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Posts posted by Drzzter

  1. Well, assuming I understood this question correctly..

    The oranges from the two up-most palettes of the shamrock colour set blend well together with the dark purple/red crimson type colour from the default palette to create a firelike appearance. The lightest yellows and oranges from the Easter set work well to accentuate the tips of a fire theme too. Mix in some of the greys from the bottom of the classic palette for a rockesque feel and I suppose you'd be good to go.



  2. Nice art! Great job, looks good. :^) That Loki looks especially nice, probably my favourite of the bunch.

    I want to see a Clem and an Alad art soon. hehe.

  3. Carrier's probably going to be your best bet in terms of pure utility, try a Carrier Prime if you want something mildly different.

    Sunika Kubrow can wrestle with certain more powerful or important enemies such as capture targets or bosses, giving you a few seconds to blow them away without fear of being murdered.

    Wyrm/Wyrm Prime both have good CC abilities that work on groups of enemies, they're also fairly decent at doing a bit of damage too.

    The Shade sentinel can give you temporary invisibility when you're near enemies, it's broken when you attack or perform any actions but can be useful for catching a breath so long as you don't engage anyone for a moment or two.

  4. Are you sure your player match making is set to public?


    Make sure it is, then see if you can be matched up with a squad. Most planets have a bunch of people playing on them at any given point, especially if there's an alert or it's good for farming. You could also try the recruiting channel as well, down in the chat tabs, if you'd like. Most of the people in recruiting would rather go on a high level void mission but there's a few players in there that devote their time to helping new 'frames out.

  5. The Opulas robes don't work on everybody - they're rather bulky and don't suit a stealthy slim frame look very well in my experience. They definitely have their place and convey a samurai look pretty well, and of course there's the fact that they look like Alad V's cape, so if you like him, you'll probably like it too.

    Here's a couple pics of it on my frames for reference.



    I couldn't find any videos on it either, sorry.

  6. Try checking out this popular steam guide for some pointers.


    I recommend either running through the void a few times with some friends or collecting and ranking up some of the more popular and desirable mods such as redirection or maybe narrow minded if you have the time, effort, and patience for such things. If you've got the resources on you, craft some Orokin derelict capture/defense/exterminate/etc and a few dragon keys of various types and make a day out of trying to open some Orokin vaults.


    Each Orokin derelict map has a chance to spawn in a vault that contains a rare and powerful mod. To open the vault  you need to use a 'Dragon Key'. There's 4 different kinds of keys and only one of them is the right kind to open each vault so bring along 3 other people with 3 different keys for a 100% chance of being able to open the vault once you find it.

    Once you've opened the vault and taken the mod from inside, you can either keep it for yourself for some serious boons, or you can rank it up and sell it on the market, and there's a lot of people out there who'll gladly take those off your hands for quite a pretty penny. Selling these corrupted mods you get from the vault is one of the fastest ways to make cash, but it's quite hard on the resource and effort wallet.

    Once you've got some sort of something to sell, be it prime blueprints or mods - head out to Maroo's Bazaar on Earth, find a nice place to settle down and pitch your wares to the rest of the people there.

    If you want to sift through a lot of yelling and rapid trade chat text flying by, you can find people trying to buy the very item you have to sell. That can grow old and boring quite easily though, so start off with Maroo's if you don't want to be overwhelmed as quickly.

  7. I don't see an exact time for the materialization of the life support module, checked the wiki and everything. From personal experience it seems to take about anywhere from 45s to 1min or so. Perhaps I missed it being listed somewhere on this page but a quick scan of it might yield some helpful results for your question.


    I don't tend to ever use the life support unless I absolutely need it. Make sure to kill loads upon loads of enemies, as their personal life support drops will restore 4% of your air for every one you collect. If you focus all your efforts on trying to keep your air up by killing folks, you'll eventually stockpile the pods for emergency use for when the enemies start to overwhelm you.

    The exact time between her deliveries varies as the mission progresses, starting off fairly regularly and becoming less and less frequent as time passes. This rule should apply to all stages/planets unless specifically stated otherwise.

    If you're having trouble with the stage you might want to set your matchmaking to public and see if you can gather a party before venturing forth.

  8. On 3/21/2016 at 3:49 AM, xiaodenden said:

    Someone I know had this bug on their laptop.  I turned off DirectX 10 and 11 in the setting section of the launcher and that seemed to have solved the problem for now.  

    Thank you!

    This worked perfectly for me, a temporary solution I should hope, but I'm quite excited to have my game finally looking normal after a few weeks! +1 rep

  9. Well, the pesky T-Pose issue is still plaguing me. You guys asked for a little bit more information or clarification as to what was going on or how we can reproduce it... I'm not sure where it came from or why but lots of players seem to be having the same type of problem. It's a very difficult thing to try and explain.


    Every time I log in, I'm immediately greeted with the cinematic login scenes or my character sitting at the front of the ship, as is normal. However, all of the Warframes, enemies, etc. are frozen into a T-pose shape, or horrendously disfigured, depending on what position the person is in. Smaller exterior bits on models float freely near their host, such as the helmets of the Corpus, cosmetics on a 'Frame, and the faces of the Grineer. The screenshot below will give you an idea of what that looks like.

    keRefa2.jpg((lol)) ((Thanks DrunkenStupor :> ))

    The game runs perfectly smoothly without any crashes or errors, it doesn't matter what loadout I'm using, I can play as any frame with any combination of weapons and I still get the exact same error. This same effect occurs with various non NPC or Player Characters as well - the statue of Loki in the dojo, the loadout station in the liset, noggles, etc. You can find some examples of this issue in effect on other things below within the spoiler.





    poor alad


    Yes, yes and yes again. However, it doesn't happen to everyone. I've logged in many many times since it's started and the same thing happens every time.

    REPRODUCTION STEPS: Assuming you're one of the people afflicted with this curse you would follow these steps.

    1. Launch Warframe.

    2. Immediately be greeted by T-posed login screen.





    If there's some sort of logs or crash report type thing I could send to you guys to give you a better sense of what's going on, I'm very open to figuring out how to solve this together. Let me know if you need some sort of information that I've been failing to give that might hasten your efforts!



  10. Description:

    For the past few days since the Sands of Inaros quest, my model has been completely twisted and warped, creating a somewhat comical but completely distracting visual effect. My body is stuck in a T-pose position and my character's weapons have been floating in front of my frame. This bug seems to occur with all entities ((including the Loki statue inside the Clan Memorial Hall)) and the equipment change module inside the liset.

    Gameplay itself is completely unaltered and I'm able to complete missions. I'm playing as an Ash warframe, my loadout doesn't affect the issue and it seems to happen everywhere with all kinds of enemies/other players/etc.

    Can you Reproduce the Bug?

    Not all players seem to have this issue, and I'm not sure what causes the issue either. I can however reproduce it simply by logging in.

    Screenshots: ((apologies for the poor quality, it's hard to get clear shots of what's going on.))






    EDIT : I have reinstalled my game and verified the cache integrity to no avail, it doesn't appear to be a problem on my end.

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