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Everything posted by XioValency

  1. Because you can tag an enemy with double dark verse and fail the detonation if they run behind a box, it's meant to be a mark you explode to kill, but by the very nature of it being a dot, it doesn't function on cover rich areas which the game is full of meaning the synergy falls apart. Tragedy was meant to not have los because it's meant to detonate an ability that does, it's why it's fair, imagine if the castana or aegrit was los based after tagging, it would make them even worse mechanically why have the set up? should I just Roar and quad dark verse instead since it kills through walls?
  2. So half of the self synergistic and impactful support effects Dante ever had that flowed, made logical sense and had fair targeting limitations was not intended as such and a fair chunk of this warframes support capabilities was a genuine mistake? I'm actually baffled if this is true. you actually caught lightning in a bottle and smashed the bottle, I'm glad you a reverting because this is how parkour 2.0 came about.
  3. You have Ironically made Dante into a press 3 to win frame with casual sp testing, he plays best with Roar and spamming dark verse for the most part, I get better overall value from 4 dark verses over 2 Dark and Tragedy, and it costs the same energy, and is so very boring. Why did you make him like this why are you bringing press button to win! he needed setup and used all his buttons, now I just spam, Dante is probably best played by Rhino with Dark Verse now lol and Nezha is still stronger despite being nerfed, 26m no los dark verse nukes at a cheaper cost.
  4. What the hell is the point when I can cast dark verse twice and lose all the stacks for final verse if these enemies had ai enabled and walked to that pillar on the right. This is an actual design flaw you have introduced to what is essentially a sticky bomb, you can't detonate the enemy you have stuck.
  5. Remove line of sight, this is the worst patch I have ever seen, you took a fun but not too powerful frame that needed 3 times the buttons for the effect other get in a single cast, he hurts to play with the button presses per minute but was so fun and you killed it, I have to press even more buttons to not die and I have to cast his ult 3 to 4 times to map clear because a enemy stood on a rock or is standing behind a knee high railing. Why must you always underdeliver and over correct! I haven't had fun with any frame in a way like this since Harrow and you killed it
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