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Posts posted by Separius

  1. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    It's not the vast majority because the vast majority don't even post on the forums.

    Where is the evidence? I've linked you a poll with a sample size of 6k, filled out by people from various places, not just here. If a poll of a sample size of nearly 6k people, where the majority of people said they hated or disliked the mods isn't good enough for you then nothing is. It's just you being stubborn and in denial.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    It's the loud minority and even then there's two sides.

    There's two sides and the side loving the mods are in minority. Also, again, the majority opinion of poll with the sample size of 6k is not a loud minority. Simply not true.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    None of the problems people have stated are legit in any way.

    Pretty sure power creep turning into power sprint while they were meant to do the opposite (making older weapons stronger, thus reducing the overall power of the newer ones); destabilization of the plat economy with turning the game a little bit P2W; grind made an awful experience by RNG; mods not being able to be farmed, it also being RNG (other than plat purchase, and even then in some cases); 7 layers of RNG affecting the mods in general; them being just stat changes instead of creative unique stuff; the kuva cost of rerolling a mod increasing infinitely (with possibly worst results), the whole thing just being a lottery; and them just being generally unhealthy for the game etc., most of these ARE legit issues.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    They're nothing but excuses by people who don't understand game economics and don't value play time. They simply want everything right away and would destroy any long term play value this game could ever have in order to get what they want.

    Insulting people with baseless accusations and nearly labeling them as immature and needy isn't gonna win you the argument.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    I'm the first person to bark at DE when they make a mistake

    I don't believe you.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    but this is not one of those cases.

    Yes it is. See reasons above.

    1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    This is the best update they've done in over a year.

    That doesn't mean you can downplay the issues with the update. The quest was fun, even if short for the amount invested in it. The new tileset is beautiful. New weapons are fun. However just because of these things ignoring and downplaying the legit issues with the riven mods is unfair and a fan being blatantly defensive in the face of criticism. You can't even say that there was just criticism, there are dozens of great ideas around in how DE could make Riven mods more fun to deal with.

    39 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Yea the people complaining about Riven mods being too strong obviously haven't seen a Naramon Banshee swing Galantine Prime for 45million AoE.

    Those are two different things, X being Y and Z being even more Y too doesn't mean that Z diminishes and can downplay the Y issue of X.

    And the problem isn't that riven mods are strong. It's not even the case. Most riven mods are utter crap. The problem is that those that are strong, for already very strong weapons introduce the very power creep the devs themsleves meant to eliminate by introducing riven mods. The existence of the a tonkor mod that does increased damage, increased crit damage and has increased crit chance goes against the intent of the devs and makes the approaching Damage 3.0 rework even more complicated. They wanted to remove Serration and friends and now they introduce things like the aforementioned tonkor mod. Clearly they didn't think this through, if one has a good faith in the devs intentions.

    39 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Riven mods give players something long term to do. For once content that lasts more than a day.

    True, but it's also a tedious, boring and unfun RNGfest. It's already getting boring (and frustrating) after me only having farmed 20k kuvas. I know that last part is a subjective opinion, but here are the facts: The RNG involved for the effort/reward ratio is just not good design.

    I'm done with trying to change your mind though, it's clear that you are adamant on loving the riven mods despite the glaring issues that exist with them, so I'm just wasting both of our times if I carry on.

  2. 51 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Riven mods are perfect

    Nothing is perfect and neither are riven mods, pretty sure if you look around here or any forum about Warframe, you'll see that the vast majority of people have lots of legit issues with these mods, with lots of very nice solutions to the very real problems present.

  3. Zarr buffs are nice.

    Kuva Siphon spawning has been disabled in Invasions and Void Fissure missions. 

    sad, just made an RNG grind even worse.

    • Fixed Kuva Siphon progress being wiped during a host migration. Currently host migration will restart the event, but we are looking for 'continue' solutions.

    good. I see no fix for them not working at all in the first place sometimes.

    Fixed Orvius parts being exchanged for Ducats.

    RIP. Can't say I didn't do this.

    • Removed the "Kill Sentients without raising alarms" Unveil challenge due to impossibility with the way Lua mission spawning works.Challenge complications will be updated retroactively, in this case, the removed challenge will simply become "Kill Sentients".

    • Fixed a loss of functionality in the Arsenal when swapping configurations with Riven Mods.

    • Tweaked and removed some of the more frustrating challenges for Riven Unveliling.

    • Fixed heads while aim-gliding challenge for Riven Mods not requiring lethal headshots, they have to be kills now.

    These are all good. Now make the cycling cost non increasing with each attempt and it's cool. Even though I rather the riven mods gave unique effects instead of just stat changes that end up either being horrible or turn the power creep into a power sprint.

    The rest of the changes are okay, though i don't see the new player being sent to the start of the mission instead of to their teammates fix. This is most important.

  4. ...need to go or need to be capped. I'm at my 5th reroll and it costs 3400 Kuva. Let's not get into how tedious and random (and buggy sometimes) Kuva farming is, but that's the main reason I'm complaing. That plus how random the rolls on these (most of the time S#&$ty) RNG mods are.

  5. 1 hour ago, Imaru said:

    Then don't use the system.

    He wasn't talking about whether he liked using it or not, he was giving criticism of the system.

    1 hour ago, Imaru said:

    I don't see what the problem here is.

    That's impossible. He explained what he had a gripe with, that being the ratio of effort invested into rerolling a mod, and the probability of achieving the desired outcome.

    And I agree with OP, it's way more time consuming and tedious to reroll mods in this game, than other tedious things like... say, buying stuff from Kadala for blood shards in D3, and that's horrible as well. At least that has less RNG involved.

  6. 5 hours ago, Duerand said:

    So I am pretty new to the game. I started the account a long time ago but never really played. Finally I have time to play the game and sit down to play. A few days in as I am starting to figure things out another player is nice enough to give me advice about a frame and how to buy the mods I need.

    So I go to the Bazaar and try what they said. 

    I put WTB ...blah blah blah.. And wait to see if anyone replies.

    I get a reply alright. {DE} Gentlewooding You have been kicked out of region chat next time you need to use trade chat. 

    I am like WTF? So why am I kicked out of region chat? Where is the rule that governs this? Why not a friendly, Hey there is a trade chat you should use. You know anything that shows that there is a helpful and FRIENDLY presences. Not a I am kicking you out you should know better.

    I know this isn't a big deal getting kicked out of region chat. But still that is the first interaction I have with this company. Just a straight jerk reaction.

    That really makes me feel like this is a game I should play and want to be part of. (Sarcasm)

    I understand trying to keep trade chat to trade channels. But how you handle it is as important. Even how you word it. 

    You know, not like you are a total jerk. Instead something simple. "You may not have known but there is a trade chat you can use for trading. Please use that in the future. I have removed you from region chat for now but you can rejoin it (however you do that). Please take note of this in the future."

    Something simple like that would make it not just feel like a blow off.

    Again like I said it may not seem like a big deal but how you interact with people, especial the people that you depend on for income, is very important. Making them feel like you are a jerk and don't care about them at all and they better watch their step is just a poor idea all the way around.

    Just wait till you learn about the devs...

    Turn back and leave while you still can.

  7. 10 minutes ago, OldSnakeMGS4 said:

    Way too complicated...the new toggle and mark system will be fine.

    Haters WANT bladestorm to be complicated! "It's too easy he steal our kill, too easy!" is all what you hear. Yeah people are complaining about the ability of an assassin themed warframe to KILL in a children/teen's 3rd person shooter computer game, in which exp is shared anyway. Lets have people who play him solve deriviations. Yeah Ash's ult was the most pressing issue in a mosly pve co-op game. S#&$ needed balnace, that's the number one problem with the game right now. 

  8. It should be like this:

    4 enters bladestorm targetting mode by changing his other abilities

    1 removes mark from a marked target

    2 marks a target

    3 is bladestorm itself

    4 leaves bladestorm mode, marks stay on targets that's alive so that you can enter bladestorm mode, mark some targets, leave the mode, go to stealth, enter bladestorm mode and edit targets or execute the attack. Switch mark actions and the bladestorming around however it feels nice for you.

    There, everyone can be happy. Hire me, Blizzard.

  9. On 2016. 10. 25. at 7:43 PM, (XB1)DerangedMime00 said:

    Ok I am really curious as to why DE has avoided creating a more heavy set warframe due to the fact we already have very tall, very short, straight, out-of-the-closet, etc. so it makes me wonder why they have not created a Sumo themed frame or something along those lines. Don't get me wrong here not adding insult nor injury just wondering why DE have not thought of one yet. What do you guys think on this; would it not be fun to have a more "rotund" character in game kicking some serious....clem?


    Ad note: Take this guy pictured above. He may have been a bit of a laugh at first...until you see him solo a Giant which became a rather epic moment. ;)

    It would be cool.

    People seem to dislike the idea of a frame not being able to parkour, but a little diversity can't hurt the game. He could roll around like a roller/bowling ball/behemoth from evolve instead of sliding and could jump like a grineer roller when reaching full speed, bludgeoning and staggering enemies that they hit.

    Also the space ninja meme is getting real old and it's not even a thing anymore; We have space davy jones and space cowgirl, space robinahood etc. Not ninjas.

  10. 12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    She's a caster.

    Yes a close range one.

    12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Not an anime character.

    There are no female casters in anime? I really doubt that the two are mutually exclusive.

    Furthermore, western cartoons have  cannonball like tackling characters with low bodyfat too; http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Samuel_Guthrie_(Earth-616), but I don't see how cartoons having or not having casters is relevant or an argument...

    12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:


    You are S#&$ting on my fun idea because of you disliking it is a subjective opinion as well, so that's not an argument either.

    12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Rhino is a juggernaut. The charge isn't really a spectacular mobility ability. It's meant to get people out of his way, not carry him across the map. Like wise, Ash's teleportation abilities are so he can close the gap between enemies and attack them faster, not to travel fast.

    "Getting from point A to point B does not count as mobility, gap closing does not count as mobility xDD"


    12 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    close the gap between enemies and attack them faster

    Yeah that's exactly what I'd have my suggested ability change do. Or are you saying that she wouldn't greatly benefit from being able to plummet into a large group of enemies after casting accelerant, and then Fire Blasting them into crisp?

  11. 4 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    But it would be out of her theme

    A burning cannonball. Out of a fire based frame's theme. Right.

    4 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    be difficult to animate

    Nah. Ember jumping a little, pulling her legs up, getting in a vertical position, straightening her legs and her holding arms against her body is not difficult to animate. Really.

    7 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    clunky to use

    Fun to use you mean.

    10 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    and 'mobility' isn't what Ember is build for.

    Rhino isn't built for mobility either, yet Rhino charge exists.

    11 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    She's built to deal lots and lots of damage.

    So is Ash, yet he has plenty mobility with run speed, teleport and bladestorm to a degree.

  12. 3 minutes ago, FLSH_BNG said:

    I imagine Fireball would be used a bit more if a slight change to the fire proc was made. No need to change the ability, just have anything standing close enough to something that's already on fire have a chance of catching on fire too. And make enemies on fire actually panic and not fight back... They're on freaking fire! I have never known anybody to just stop and go back to work while they were on fire getting burned.

    Fireball's a good staple ability, but it suffers from being a damage only ability with no utility because of fire procs not being very effective and short-lived. In this particular case, I don't that it's the ability that's lackluster, but the proc it induces.

    Ok but it'd still be fun if Ember could turn into a living burning cannonball!

    1 minute ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    Limbo's Banish needs to have some method of AoE attack.

    Rift Surge could be replaced entirely.

    Ice Wave needs more utility, and a better animation.

    Well of Life needs to be replaced/changed to be more effective.


    Keep them coming, people!

  13. Lots of frames have underused abilities, compared to their other ones.

    Pick a frame you feel that has underused abilities and post how you would redisign said ability.

    For me, Ember's fireball. The augment is nice, but I'd like if ember had some mobility, so why not make that upon using her 1st ability she jumps a little and turns into a living burning cannonball that tackles and burns enemies and buffs allies (if the augment is equipped)!

    Brainstorm up some ideas!

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