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Posts posted by Dan1lo

  1. Thanks! That's probablly and NVidia thing and I'll try it out ^^

    On sábado, 23 de julho de 2016 at 8:18 PM, XIceBladeX said:

    While changing my graphics settings to make the game look better, I unintentionally fixed the smoke visual glitch.

    I'm not sure exactly what setting did it, but I can send you a screenshot of all my settings. 

    edit: tried it out and I can now see Teshin's Montain with less clouds :D  I don't want to play around with every single setting, but it might have to do with shaders... Special note that this did start happening @ Specters of the Rails

  2. 38 minutes ago, bl4ckhunter said:

    i get your point but if you change wukong's passive you might as well trow primal fury out of the window, the ability is already not very good, remove the extended combo counter and you might as well remove the  ability, it'd need a rework before anything goes through.

    It can work like Mesa. Mesa has its own passive for the Peacemaker, which gets augmented by pistol mods. Primal Fury could just get "Primal Fury has an extended combo counter" and voila, "passive skill slot" will be freed and he can get a new one, for example.

  3. The idea of putting a passive skill for every warframe was great and each one now has a nice extra characteristic that synergizes well with their attributes and 'personality'. What I do dislike about this is having frames with passives interacting basically with their 4th skill.

    Excalibur (mainly) and Wukong are such examples and, in comparison to other passives, theirs just don't fit so well in the character.

    Examples/Suggestions for new passives which follow the "passive ability" theme:


    • Each enemy hit by a skill makes Exalibur radiant and
      • deal extra damage or
      • heal a bit of his energy/shields or
      • dazzle enemies, crippling their accuracy
    • Avalon: reduces the damage nearby allies receive when close to Excalibur
    • Sacred Edge: enemies pierced by Excalibur's Radial Javelin or Slash Dash stay with the generated light swords piercing their armor.
      • Casting Slash Dash makes Excalibur rip the enemies by taking the sword out
      • Casting Radial Javelin gets back the existing swords, making it castable for 50% or 75% energy
      • Casting Exalted Blade makes briefly staggers pierced enemies
      • Each enemy will have a command for taking the sword away, dealing finisher damage


    • While equipped with a melee weapon,
      • dodge rolls become short leaps, allowing Wukong to quickly change his direction of attack or
      • Bullet jump more effective: Wukong uses the equipped weapon to alter the movement
        • Poles make it faster/longer
        • Swords/axes/daggers cut enemies in the middle of the action
        • Primal Fury's pole knocks down enemies and jumps longer/faster
      • or deflects enemy projectiles back to them while blocking (innate Reflection)
    • Monkey King: hitting with a melee weapon gives + reload speed for guns; hitting with guns gives a bonus for the next melee attack

    I hope I made my points clear. I'm not suggesting these reworks because "they're not strong enough", but the purpose of their passive should better reflect the frame's general idea.

  4. This was a big thing when I was a newbie. I had those mk1 weapons, I got a mod that said "+15% heat damage" and I didn't apply it to my gun because other mods, like "+15% slash damage" increased slash damage only, and I didn't have any heat damage on those. After accidentaly applying, I found out they get the sum of your damage, apply a % to it, and add that new elemental type.

    The opposite does not work. A purely 2.0 weapon (Pure Electricity, for example) can't have slash damage from slash mods (or any 1.0 mod).

    This is NOT true for archwings. I just tried adding the new Zodiac Slash to a Velocitus and it got Slash damage, as well as its own magnetic damage.

  5. This is the best way I have to entitle the bug.

    If I load the launcher and press the Start buttong and wait for the game to load and then login, everything works fine.

    If I multitask making the window go out of focus, the game DOES load the login screen, but if I put that screen into focus, the game eventually crashes before I finish my password.

    It might have to do with screen (Steam/Windows) overlays, but I can't further track down the bug.

  6. If you have a 100-face dye and you throw it for a 100, you have 1% chance of doing it. If it lands on 100 in your first try, was it random? That's the thing about the new system. It gives you a better chance at finding items, but a chance is still a chance. Stuff can happen. As long as the system is not rigged and it is, in fact, increasing the odds for better relics, it's still random, but better distributed.

  7. The stalker appeared in a lot of Void Fissure missions I was doing. The particularly odd thing is that in one point he decides to simply disappear. I know he has mechanics to go away after a long fight, but that was not the case. It seems that if you don't burst him in about 30s, he simply vanishes with no drop, no message.

    It just happened again, where we were in the frenzy of doing the void fissure minigame, he appears, follows said player, and then vanishes with no more than 30s of flickering his lights for the first time.

    Is he shy after the new update? It does seem so.

  8. It does need to be tweaked, but I'm enjoying the experience and frenzy so far!

    One big bugger for me: a Nullifier spawned in Phobos INSIDE a building. It was rather entertaining to have to kill a nullifier inside solid walls bursting his bubble and then casting Hydroid's tentacles to get him (and hopefully the reactant spawned outside of the box)

  9. I saw my hp going down with probably no one hitting me and I thought it was environmental stuff. When I walked further into the source, the damage didn't change or mitigate, but increased.

    It was a scorch hitting from the other side of a wall and totally shredding me with his sniper ignis that traverses walls.

  10. 7 minutes ago, m4xwellmurd3r said:

    It doesn't work like a plane on earth, it works a space shuttle in space.

    Thanks for the insight.

    My point wasn't to mimick airplane physics in space, it was that you usually have more control over direction than speed, whereas in the current archwing you have to control both and "quite poorly". The older system had less degrees of freedom and resulted in more amazing fast paced maneauvers (because you only needed to control a portion of the movement, not stuff like rotation). I think this one can be tweaked up just a little bit.

    In a sidenote, even in space our space crafts have extremely advanced technlogy to aid us not drifting away when we don't want to! Omnidirectional thrusters, stabilizers, emergency brakes ^^ hehe

  11. 4 hours ago, jaishei said:

    What happened to damage in the bubble?  Mine is significantly decreased by tenfold. Please readjust.

    Damage in the bubble is tricky. If you get a direct hit on the magnetize target, he takes full projectile damage. If the projectile is an explosive, it does explode everyone inside. If your projectile doesn't hit the target, it is absorbed by the bubble and added into tick damage, and exploded when magnetize ends.

  12. 46 minutes ago, Guvna-D said:

    When we were testing, it didnt seem to affect the amount of Void Traces, if we close it fast or waited until the last second.

    If you look into more threads, people are doing Nekros/Hydroid strategies and are mentioning more void trace drops in those cases.

  13. Good thing:

    Everyone has their own drop chance from their own relics and now people can search for different items together and choose from the drop list what suits better.

    Bad thing:

    Void Fissures drop from beaten enemies during the fissure minigame, so closing the fissure faster is considered BAD behaviour. If closing the fissure dropped void traces according to time remaining in the minigame, that would be amazing

  14. The new system has changed not only the degrees of freedom, but also how momentum works... Trying these new settings on Corpus Ship missions was a bad experience, I can't speed through narrow corridors and 90 degree curves anymore, because there's so much momentum going on (I drift into walls).

    You can always boost to rapidly change your direction; and braking (pressing S after letting go of boost) is also a valid tactic... but you have to let go almost all of the momentum before you maneuver to another direction.

    Lastly, there doesn't seem to be any control over rotation. Sometimes you rotate to an unwanted angle and have to wait until the game rotates you back where you want to be.


    Comparing this system to general Flight Simulator commands:

    • You are always going forward, the engines are always on
    • To make a turn, you have to roll to the direction you want and pull up
    • You have accelerate and brake buttons to go faster or slower
    • You have yaw buttons to make small curves without having to roll


  15. I just did the 3 "t4" void missions leading to Mot with Solo mag (not prime) with an orokin reactor equipped with a rank 29 lanka, 27 lex and dragon nikana and my trusty chesa kubrow. The dragon nikana is my saviour for high level enemies, because I usually bring the other two weapons to level up.

    I died 3 times in the first mobile defense because I got prone to shotgun hits in the head, but I also managed to juke corrupted vor, bombards and heavy gunners thanks to magnetize and polarize (shield transference augment is an amazing life saver)

    Although I wish I had more powerful weapons to aid me, just that simple combo was enough to take me out of trouble in the first mission (and shield the terminal).

    Whenever a nullifier appeared, I killed him with 2 melee hits and quickly dashed away to take care of other threats.

    On sabotage, magnetize completely destroyed Lynx and his ospreys.

    So... All in all, I think mag's rework IS doing great AND is useful on high level missions, even with high level nullifier appearences and even corrupted nullifiers, which are stronger.

  16. 46 minutes ago, ExteriorJungle4 said:

    But when the situation becomes more than just level 30 enemies...

    dear ExteriorJungle4, I adapt my tactics to the enemy in hand. The problem with nullifiers is that people either want to dispatch them at a distance or are too afraid to close in for the kill.

    I recently did missions on high level corpus planets and the first thing I do is prioritize nullifiers entering their bubble and slashing or hitting with a ice/impact weapon. After I dispatch the main nullifier, I burst a polarize, shield transference heals me up and I get rid of more enemies.

    You don't need magnetize to work it's full duration for it to be worth, and although nullifiers become really popular in higher levels, priorizing that target over others brings a crucial difference to survivability.

    If what you want is for every frame to have that one particular nuke that works wonders in a certain situation, now that's ANOTHER point. Which seems to be the general wish... It's really cool to have that 1 nuke that burst everything on the screen in a situational basis, but then every player would just pick frame X for Y situation and keep bursting and rotating that... and that's bad game design.

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