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Posts posted by Separius

  1. Imaginary update notes: (Feel free to add your own wishes)


    • Sayrn's Venom is now renamed to Contagion and her Contagion is renamed to Venom.
    • Rhino's Iron Skin now remembers 5/10/15/20% of the damage dealt to him during the 5 seconds before activation and is added to the ability's base health upon use. This effect doesn't stack.
    • Excalibur's Surging Dash Augment Mod is now baseline.
    • Ember's Fire Fright Augment Mod is now baseline.
    • Tranquilizing Burn Augment Mod for Ember added. It removes the panic effect from Fire Blast.
    • Pacifying Bolts augment for Nyx is now baseline. Psychic Bolts now also only cost 25 energy.
    • Trinity's Well of Life now erupts a fountain of pulsating healing energy at the target area, healing allies and knocking down enemies around it for a period of time.
    • Frost's Ice Wave Impedance is now baseline.
    • The duration of Mirage's Sleight of Hand now increased by 50% each rank and leaves pickups intact, and reduces their effect by 50% instead.
    • Underused warframe mods (all related to stamina, elemental resistances, maglev, handspring, tranquilizing burn etc. Stuff what nobody really should waste a mod slot and drain on) are now being buffed to be more cost-efficient and useful.
    • Status chance increasing mods for primaries, secondaries and melee have their drain and conclave reduced.
    • Rakta Ballistica now feels as powerful as the other syndicate weapons.
    Archwing changes:
    • Hellion Dargyn and Ogma missile launches now cause both a non-annoying but noticable auditory and visual alert, to warn the Tenno of the danger looming over them, so they can now react properly with missile-prevention tools already given to them.
    • A fully charged Velocitus will fire hitscan projectiles from now on.
    UI changes:
    • Setting audio and graphics options at the login screen is now possible. You can now view the Tutorial video in your PC's native or your desired resolution.
    • Fusing or selling a mod now causes the mod manager UI to refresh, so the duplicates page is not a complete mess anymore.

    • The inventory now shows it's items in four rows instead of two.
    • Planet nav segments are now hidden.
    Quest changes:
    • When you finish part of a quest, you'll be notified if you have to visit the codex to press Begin to continue said quest.
    • The Kubrow quest makes the breeding process more clear.
    • The Ascaris's blueprint now disappears from your inventory upon completing Vor's Prize.
    • A newly implemented port availability check now prevents users with bad router configurations / routers lacking proper uPnP from being hosts.
    • Fixed a lot of crashes, disconnects.
    • Fixed a lot of UI bugs.
    • Fixed a lot of other bugs.
  2. Okay how about this.


    This one Valkyr is allies with New Loka. He picks out a pvp assassination mission, and randomly gets matched with a victim, a Steel Meridian member.


    After a loading screen she arrives in a puff of smoke with a full energy bar, facing 4 warframes, one of them is a Rhino prime wielding a boltor prime, because why not. The target of the assassination, however, is a Frost.


    The Frost decides to leg it and hide, while the rest being to shoot at our Valkyr. Valkyr uses Hysteria, which gives her 40% damage reduction (because it's perfectly reasonable to not want her to be invurnerable in a situation like this, I agre with that), but it caps out at 80% total damage reduction, so if our valkyr has, say 40% by default, gets 30% for being in 1v4 - 10% for each of the target's allies, then her Hysteria only gives her 10% reduction against damage. Also let's not forget that now she's constrained to be melee only.


    She gets kited around, but suddenly changes target and 4 shots the Rhino Prime, because why not, and the downed Rhino then turns invulnerable, as in Valkyr can't kill him for real.


    Now these is two scenarios how this can play out from here:


    Scenario A: Valkyr eventually loses so much HP, that she is forced to disappear in a puff of smoke or is killed off, while the Loki revives the Rhino Prime, wielding the Boltor Prime, because why not, and returns to her Liset with phat booty.


    Scenario B: Valkyr catches up to her prey, 3shots it, then as the target is bleeding out, Valkyr kneels down, gets invulnerability and teleports away, Stalker style, her job done, and gets to a mission success screen with whatever rewards, I don't care. HOWEVER she also gets a message from ??? saying that her harming an innocent, the Rhino Prime with the Boltor P, she will be punished, and gets a chance to be invaded by up to Four players simultaneously in any mission she's doing at any given time, in order to discourage her from wiping out the assassination target's team. The system would also favor putting 4 player assassins against her, than against other targets, until either her or the given team of four assassins get rekt, with the same restrictions also applying to those assassins, a.k.a. they should not harm the Valkyr's party, just the bounty target.


    Now tell me, aside from the fact that it makes not much sense lore-wise, does this sound that terribly unbearable and just not fun? If yes, explain why.


    TL;DR: read it, don't be lazy, you are improving your own genes by reading it and not being lazy. I think.

  3. The thing is, souls games are generally devolped pvp aspect in mind, warframe isnt. Fromsoft putted a lot effort to pvp aspect(well as much as they could), DE didnt and most likely never will. Warframe started as PvE and merging PvE with PVP this late doesnt work, whole thing needs to be reworked, every weapon needs to be retuned and poison damage needs some serious rework.


    Other thing is warframes themselves are way too different and unbalanced when compared each others, sure in souls games guy wearing heavy armor takes more hits than guy wearing light armor, but differences between those are far closer to each others than warframes in warframe.


    Also i like to point out that ppl should ditch whole mindset "Well  souls games did it? why wont x game do it too? and it worked in souls games, so i should work in this game too" Its not some basic thing to do, it requires a lot talent to do like it is in souls game(you gotta remember, that PvE is still on when you get invaded, its no like PvE stops as soon invader appears) and i highly doubt that every game company can even do same. It also requires game's online to be builded like souls game online is right from beginning.


    "The thing is, souls games are generally devolped pvp aspect in mind"


    Yet scraping spear happened. Frontal lagstab happened. Thrust weapons hitting you while you were next to the enemy happened. Bad netcode happened. Yet people enjoy it.


    "Other thing is warframes themselves are way too different and unbalanced when compared each others"


    And havelmage, haveljester, haveldemon wasn't? Katanas aren't? Pre-nerf mundane Saintier's spear, avelyn weren't? Yet people still play it.


    "Also i like to point out that ppl should ditch whole mindset "Well  souls games did it? why wont x game do it too?""


    You get to keep your mindset and they get to keep theirs, fair deal?


    "you gotta remember, that PvE is still on when you get invaded, its no like PvE stops as soon invader appears"


    Neither does it stop when the stalker/g3/zanuka/c. vor invades, np.

  4. OP. For under lvl 30 enemies: Streamline, Intensity, Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude, Stretch, all maxed +  lvl 2 blind rage and then anything of your chosing (defensive mods preferred) will make you become a master of destruction by spamming very hard hitting fast-aclysm on crowds. No forma needed most of the times. You can also max blind rage, but the efficiency drain ain't really worth the increased strength.


    Void bubbles of doom!


    For high level play it's not very viable tho.

  5. If it worked for the Souls games, it could work here too. However, there should be some changes for invaders. For example, block the hitman's abilites alotogether (else hysteria valkyrs will just rek erryone), but give them hp increase / dmg reduction so they don't get rekt too easily. I'd enjoy this, but I'm a souls player, so...

  6. Currently, on the duplicates tab in the mod-browser, when you're fusing duplicate mods together, the now non-duplicate mods still appear under the tab until you exit the and re-enter the mod manger.

    What I request, and suggest, is that after you fuse mods together, while on the duplicates tab, the tab should be refreshed, and remove non-duplicates from the duplicates tab. 


    Also please remove fusion cores from that list.

    I hope my suggestion is clear and reasonable.

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