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Posts posted by Dan1lo

  1. 21 hours ago, Katinka said:

    Since I only play in organised groups I don't think I've ever mixed Radiant and Intact as we've always been after the same Rare and all used Radiant or just going for Forma/Ducats/Traces and used all Intact.  I can however say that I have had Rare rewards drop from Intact Relics when solo, so that can happen although unlikely.  It is also possibly for all Radiants to give nothing but Common or some Common and one Rare as options.  Just RNG.  Even with a Radiant, the Rare is the least likely to drop, that's just your best chance at it.

    The main question is variety of drops. We have 3 common drops possible, and I usually get 4x 1 drop in some runs. Is that part of RNG as well? get 4x the same common drop with Radiant/Intact relics in the mix?

    Thanks for the reply ^^

  2. Every time I use a radiant relic in a public game and find other players using different levels of rarity of the same relic, the prize at the end of the mission is the same "common" drop.

    It has happened to me about 4 times already and I wanted to confirm that there are other players out there who got a radiant+intact relic combo, for example, and could get different prizes by the end of the mission, or even different rarity of end of mission rewards.

    Thank you!

  3. 23 hours ago, rngd444 said:

    For me, they're grey under Sentinels, fully leveled under Kubrows and both under 'All'. Forma aren't the issue here, it's merely an allocation error.

    Oh, thanks for pointing that out. It's fine under "All", but then greyed under "Sentinels" (which might be a misplacement bug) and then alright under "Kubrows" again. Maybe Kubrows should be renamed to Companions or Pets or something similar.

    The same bug happens with archwing where I can find Amesha and Elytron under ArchGun

  4. Kavats are not being taken into account for affinity and mastery rank. I went to my Profile->Equipment->Sentinel and Smeeta Kavat is grey as if I don't even have it.

    I have Forma'd it some times, maybe it caused some trouble in the system.

  5. Suggestion: Make a more noticeable "Rail Activated" special node so that Old and New players can discern between them.

    Bugfix: I've also experienced junctions that don't work after killing the specter. I don't remember where, but it was one of the last ones.

  6. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    The problem, rather, is the manner in which any challenge is presented. Usually this is done by removing our control or SEVERELY limiting our options, to the point where it really isn't Warframe any longer.

    Ok, try to think about every hero cartoon or movie you've watched, seen or heard of. Most heroes can use their pack of tricks most of the time, but sometimes that is used against them.

    Superman (for one) has kryptonite. That hasn't stopped him from beating baddies (or, eventually, dying \o/ I guess)

    A similar thing works on warframe. Every faction has a set of generic tricks and then some really harsh stuff made to punish certain strategies. Nullifiers punish energy, high armor punishes pure damage builds, people pulling you punish lack of movement, healers punish not focusing the right target...

    If the game is challenging right now, one of the reasons is because you are limited in certain situations and have to adapt your plan. Many times have I been ambushed by the Shadow Stalker and died because I had a really bad loadout.

    I love to play Mag, but picking it against infested has you dying for toxic procs (and lack of Polarize damage and projectiles to Magnetize).

    I strongly believe that if your goal is "beat the mission" you CAN come up with a loadout that explores the best out of that situation and save that loadout for a future attack. Dying and failing may be part of the process, but experience will minimize those cases.

    If you want more examples about counters, imagine I'm being bullied by energy leech eximae, nullifier bubbles are around, ancient healers start springing AND the stalker came to say hi. It's a void mission, only toxin procs are from rare Venomous Eximus. Say I have Mag, Sancti Tigris, Sonicor and Dragon Nikana available. All with their potatoes and a well-rounded modding.

    • I'll have to jump away from danger, first, because I'll have no energy
    • Tigris shots can't pierce the bubble, but a quick nikana slash deals with it
    • Sonicor can be used to push enemies around a little bit, but ancient healer prevents it.

    One of the ways this can go slightly better

    • Focus the healer and energy leech with the most damagin option (tigris' shots)
    • Go away from the crowd and find an open room for the stalker
    • Pop up energy restore and a couple Specters to help (get Clem!)
      • You can even put up Shield Restore!
    • Pop up air support (if anything other than the Liset)
    • Put a magnetize bubble in MVP mobs to quickly flush them and the surroundings up
    • When the stalker appears mark him up, magnetize and pop him with the tigris
    • Swap to sonicor to crowd control other mobs around

    You may die from the stalker, you may die trying to reach somebody and being pulled by the healer, you may day from random shotgun shots... but stuff happens. Just use your 4 revives and adapt.

    I won't make any other long post about it, but you surely seem open to new strategies and you seem to aim to make warframe a better place. I surely hope you're able to cope with these limitations and adapt ^^

  7. I don't get people complaining about the game's difficulty. I've been through my share of "getting beat by a boss" to "beating bosses" and everything takes some time to learn and counter.

    What I see every player wanting is a master "Jack of All Trades" setup which kills everything, is invulnerable and grants max affinity or drop rate for farming. In reality, if you want to succeed, you gotta learn how to be creative and adaptative.

    I had no trouble going through every single node in the system, including the tactical alerts and endurance runs. The thing is, it does take time. Some bosses are more prone to abilities than others, some projectiles are dodgeable, some are not.


    • Don't like procs? Get Rhino or Nezha and use their shields. Procs don't go through those
    • Don't like being knocked down? Get +knockdown recovery time mods
    • Don't like dying? Valkyr (although nerfed, but disregard that balance issue for now) or Wukong or Inaros
    • Have you tried using other sentinels instead of Carrier?
      • Diriga has a great crowd control tool, so does Wyrm and Djinn
      • Shade gives you a short stealth for when you become surrounded or knocked down
      • Dethcube has high DPS and a deathbeam
      • Kubrows have high damage and different precepts
      • Kavats have high damage and great precepts, too
    • What about your guns? Have you tried having a crowd control tool as the Sonicor? Have you mixed your loadout to punish your enemies?
    • If your Synoid Simulor, for instance, doesn't work on grineer
      • Have you tried changing your corrosive proc to radioactive?
        • Do you know radiation procs make enemies fight each other?
    • Have you tried Nyx Chaos + Chaos Sphere?
      • Have you tried Mind Control + Mind Freak?
    • Have you tried Ember + Firequake?
    • Have you tried Oberon + heals and reckoning?
    • Have you tried partying up with or being a Trinity?
    • Have you tried high mobility frames to get away of sticky situations?
      • Loki Switch teleport
      • Valkyr rip line
      • Nova wormhole

    With all these questions in mind what I say is: you have a lot of tools, operate through them and you WILL succeed.

    Real game example:

    • Spent 15~20 minutes defeating Jordas Golem
      • "Oh no, he's too OP, please nerf"
    • Went to see the best formation to beat him
    • Made a 4-man squad to cooperate against him
    • Beat him in 2 minutes
  8. 5 hours ago, NummiNammi said:

    I noticed the same problem. It seems that (at least) hitscan weapons ignore the enemies that are between you and the magnetize bubble.

    Thanks for the video! something's definitely wrong ^^

    There's also this thing where I can get damaged inside the bubble, but I haven't been able to track down the sources, of if it's meant to be.

  9. I really liked the new concept because you had possibly 4 prizes for fissures at the end of the match. Right now we have two main reasons to do fissures: opening a relic or getting void traces. You can do both at the same time, but most users will do either separately

    My suggestion is to pair people who didn't equip relics only with those who didn't, and those who DID equip relics ONLY with those who did as well.

    I know it is possible to check if people are carrying relics through ESC menu, but this just makes people constantly search new groups until they find a 4-relic squad (host migration/aborting missions).

    Also, it makes no difference for either group if they aren't paired with players outside their groups. Squads would still be possible to arrange via invitations, but public matchmaking should have that in consideration.

    If an incomplete group has at least one person holding a relic, solo relic holders will be paired, for example.

  10. Hi,

    I'm aware skills don't work on PVP the same way as they do on PVE, but looking for more information I went to the Wiki page on skill changes and it only said "range reduced to 10m, limit of 2 enemies".

    I waited for my energy to go 100%, got close to an enemy and hit the button. Ash does the sound and beginning animation of bladestorm (the little hop) and then nothing happens, energy is spent...

    Am I missing another condition for Bladestorm to work? Do I need to have my melee equipped? Is it like a finisher skill and I can only use it if enemies don't have shield or are low on health?

    Thanks in advance.

  11. The conclave is mostly based on skill, rather than equipment. I like chosing weapons that fit my playstyle, rather than picking DPS stuff like Boltor Prime or Sancti Tigris or Vaykor Hek. The thing is... You might have seen a MK-1 Strun or whatever, but in PVP they deal almost the same amount of damage as high tier PVE weapons. This is made to make the conclave competitive. So... don't get too shocked ^^

  12. Everyone's been so salty towards the OP! I actually liked the idea of gaining momentum for continuous spriting, like increasing it just a little bit for continuous sprinting (like a Marathon Mode, haha)

    The thing about bullet jumping being a great tool is that... HAVE YOU SEEN NARUTO RUN? THAT'S HOW THEY RUN FASTER, JUMPING AROUND! so kudos for DE for making the ninja system THAT closer to ACTUAL ninjas ^^

    I'm not sure what frame you're into exactly, but we do have some good runners. Volt+Speed is a combo everyone talks about, Nova and Terminal Velocity augment are also awesome (if you max that power efficiency for more wormholes ^^) and it seems Rhino + Vanguard Arcane thing are also great.

    Although not running, sliding is a great tool for speeding. Sprint a bit, slide, cancel the slide and return to sprinting, repeat. The Maglev mod makes this a much more pleasant experience, and if you're REALLY trying to go into danger zone, try Nezha+Maglev. He can slide a whole map with a single crouch toggle.

    On a last remark, although I liked your plea and that would appreciate that little modification of sprinting, I don't agree sprinting should be your main movement option in the game ^^

  13. Maybe it could be done like Dark Sector rewards. For every 5min or 5 waves you get the credit reward from Dark Sectors (or used to, as far as I remember). We could get another "random void trace drop" every 5min or 5 waves on endless type missions, having reactants refresh every 5min or waves. The problem is cracking a relic. If you can only crack a single relic per run and you've already done that in the first wave, which is incredibly probable, you could only get more traces from staying longer.

    Not the perfect solution, but endless modes surely can be tweaked to have players seeking for longer runs ^^

  14. 42 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Changed how Simaris’ Synthesis Target Standing is decided in a group: you now get Standing if you have a Synthesis Scanner equipped, are actively playing, and it's your daily target or you are within shared XP range of the target.

    does this mean you have to have it equipped as a weapon (in your hand) or you only need to have it in gear?

  15. 12 hours ago, DeMonkey said:


      Reveal hidden contents




    It's just one of those things that doesn't, and won't make sense OP. 

    Vauban Prime requires over 5x the amount of Oxium Zephyr does, you don't see him floating do you?

    We consistently do missions involving carrying a datamass, yet no one has thought to attach it to one of our numerous holsters?

    Tyl Regor, the head scientist doesn't know what a Vivisection is.

    Don't let it bother you.

    Rofl, yeah. He does require a lot of Oxium for his balls, maybe? haha

    I get that most of things don't necessarily have to make sense, but it makes the environment so much more enjoyable if you can pick pieces of a puzzle and put them together~ Items required for blueprints are, indeed, something that should also be more adressed ^^

    And, lastly, although not really bothered about the matter, I just think there are so many ways to make the relic thing work. Just call relics "void keys" again and make them burst open fissures because you entered a "high energy density area" or whatever. Instead of different eras, have the keys be from different schools, since you already have a lot of school names (madurai, naramon, zenurik...) meaning they have some difference in their structure. Or call Lith, Meso, Neo and Axi Orokin Ranks and make "harder keys" mean that your key used to belong to a high ranked Orokin "family" or whatever.

    There are just so many ways not to involve different timelines in this matter...

    Also, cheers to you ^^!

  16. 13 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    What is the role of any planet in the game? To farm resources? It's there to be played on, and to give the universe life.

    You could probably come up with plenty of excuses as to why parts are spread out. Maybe it was done to keep them safe. Maybe relics open portals through time and space to pull through the first thing they find. Or maybe, and most likely, it's just a disparity between gameplay and lore, and is therefore something that doesn't need to have a reason behind it. Do you want to try to get an explanation for affinity and the 30 level cap? Why operatives always take five minutes to find items?

    It's gameplay that's based in lore, but not necessarily part of it.

    The other planets have their own niche. Some are occupied by the Grineer, some by the Corpus, some were taken by the Infestation, and there's also the Derelict, which is a special place that crumbled because ~reasons~.

    In every planet you have a structure/society that has its own theme attached to it. Different enemies associated, invasions... What I mean about the void itself is that the meaning of the void tileset before was that you had a magical Void Key, which was introduced by the various things you do in the game, that would send you to this special place where Orokin structures still worked and you would find primed item parts because you are in that one special place.

    The Void has lost that special position, and it would be very interesting if it could be restabilished.

    I do understand your point about "WELL, if you can't explain THESE things, don't try explaining THAT thing!", but since some elements DID make part of the lore of the game AND were built to be that way, replace them by something similar!

  17. Hi, I'd like to point out a really bizarre concept about Void Relics: attaching different item parts to relics from different Eras.

    Prime items, as far as I'm concerned, were made by the Orokin to be more powerful versions of other designs. How did they do that is none of my concern, but from a designer point of view, why would you scatter item parts across 2, or even up to 4 different eras?

    "I've designed the hilt for this great sword, now it'll take a couple decades until I perfect its blade... and maybe then I can think about the whole blueprint..."

    The Void Relic system might be tied to the general lore of the game, but these logical steps have to be more thoroughly worked.

    • Why would designers/engineers make/hide parts from a single thing on different eras?

    And the main question everyone is raising right now

    • What is the role of the void and all its tileset in the game's present state? To farm control modules and argon crystals?
  18. I know Ceres has been nerfed, and so far it seems to be the only planet where Grineer Guardsmen appear. Running some missions I came into this happy bunch which kept polishing my shields.

    I took some pictures a few seconds apart and I only felt my shields depleted from lancer guns (or anything else) that would randomly come. As far as I know, Shield damage is not reduced by armor, and I don't even have high armor on Mag.




    So, yeah, I think they should be eating their protein packs, because they can hardly lift their sticks ^^

  19. Actually, the looter mod seems to be causing this issue!  I've tried using looter with pistols and rifles (with their respective silencing mods) on the carrier and the shots made enemies vigilant, but not alerted (that intermediary state). Breaking boxes in any other way does not alert enemies.

  20. Totally agreed with your point. I remember killing captain vor over and over for that gun to find it incredibly disappointing. It's a secondary, the stats aren't really good, you have great low cost alternatives for early game secondaries (You have access to a full built Lex for 50k creds...)

    Also, this specific weapon builds one of the ideas Warframe is trying to balance nowadays which is "item farming". If we were to discuss the Miter, it would have other points of relevance, but putting such a simple gun as the Seer as one of the first RNG-farmable items surely feels bad for newbies!

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