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  1. Thanks for answers guys! So I will pledge to Steel Meridian and do some of their mission standings
  2. Hello guys, So, I have 199,000 standing at rank 5 with Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda. But I can't rank them up anymore, I guess it is because I still didn't unlock the 6 missions on Deimos after which I can complete star chart and max rank 2 syndicates. What was the point od max ranking them anyway? I will get some reward and deposit some of my materials and credits as always, and then what? I change pledge and level others or?
  3. Okay bro thanks for answer. Is there anyway I can check if I am buying crafted part?
  4. Guys, I am stuck with farming Heciphron... I got everything else pretty easy, so I want to buy Voidrig weapon pod from warframe market. My question is simple, if I buy it from other player, do I get it already crafted and ready to use? So I buy it, craft my Voidrig and I am ready to play New War quest. Oooor, I buy it and I did nothing because I still need to farm Heciphrom so I could craft it?
  5. I just want to thank a guy who gifted me 2 warframe slots and told me that I do the same when I become a veteran to some new player. I will not name him, but bro you are a legend and you have my gratitude. Community in this game continues to amaze me day by day and that is the main reason I will stick to Warframe for a long time. After all, I need to become a veteran to gift something like this to a new player now :D Cheers to all
  6. Thanks for answer, it is Prime part mate. I will contact support since I need those 10-12 plat for a warframe slot.
  7. Yes bro I know, didn't trade anything today. I don't get it, restarted the game and tried it again. I got it last night after opening a relic
  8. Hi guys, So I posted Wisp prime chassis blueprint on a market and second later some guy wanna buy it. We enter the trade and I can't find the part! So we cancel it, and I check my inventory again. The part is still there. But I notice that I can't trade it after comparing it with other prime parts I have on which it cleary says tradable. So why is that? I wanna mention that I 101% didn't craft that part in Foundry.
  9. Hello Tenno's, I have a question on which I could not get the answer from google. So, is there an option to hide or somehow sort stuff we have in Foundry? I have a lot of chassis, systems which I alread, own and they are irritating me when they stand there. It is confusing and annoying to keep track all the time did you already craft that etc. Also, since now I have like 5+ items I can craft anytime and they take only 1 minute (Clem clones etc) I would like to hide them also so I could easier navigate in my Foundry. Am I missing something obvious or there is no option for that? If that options doesn't exist, how the hell players with endgame items keep track of what is what in their Foundry?
  10. First of all thank you everyone for answers and usefull tips! I didn't know about those 50% and 75% disscounts I will buy some pack if I get them. Cypherusuh special thanks to you, I will do that today after work for hour or two to see how much I can get :D So I got the idea of a game after this, there is no way to complete main story and to ignore other stuff, game pushes you to do a lot before progressing and continuing the story. My main goal until the end of the week would be to complete Jupiter, Europa, Voidrig, K drive quest and to grind as many stuff as I can and sell them (arround 30 items until the end of the week I can sell). After that I will see if I have wish to continue with clearing other planets starting with Saturn and to progress more.
  11. So I am 38 hours in and I love the game so far. I completed entirely Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Phobos, Deimos and Cerres. I am clearing Jupiter now and I have Europa and first part of Void also unlocked. I am mastery rank 5, I ranked up twice at syndicate, I joined a clan, completed Dog days, did Void fisures, sold some items on Warframe market and so on. I hate so much the Voidrig grind and that K drive quest, so I didn't do only these 2 for now. I understand that I need Voidrig for main story line. My first big problem is that I have 6 other warframes ready to claim at Foundry and I don't have open slot for any of them. So I need 120 platinum to try them all and I think it is so unfair. I am aware that I have to grind some stuff and to sell it on market, but it will require some time. Ofcourse I spent platinum in first 5 hours on something stupid. In my slots now are starting warframe and Rhino (which I hate). I see this as a wall which is hard to climb over, so I guess everyone either bought platinum or they just grinded a lot so they could try all obtained warframes? How to push it through and how much time would I need to earn all that platinum? My second problem is that I completed 7 planets and unlocked 2 more, but still in Codex I did only 13 missions and have arround 25+ to go. When do all the good missions come, like Second dream, New War, Duviri etc? On which planets?
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