of projects, hueh, big kudos to you.

  7. I'm the only one who got Scavenger Drone? I guess I'm a unique and precious snowflake. :^)

    You're one mischievous Osprey, let me tell you that! You're sly, and a jokester, and those around you may not always appreciate your brand of humor! Maybe you would have more friends if you didn't steal all that sniper ammo all the time!!


  8. I'm currently using these together:

    Atterax - Loving this melee currently, building it with Reach + Berserker + Fury + Damage mods depending on what I'm fighting. Pink energy looks nice on it too, when you're swirling around. :^)

    Boltor Prime - Pinning people to walls just got more powerful. Tears through most of the enemies I run into in a matter of seconds, haven't modded it to it's max potential yet though.

    Sonicor - Ragdolling, blast damage, flying, need I say more? Sonicor's one of my favourites currently, it's not particularly amazing in the damage department but it makes up for that with amazing stuns, CC,  and a lot of comic value.

    EDIT: Boop, forgot to add aesthetically why I enjoy them.

    I don't really have a set theme for all my weapons, but I pick each one depending on whether or not they look neat/cute/cool to me. The Atterax has an attractive swirling animation that looks pretty when it's combined with a vibrant energy colour. Boltor Prime is a big squishy spine that shoots out darts. Sonicor is a wrist mounted sonic cannon, can't really put a finger on what I like about it, it just appeals to me for some reason. q:

  9. Looks great! The Ant/Wasp design reminds me of 'Ophiocordyceps unilateralis', AKA the Zombie Fungus. It takes control of the host's mind ((In this case the ant)) and pilots them towards the underside of a leaf where they eventually expire and release fungal spores. Maybe a name for the skin taken from the scientific name would be cool? :^)

    Love the helmet design, and the body looks good too. I was thinking maybe a few protrusions around the shoulders in the same style as the helmet would look interesting and help add some extra detail, but it still looks fantastic without it too.

    It's nice to see an interesting Nyx skin for a change, good job!

  10. Dex Dakra do significantly more damage than the Dual Ether, but are also slightly slower and don't stagger enemies like the Dual Ethers do. Also, the Dex Dakra can't knock enemies down with their slam attack. For general stabbing and basic hitting, the Dex Dakra is probably your best bet imo.

    As far as mods go, slap some elemental damage mods on ((Molten Impact, North Wind, etc)), and perhaps a Reach or Fury. Stick a stance mod on it to boost up your mods slots, whichever one you use is up to you in terms of combat style. If you want some extra speed on it, Berserker might be fun.

  11. I'm not too versed in the technicalities of leveling, but I'm fairly sure experience from direct kills is only awarded to the weapon you killed the enemy with. i.e you're going to want to kill enemies with the weapon you're trying to level. You'll earn miniscule amounts for your other weapons as well from miscellaneous other things like resetting the alarms.

    If I go through a level killing everything with only my max ranked melee, my other weapons gain hardly any XP at all.

    If you want to level a weapon quickly, you can do a bunch of low level spy runs without being detected, completing objectives like that will share the experience evenly between all the weapons you have equipped currently, so you can bring 1 weapon with you that you want to level and just have the experience funneled into it.

    Or you can just run Draco with 3 other people and level everything you own in a matter of minutes. :^P

  12. Fashionframe is basically 25% of my playtime. Why kill stuff if you can't look good doing it? :^)

    Try being out of the ordinary, don't follow the trend of red 'n black angst. ((I know it looks good and I'll admit to using it occasionally.)) Mix different colours, cosmetics, and helmets together to make something different and new.

    That, or you can set some personal goals like others have mentioned. Fill out your codex scans, use a weird loadout, help out your fellow tenno. You never know, you might meet some new friends or find something you really enjoy doing.

    If all else fails, get a Sonicor.


  13. You're going to have a hard time playing Nekros as a tank, his stats simply don't work well for that sort of thing. He's built for support and utility and that's more or less the only thing he's good at.

    I suppose you could try slapping a Steel Fiber on him, but his base stat's too low for that to be terribly effective. Vigor would help boost his health and shields up a bit too, but he's still going to be quite squishy in comparison to proper tank frames.

  14. '1- I farmed Rhino and Valkyer and forged both of of them "vlakyer still in the forge"'

    Sounds like you ran out of Warframe slots, though I could be misunderstanding your problem. You can only have so many active warframes built before being forced to purchase another slot with 15 platinum.

    '2- I made the Karak rifle and though i like it i hate it's magazine size...so i got a braton and it's cool....what else should i make that i can afford as a new player and will help me?'

    You can increase magazine size with a mod, if you'd like ((Magazine Warp, Ammo Stock, etc)). If you can get your hands on some neurodes, I'd recommend the Boltor as a primary weapon. It's simple to use and works well. Just about any weapon is going to be better than the Braton, at least for newer players - There's some people out there who put tons of effort into modding it and it turns out alright in the end, but I wouldn't recommend it. The Kronen and the Galatine are both easy to obtain melees, keep in mind they both require a mastery rank of 3, but that's not too hard to obtain.

    '5- i've 2 Orokin catalysts what should i use them on?'

    Use them on whatever you like. They double the mod capacity on one weapon of your choice. Pick a weapon that you truly enjoy and would like to see perform better and apply it to that one. You can get more of them from alerts in the future, so don't be too stingy with them.

    '6- Should i buy a reactor? and for what frame?..only have 30P and planing on paying but by the end of this month i guess.'

    I personally wouldn't spend what little plat I have on a reactor, they're decently easy to obtain and for someone just starting out - not that big of a must have. I'd recommend using it for some extra Warframe slots, which I'm assuming would fix problem 1.



  15. You can in a sense get 'free' platinum by selling various items in Maroo's bazaar or by heading to the trade chat. If you're looking to just get handouts or a discount code though, you're going to be out of luck.

    I recommend running void missions and selling off prime components you don't want if you need a few quick plat.

  16. I like to imagine that each faction has it's own version of the Chinese Sweatshops, working away at whatever widget they've been ordered to make. If you flip the card around to the back it says  'Made on Jupiter' or 'Made in Taiwan'. Each group of people is ripping each others designs off and replicating them in their factories, creating them in the thousands only to then have some shmuck come through and carve it off a Grineer Lancer.

    The way people always talk about mod slots as if they were an actual physical thing also puts me in mind of some sort of way to actually take the mod and stick it into the weapon somehow, like a magical floppy disk that adds 60% more elemental damage.

  17. Depending on the urgency of the request, how much traffic they've got at the time you sent your request, and who's working on the support tickets right then, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

    Don't worry too much, they'll work it out for you eventually.

  18. alad

    Playing the game with people I know is good fun, nothing quite like running through a difficult missions with a group of excited friends.

    On top of that, I've always enjoyed the character design and general lore of the Warframe universe. It can get a little corny here and there, but there seems to be a lot of love put into crafting all the little backstories and various groups. Each team has its own quirks and flaws, strengths and weaknesses. They're all unique in their own way and I find that interesting.

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