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Posts posted by [DE]SizzlingCalamari

  1. We've released an update to the Warframe TennoGen tool. The update contains the changes/fixes listed below:
    05/07/2016 - Build Id 1212877
    - Added the requirement that item content updates must include change notes. If you have updated your submission since the last round of selections, please ensure you have change notes attached. You may edit change notes by clicking on the "Change Notes" tab on your workshop item page.

    - Modified the viewer export process. On export, users will now be prompted to classify their submission as one of the 4 types: Warframe (body/helm), Weapon, Syandana, or Landing Craft. This is to make the item integration process easier on our end.

  2. Is there a faster way to update the textures in TennoGen? My current method of updating is to re-link the files by opening the thumnail preview everytime. 


    Would be cool if TennoGen can auto update textures on the fly as you save over your textures.. 




    To update the textures, you may also drag your texture from Windows explorer into the corresponding slot in the TennoGen tool.

  3. We've released an update to the Warframe TennoGen tool. The update contains the changes/fixes listed below:


    20/11/2015 - Build Id 867447


    - Reduced the workshop items list refresh delay from 3.5 to 2 seconds after uploading an item.

    - Fixed a case where item tags were replaced by "False" when uploading.



    - Fixed an error when loading an OBJ without normal or uv indices.
  4. We've released an update to the Warframe TennoGen tool. The update contains the changes/fixes listed below:


    13/11/2015 - Build Id 858027


    - The workshop items list now refreshes after uploading an item.

    - Added additional error handling for item uploads.

    - Fixed the description box not respecting multiple line descriptions.



    - Fixed 'Emissive Colour', 'Use Opacity', 'Spec Map Is Metal Map' not being exported in TennoGenExport.zip.

  5. We've released an update to the Warframe TennoGen tool. The update contains the changes/fixes listed below:


    4/11/2015 - Build Id 844894


    - Fixed a possible crash when uploading items.

    - Improved error messages for general uploader usage.

    - Set the default workshop item visibility to private.

    - Increased the clickable area for opening preview image and content path dialogues.

    - Added the ability to see and modify previously uploaded items.

    - Added new tags: "Polycount Warframe Contest", "Alt Helm", "Model Swap".



    - Fixed incorrect vertex counts.

    - Added opacity setting per material.

    - Added support for obj faces formatted with relative indices.

  6. Hey! Are we supposed to be able to opt into the test version of this tool Build Id 841826, which has some of the upcoming features? Either way, there's a slight mix up with it. The icons for thumbs up and thumbs down are swapped (they're in the wrong place).

    We don't support using the test branch, but won't restrict it. The test branch is what we're planning for release very shortly. Features in the test branch may be incomplete or do unexpected things. Basically, you may use it at your own discretion.

  7. @DESIzzlingCalamari I was wondering regarding not being able to add a picture in the upload screen, would it be because I have not filled out the payment information yet, which I have to admit, makes me a little uncomfortable giving my banking information to a third party?


    While filling out your payment information is required for submitting to the workshop, being able to open the "Add Image" dialog sounds like an odd Windows error. Does the content path selection dialog show?

  8. Any ETA on that release? Also, any chance a feature could be added where we could import from our saved file, in order to keep our existing color settings in the tool?


    Hopefully early next week. We also have a save/load viewer state feature planned for the release after. The exported zip file from the viewer contains colour codes in the json file if you would like to see your previously used colours.


    I did both of those things but it didnt work, i got the same thing.


    SteamAPI init failure is a pretty general error from Steam and it can be caused by random things from our perspective. The Steam network being down could affect whether there is a SteamAPI failure or not. Try running Steam with administrator privileges though, that may fix it.

  9. Steam Workshop Warframe TennoGen Tool

    This thread contains information regarding known issues, workarounds, and update notes for the Warframe TennoGen tool.

    The Warframe TennoGen tool is located in the Steam tools library. You may access the Steam tools library by hovering over LIBRARY near the top of the Steam client, then selecting TOOLS.



    Under the tools category in your Steam library, double click the Warframe TennoGen tool to install it.

    Alternatively, copy and paste this Steam url into your browser: steam://install/396050


    Known Issues and Workarounds:

    1. Grey screen and non-responsive buttons when opening the Warframe TennoGen tool.

    The tool uses an embedded Chromium browser to drive the viewer and uploader UI. Your system may not support the level of WebGL that is required to display the viewer content. Ensure you have the latest video card drivers installed for your system.

    The requirements for webgl in our application are listed on this page in the Chrome section: https://www.khronos.org/webgl/wiki/BlacklistsAndWhitelists

    If updating video card drivers does not work, a possible solution is to add --ignore-gpu-blacklist to the command line arguments of the tool in Steam.


    2. The poly counts in the bottom left corner of the viewer are not accurate.

    This will be patched in the next release.
    Fixed in build id 844894.

    3. Error 15 or error 2 when uploading items.

    If you run into this error, it can most likely be resolved by reinstalling the TennoGen tool. If that does not solve the error, make a post here and we'll try to assist you.


    Updates and Release Notes:

    06/07/2022 - Build Id 9073128
    - Added Leg Armor to submission check list.

    05/13/2022 - Build Id 8733354
    - Added Gyre to submission check list.

    03/24/2022 - Build Id 8355213
    - Postprocess pipeline integration. Added tone mapping, bloom effect and SSAA.
    - Fixed issue that made colors way too bright after loading model and suddenly darker after component selection in the sidebar
    - Miscellaneous code fixes and preparation for IBL-PBR rework.

    01/07/2022 - Build Id 7987166
    - Added Caliban to submission check list.

    07/26/2021 - Build Id 7088982
    - Added Yareli to submission check list.

    04/22/2021 - Build Id 6583889
    - Added Sevagoth to submission check list.

    03/15/2021 - Build Id 6374025
    - Added new export categories for chest and shoulder

    01/26/2021 - Build Id 6141276
    - Added Landing Crafts: Nightwave, Xiphos, Mantis, Scimitar
    - Added Warframe Armor: Shoulder Armor Pieces

    12/21/2020 - Build Id 5998454
    - Added Lavos to submission check list.

    12/17/2020 - Build Id 5982889
    - Updated tint mask naming convention.

    9/23/2020 - Build Id 5586380
    - Added Xaku to submission check list.

    8/10/2019 - Build Id 5156450
    - Added Proteus to submission check list.

    8/10/2019 - Build Id 4362277
    - Added Grendel to submission check list.

    8/10/2019 - Build Id 4268105
    - Added Gauss to submission check list.

    2/10/2019 - Build Id 4251179
    - Unified metals shading with the game (proper roughness mapping + reflections intensity normalization)
    - Added support for two-channel emissive maps (will replace old RGB emissive maps)

    16/08/2019 - Build Id 4112307
    - Added Whip & Chest Armor to the submission tag list.

    11/07/2019 - Build Id 4003149
    - Added Two-Handed Nikana to the submission tag list.

    27/05/2019 - Build Id 3862446
    - Added Wisp to the submission tag list.

    01/04/2019 - Build Id 3693475
    - Removed "Emissive Intensity" slider from UI and locked to the default value of 3.

    11/03/2019 - Build Id 3634889
    - Added Hildryn to the submission tag list.

    14/01/2019 - Build Id 3467349
    - Added operator customizations to the export dialog.

    20/12/2018 - Build Id 3418569
    - Added Baruuk to the submission tag list.

    20/12/2018 - Build Id 3418550
    - Added Garuda to the submission tag list.

    12/11/2018 - Build Id 3300640
    - Added Revenant to the submission tag list.

    16/08/2018 - Build Id 3038756
    - Added Operator Ear Accessory, Operator Eye Accessory, and Operator Facial Accessory to the submission tag list.

    25/07/2018 - Build Id 2976958
    - Added Axe to the submission tag list.

    23/07/2018 - Build Id 2970151
    - Added Dagger, Rapier, Fists, Stave, Katana, Opticor, and Arca Plasmor to the submission tag list.

    04/06/2018 - Build Id 2832729
    - Modifications to item tags:
     - Added Polearm
     - Skana -> Sword
     - Jat Kittag -> Hammer
     - Galatine -> Heavy Blade
     - Kronen -> Tonfa

    26/04/2018 - Build Id 2724178
    - Fixed an issue with the previous build where normal map y components were being flipped.

    24/04/2018 - Build Id 2717216
    - Added Khora to the submission tag list.

    10/04/2018 - Build Id 2549303
    - Added emissive alpha uv panning and scaling.

    12/02/2018 - Build Id 2519680
    - Added Gara to the submission tag list.

    25/10/2017 - Build Id 2229574
    - Added Harrow, Octavia, Orthos, Galatine, Jat Kittag, Kronen, and Skana to the submission tag list.

    23/02/2017 - Build Id 1652106
    - Fixed some cases of failed .obj loading.

    21/02/2017 - Build Id 1646632
    - Added Equinox, Nidus, and Titania to the submission tag list.

    - Fixed sample .obj models not loading in some cases. (Previously, this fix was in the test branch)
    - Fixed saving/exporting sometimes hanging the program with larger content file sizes.

    25/07/2016 - Build Id 1244028
    - Added Ash, Atlas, Banshee, Ember, Hydroid, Inaros, Ivara, Limbo, Nezha, Oberon, Saryn,
    Trinity, and Wukong to the submission tag list.

    08/07/2016 - Build Id 1218882
    - Fixed cases of item exporting failing.
    - Disallowed exporting without any meshes selected.

    05/07/2016 - Build Id 1212877
    - Added the requirement that item content updates must include change notes. If
    you have updated your submission since the last round of selections, please
    ensure you have change notes attached. You may edit change notes by clicking on
    the "Change Notes" tab on your workshop item page.

    - Modified the viewer export process. On export, users will now be prompted to
    classify their submission as one of the 4 types: Warframe (body/helm), Weapon,
    Syandana, or Landing Craft. This is to make the item integration process easier
    on our end.

    15/04/2016 - Build Id 1076841
    - Added submission tags for Loki, Mirage, Nyx, Rhino, Valkyr, and Vauban.

    - Added hex value input/display box to colour picker.

    21/12/2015 - Build Id 908910
    - Added submission tags for Chroma, Frost, Mesa, Nekros, Nova, and Zephyr.

    09/12/2015 - Build Id 892149
    - Removed Polycount Contest submission tag.
    - Added info box before selecting the content path about how the content path works.

    24/11/2015 - Build Id 872191
    - Improved error messages.

    - When loading an OBJ, fixed recalculating vertex normals from face normals if they already exist.

    20/11/2015 - Build Id 867447
    - Reduced the workshop items list refresh delay from 3.5 to 2 seconds after uploading an item.
    - Fixed a case where item tags were replaced by "False" when uploading.

    - Fixed an error when loading an OBJ without normal or uv indices.

    13/11/2015 - Build Id 858027
    - The workshop items list now refreshes after uploading an item.
    - Added additional error handling for item uploads.
    - Fixed the description box not respecting multiple line descriptions.

    - Fixed 'Emissive Colour', 'Use Opacity', 'Spec Map Is Metal Map' not being exported in TennoGenExport.zip.

    4/11/2015 - Build Id 844894
    - Fixed a possible crash when uploading items.
    - Improved error messages for general uploader usage.
    - Set the default workshop item visibility to private.
    - Increased the clickable area for opening preview image and content path dialogues.
    - Added the ability to see and modify previously uploaded items.
    - Added new tags: "Polycount Warframe Contest", "Alt Helm", "Model Swap".

    - Fixed incorrect vertex counts.
    - Added opacity setting per material.
    - Added support for obj faces formatted with relative indices.

    23/10/2015 - Build Id 828758
    - Initial Release

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