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Posts posted by Toramaru

  1. Just now, giovanniluca said:

    Volt has terrible survivability aside from shield and quick thinking which cuts his energy by a lot.

    And people will go on forever lamenting for speed making them too fast due to high sprinting speeds while Volts suffer.

    I believe DE should start considering do Speed as a Self Buff only. Might have an augment to do a AoE buff, but that would be better for Volts and everybody else, or so it seems...

  2. 14 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

    So, I've got a thought exercise for people:

    What if Speed simply stopped working?  As in, the button did NOTHING?  What could Volt do in game, what could he do for builds, and how far could you go with him?

    I'm looking more and more at Speed (the thing they don't want to touch) and I'm starting to think that's one of the largest sources of problems for Volt in game.  If we run an 8 Base build* for Volt we wind up with a 'Frame that's in a decent place with anything BUT Speed.  Speed calls for high strength in order to provide any measurable buff, and high duration to combat it's 10 second duration.  If that's all we looked at, then isn't Speed broken too?

    *The 8 basic stat mods, Redirection, Vitality, Steel Fiber, Flow, Streamline, Stretch, Continuity, and Intensify

    Speed is the skill I like most, despite ALL of its shortcomings. lowest duration buff in the game, tries to buff running speed/melee aspd/reload speed, but no parkour changes whatsoever...  offers no survavibility and consumes a mod slot for something that you need to touch the guy, where you could just as easily Tempo Royale his face to CC for even more time and open to finisher. There is no such thing as a complete skill in Volt's arsenal. They are all missing key components to actually be decent, not OP.

    His passive is trash, despite the idea being nice. Would rather have some sort of Energy Replenishment instead of that H U G E shock damage. His Stats, even on Prime, are terrible. Shield is being worked on, which could lead to better output of his kit, but as it stands, he is one of the slowest Frames, with low armor, low life and no clear definition of role or affinity (as to DPS or CC).

  3. 4 hours ago, Ikusias said:

    Still would have been much apreciated if the devs actually answered in this and the other threads on the question...

    At least an explanation of what were their goals for the rework and their impression on our criticism.

    How can you have a discussion if one of the parties doesn't speak at all?

    Well, there are people (as incredible as it may seem) that think Volt is in a good position atm... No discussion though, they just drop a post from time to time saying people not happy with it should re-evaluate their conceptions on Volt.

    To me, there are so many "buts" on Volt that he is unplayable, except for the shield fortress between pillars and corners.

  4. I might have said a few things about forgeting a rework, since Volt had just got "one", but I take that back, and as simple as it is, DE is still looking into it, which has a lot of merit just by that fact alone.

    Considering now the "changes", I would say they changed nothing. Although the whole idea of synergy on Volt is completely off I still lack to see the reason why they're so reluctant to change him. Taking Nidus as an example, Volt falls so short it is embarassing. Nevertheless, my hope for a fix in our forsaken Volt is back, as DE seems to be still looking for ways to enhance him.

    Several people have already posted their ideas here and I believe all of them had some value, even if just philosophical.

    No comments on the skin, will skip it for sure.

  5. On 13/11/2017 at 3:51 PM, Cytobel said:

    In reverse order:  I'm not a fan of breaking 'Frames that WORK so that a broken 'Frame seems less bad. I get that they touched Volt already, but that shouldn't mean they can just ignore him and his problems (some new, some old) and go work on other things.  That's a good way to build good content on bad, which leads to MORE problems at a later date when things MUST be fixed.

    I do understand what you're saying, but looking at how things work in a general manner, those 4 Frames are broken... They do so much with so little effort that toning them down is more of a fix then a nerf...

    Since we already crossed the power creep ladder by leaps and bounds, I'd rather have them fixed first, then proceed to re-reworking Frames such as Volt.

  6. The toggle Speed would be great, given that they don't mess with the energy drain (just as they did with Riot Shield...). The switching Discharge to a mechanic similar to molecular prime would be ideal considering his build, as you have 3 choices atm, since Speed/Shield/Discharge all benefit from different stats.

    The only problem I see here is again, that they recently "reworked" Volt, which would put him directly as last in line.

    I also believe it is worth mentioning as others Frames are way better... W A Y better. Rhino/Chroma/Octavia/Loki do so much more, each with their survavilbility mechanic, and a huge buff to their damage.... I'm a huge fan of the idea to revert the power creep and nerf these guys that excel at both at the same time, with simple builds... Might not be the best post to say this though...

  7. On 19/10/2017 at 2:41 PM, SenorClipClop said:

    I dunno there, Tenno. Wide open space with little cover and you take a frame who has a speed boost and can make cover for himself (that absorbs infinite damage)? Sounds pretty good to me. 

    First thing I thought when PoE came out was to re-test Volt, as in theory, he'd be merciless with Speed and all. Truth be told, I either forgot how to play him or it's just theory, because of all the open space we have there you can and will get shot even from above, and let's be honest, his shield might be really good if you can lock an entire region, such as between pillars on normal missions, but in PoE I feel like a sitting duck, dying several times. It might be my fault, as I've been playing other Frames (never playing Octavia, Rhino and Loki, that are top tier, imho, but still...) but even though speed gives a melee buff, it doesn't work since you're gonna get shot from everywhere, and sitting still and sniping things behind the shield is EXTREMELY boring for me.

    Have you actually tested him on high lvl bounties? Is it viable? As in, would you be able to solo things as Volt?

  8. 19 hours ago, Tykune said:

    Still not coming back until the stupidity of Valkyr having more armor than Rhino is fixed.

    EDIT: Valkyr Prime having 700 armor is just a spit in Rhino player's faces.

    Are you seriously complaining about a Frame that can increase his EHP by that much and buff everyone's damage by almost +200%? I'd put Rhino just behind Loki atm for an overall grade.

    Edit: I'm just mesmerized by the update and I'd like to thank DE for all the effort and diligence on Warframe overall. Not only the people that we see on streams but everyone at DE should be eternaly proud. Not only PoE but the game as a whole is splendid! PvE, PvP, Questing, Raiding, Crafting, Melee, you have it all, and all of them are well designed. Even the Lore is awesome, imho.
    Cnogratulations, and I know you'll bring even better content for us to enjoy! Hopefuly, it is, and will be for a long time, a profitable endeavor and a fun ride for all of you.

  9. Despite the fact that it is REALLY weird people are rejecting a buff, which imho is absurd, I believe It would be way better if it was a self ability, instead of a team buff.

    That would mean 99% of the server is happy (anyone who doesn't play Volt), and the 1% (you can figure who those are....) would be able to stop "aggravating" people with BUFFS.

    That could also help the balance of the skill, making it a 30 seconds buff, that now only affects Volt.

    But since Volt just recently got his "rework", I don't thing we will be receiving changes in the near 3 years future.

  10. Whoa, I'm surprised to see this thread still going on...

    As unfortunate as it may sound, reaching 1k pages won't help. Volt just got a "rework" and other Frames should be ahead on the line.

    I really liked Volt, and believe me, I'd love to see him in a decent position among our current Frames, but I tried playing him again and it is extremely frustrating, as there are several other Frames that excel in many more things at the same time compared to Volt.

    Saw someone posting that DE should have a clear objective before re-reworking Volt to have a better output, and although I agree, I believe the idea of synergies and the tweaks on his skills are really good, but they were TERRIBLY executed, as the concept is all there in every part of his kit, but they all just fail in comparison to any other skill in the game.

    I believe it will be grueling to wait for the result of another rework, looking into the next updates DE is planning, and as how they will require exclusive attention.

  11. I still don't get how people can actually play the re"worked" Volt... Someone said it already, but his best definition is mess. Despite the whole Synergy hype he got nothing of the sort. For everyone that didn't like what they see (as I don't, certainly...) I suggest that you let go. Chances of another tweak are extremely low, given the amount of good work DE has been putting in other areas, and the needed reworks on Frames that still haven't seen the light of it.

    There are many other Frames that fit your playstyle out there, you just have to test it out.

    Rest assured that you won't regret, as any other Frame is better than Volt at their specialties. Volt excels at nothing compared to others, as he has a bit of everything.

  12. 7 hours ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Well the post had over 40 likes so they must be aware.

    They do the same thing with Oberon. They know people want him to be reworked but they don't ever say anything even when people spam "Oberon rework" in the chat

    They must be keeping it as a surprise just like with the Oberon Rework

    I hope you don't get disapointed sir.

    To me seems more likely that there's a sort of queue, and since Volt just got reworked the likelyhood of a tweak just went to hell.

    We can't expect DE to have a perfect game. There are a lot of parameters within Warframe and Volt is certainly one of the entries on the "screwed up" list.

  13. I wasn't able to watch the full stream but from what I could Volt got overlooked, again ;D

    Anyway, there are a lot of things going on and considering Volt already had his "rework" it wouldn't be wise to expect DE to tweak him again.

    Sometimes it is better to let go, unfortunately.

  14. 2 hours ago, AhmadIYE said:

    In this case I wanna share some of my experiences. During download either new update or new installation in a fresh PC whenever the sky-screen shows up saying that update failed-will restart shortly, please don't close the screen as it runs the data download in the background which you can find out by clicking the 'close' button of the window which will prompt a message asking you if you wanna abort; it'll show up only if the download is running in the background. For the data corruption problem you have to verify the download cache using the settings menu located on the top right corner of the download window, but be aware that then it'll verify the whole already downloaded files which will need a huge amount of data to be verified by downloading so you better have a good internet speed for that if you wanna make it quicker. And finally the connectivity issue, it happened to me several times that, using my LAN the download kept failing after reaching to the very last stage when only a few MBs are remaining which I had to solve using my secondary service (iPad Cellular) and download completion without even a single pause or break down.

    Sorry for so many words but it seems that our network connectivity is also a major factor here.

    Thanks for the explanation!

    Still not able though, as I had already left it a whole day on the launcher to see if the download would progress at all, to no avail.

    I did try though to Verify on the menu, but that didn't work.

    No idea how to fix though. will go through support.

    Thanks a lot though.

  15. 10 minutes ago, AhmadIYE said:

    Try a secondary internet connection if possible which may let you get in but so far I know the 'network not responding' issue will still haunt you once in a every while. I always maintain a second source available (internet connectivity using  my iPad cellular)  just for the cases like this which helps me to get in like it did during yesterday connectivity problem.

    Will try that, but the problem seems to be a corrupted data download issue, instead of the missing connectivity altogether.

  16. I lack the maturity to understand why people come here to say that it is simply a matter of preference, that Volt is in a good place, while implying there's too much fuss over the matter.

    I also lack the patience (despite being usually quite patient) to wait for DE's feedback/reply on the matter, considering the 67 pages. Volt is certainly not as good as the majority of other Frames (and since I really like melee I'm sticking with Inaros), having, as @YagoXiten said, a rework that added very little to him.

  17. 1 hour ago, Cryone said:

    Think that DEs are too much occupied with TWW update, so destiny of Volt for now is kinda mysterious. Probably they leave it as it is.

    And that is precisely our fear and reason for 64 pages of constant suggestions and feedbacks.

    I don't like Volt now. I played him mostly with Speed and because I saw a lot of potential on our potent alternative to gunplay. It was wonky then and is unbearable now.

    Since the rework testing I've played Volt zero times, and it became blatlanty obvious other Frames do EVERYTHING else much better. The only worse than Volt is Hydroid.

    Their kit fit, and you can use ALL skills on every run. Have you ever seen Volt being built to use all skills? I certainly haven't.

  18. On 09/09/2016 at 5:06 AM, Cytobel said:

    VOLT ISN'T BAD RIGHT NOW.  There are QoL issues and things that bother me; that's not the same as everything being awful.

    I don't agree, sir. I believe Volt is facing, along with QoL issues, several less than ideal design ideas.

    One example is his kit. No matter how synergic skills are, the whole idea behind Speed and his passive is to inhibit stationary plays. His ES on the other hand offers the oposite mindset.

    The prohibitive Riot version is also a good example of bad design.

    No offense meant towards DE. It just is clear that balances and redesigns are need.ed

  19. I'm an advocate for melee Volt, and even I don't think having that as the only option is a good thing.

    As Volt is now, he's still subpar to many other Frames Melee-wise. as @EnderDDT already addressed, other Frames do what Volt does, but better. Considering Naramon is not even something you should, as an Hydroid can do that as well...

    Looking at his kit I can't help but wonder how would it be to have 4 skills to use. I only ever use Speed as well...

  20. 3 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    Overload damage buff, bigger Shields that we can pick up, re-castable Speed that also buffs weapon swap, are all nice changes.

    It sounds more and more like you want a different frame entirely, rather than a Volt revision.  

    Discharge works wonders on low levels, but once you go places creeps have more than 50k life, the inbuilt mechanic of damage cap renders discharge useless for Str builds. Ok, you can refrain from building Str, but then you're gonna be a discharge only Volt.

    Shields were and still are completely useless on any type of build tbh. You get much more DPS building Str/Efficiency now that Speed got it's due recastability. and the Riot version is prohibitive. The only reason I'd use shield is to revive fallen Frames, which I don't do much.

    Speed got a recast function. THAT'S IT... nothing else that meaningful, as the reload speed is negligible on melee (obviously a jk, but since Speed Volt = Melee Volt...).

    Shock is simply lacking. The skill itself somewhat... But as Electricity works in-game and as you can't mod stun duration it is quite frustrating.

    I saw someone saying that Speed buff to ASPD could be removed considering mod builds on weapons, but they are flat out ignoring status builds, aside from the fact that the more speed you have, more dmg you do, and that makes Volt excel in melee combat, along with the mods.

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