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Posts posted by -_Highlander_-

  1. No you are not crazy .. well ok a little bit

    For Devs Platinum is an income to support those that made certain systems .. like forma . warframe slots etc ..

    Everything that you buy with platinum will support Devs economical

    Devs gives us free stuff for exchange 

    I dont think devs will ever do this 

    As this is an second income for Developers next to your play time

    • Like 3
  2. 59 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Wrong guy, friend.

    yes this wasn't ment to you XD ima sorry

    Misclicked in the topic .. only needed the good line from you + some explaination towards OP 

    Don't worry this whole topic is based about whats good and not good with using 3rd party software

    -- i'll adjust the content for you , thanks for the sharp eyes --

  3. 1 hour ago, Gabbynaru said:

    The only thing this mod can do is show you real time graphs ingame that show you your stats and change some parameters that can be changed in settings

    Maby this can explain a bit OP

    excusses to Gabbynaru for he gave such an good answer and i only added the extra top layer explaination on top of it

    But this is realy ment for OP

    - During the making of this text nobody got hurt -

  4. 5 hours ago, CEGenius said:

    My friend played the almost since release and never broke any rules

    We think he got banned for Special K - "Kaldaien's Mod" which is used for monitoring your PC performance

    Not all people get banned for this even in Warframe

    Yeah you need to be carefull with 3rd party applications 

    Warframe scans your system constantly on software that can manipulate the network performance

    and yes they are sensitive on that . even i don't use Visual studio during warframe before my accounts get an kick while iam just trying to program some basic stuff 

    even if its not ment for warframe . but that scanner will see it as an So called debug .. such an long story but here is the thing

    If your friend dindt do anything wrong then he should send support ticket and let them read the *.log files if there is indeed something strange happening or not


  5. Just now, DarkWolfPvP said:

    When I tried to do that, no e-mail about that came either. I even went to this other website which I have this e-mail attached to, to test if it was the e-mail and I was able to get e-mails from there.

    Are you using more accounts 


    Only this email that is beeing used is the receiver with the correct code

    Maby you should re-try to send couple times .. disfunctional button on the site , happens sometimes

  6. 3 minutes ago, DarkWolfPvP said:

    Last week I wanted to get back in to warframe and when I tried logging in it asked for a verification code. No big deal, I went to the e-mail and it wasn't there. I waited 20 minutes and it never came. Then tried again, still didn't come. I use "Hotmail" btw. I created a support ticket and found I was able to receive e-mails from the automated support. This has been puzzling me for a while now and I've been trying each day to see if it will work. If anyones got any idea what's wrong, it would be nice to know.

    Look for this mail


    its possible that the mail ends up in the spam box

    Good luck there

  7. :shocked: so it's not an good idea to place them now if i see the list above me 

    Well lets hope DE can fix this . i almost bought 1 until i saw this 

    -Thanks for the info guys- 

    this will save me allot of stress

    I hope you guys get your floofs back

  8. Hate an rare item :shocked: .. i always tought that War is an Rare item to get

    you will get Hate Bp's from stalker more often than you get War

    but yeah feels bad if you are hunting an specific item and it dissapears from the inventory

    did you try to re -log and see if its there 

    check foundry for the bp

    Send Support ticket asking for return lost item ( Maby someone from the Devs can help you )


    Good luck OP hope you get your Hate bp back :thumbup:


  9. 5 hours ago, Uryel_Stormrider said:

    And... Chroma BP appeared when I logged in a minute ago. Problem either solved itself, or support ninja'ed it back into my inventory. It wasn't there a few hours ago, of that I am sure.

    Anyway, problem solved, and thanks everyone for the advices :)

    Good to hear you have your chroma bp back :thumbup::satisfied:

    start building the chroma Tenno :tongue:

  10. If i may something nice that would be great

    anyhow you could generate logs from the launcher

    Like the EE.log etc

    send those to the support desk and let them take an look at the log if they could find the item for you 

    if you are an IT specialist you know what to do but i gues you don't have any clue


    open warframe launcher ) 

    go to the gear icon in the top right corner open the gear settings

    generate all the logs you can see


    if you make the logs they will be shown on the desktop in the map

    the 3 logs you made can be the ticket to proof 

    if you would got the item , then it must be in there somewhere in the logs itself scrambled most of the time


    send those to the support desk . hopefull this can help you 

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