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Posts posted by Xan-Diesel

  1. Based on the Login Rewards page on the Warframe Wiki (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Login_Rewards) it looks like I'm more likely to get a 20%, 50% or 75 % platinum purchase discount if I don't let my days in a row hit the second or third tier (based on the things you can pull).  Is that accurate?  


    I've been holding out for a token for a couple weeks now and I'm starting to wonder if I should forgo playing a day so I can reset my login rewards.  Can somebody confirm that for me?  Or, if you're more likely to get one of the tokens on a 7 day login reward (higher probability, if that's the case)?  Either way, I'd like some direction (if anybody has crunched the numbers or has any experience).  If its total RNG and it doesn't matter what tier you're on, I'll just keep plugging away.



  2. TJLdude, what Khaos_Zand3r is talking about is a difficulty modifier. When you select a level with a black skull on it (and in the loading background) you've entered a "Nightmare Mode" level. These have tougher enemies and other challenges (a health leeching vampire mode, a time limit, etc.) but also better rewards.

  3. If you click on the game (in your list) and navigate to the community hub, you'll see a button for the "Store Page" in the upper right hand corner. Once you're on the "Store Page", you'll see a bunch of options like "Play Warframe", Warframe: Starter Pack, Warframe: Tenno pack and Warframe: Gift Pack. If you select on of the options and buy it, that counts as a "Steam Purchase" that's eligible for a trading card.

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