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Posts posted by Separius

  1. Just add 5 R5 fusion cores to the void key pack and name it "Syndicate Pack of Awesome Goodies".


    At least then they'd be somewhat worth spending 25k rating on them, even if still not rational and I'd still feel guilty for ignoring common sense by buying them for that much. Srsly these decisions, why DE, my god...

  2. Just redesign the whole unit from scratch and THIS TIME put more thought into designing it to make it more interesting and less annoying.


    It's nonsense that they make a whole warframe useless (Thinking about Valkyr, who's only usefulness in teamplay is not dying, and even that gets taken away... "Just use ranged, dude" is what someone may say, but Valkyr can't do ranged damage while in Hysteria. Her only option is going in, get hysteria removed, but then she gets 2shot by the corrupted nullifier). 


    Idk who designed this sad excuse of an enemy, but they clearly don't play the game, because it's not fun to fight them. It's unfun. And when a design decision is unfun, then the devs failed at their jobs. Just ask anyone, the majority will say it's an unfun enemy. Sure some trolls and buttlickers will defend it to death, but they are not to be taken seriously, because the 1st one doesn't want to be taken seriously and the 2nd one is so biased that they'd defend DE's decisions even if they nerfed their favourite frame to oblivion, right infront of their very eyes, for no good reason.


    Also, buff the Rakta Ballistica. It's not in line with the other syndicate weapons. Not hard to comprehend.

  3. But imagine how insane a brawl-like game like this would be. A pvp game where they pit characters from the most popular Sci-fi/Fantasy/RPG titles of the past ten years against eachother, in maps from all those games, with every character of their own game's UI and skillset.


    Just imagine.


    A multi-company project. EA, Ubisoft, DE, CD Project Red, Blizzard, Riot, Valve, FromSoft, 2K etc. all in collaboration with eachother to make a multi billion dollareuropoundetc budget octaduple A game monstrosity.


    Who would optimize the game? Hopefully not Ubisoft.


    Who would balance the game? Hopefully not Blizzard.


    Who would price the game? Hopefully.... Praise-Gaben-For-Steam-Sales Valve.


    So many questions. But it'd be so profitable. It'd be so popular. Just imagine playing Vor, being pitted against Handsome Jack or Geralt of Rivia in the BoB arena or Lua on Earth. It'd be glorious. The game of the century.


    It'd be "9.5/10 Meh, it's okay." - IGN


    PS.: If this actually happens, I want at least a 5% share of profits.

  4. Rhino Prime with a Six Forma Boltor Prime vs. The Chosen Und-- Havelmonster with Chaos Blade / Washing Pole, Pre-nerf Monscim,  GMB+Numbness+Affinity+Sacred Oath+Resonant Flesh ?


    Rhino Prime could probably get him to low hp if he cheesed hard enough, but eventually, the Havelmonster would just lagswitch estus then backstab him to a YOU DIED screen.


    EDIT: on second thought why don't I add Pre-nerf Monscim, Pre Nerf Avelyn x2, Pre Nerf Santier's Spear to that list, I'm pretty sure he can manage carrying them with his 99 vit build.

  5. I'd probably facepalm because this is the most ridiculous cross over I've ever seen in my entire life


    Two games that are completely unrelated in every single way would never have a cross over with one another.


    But 'e mentioned multiple ridiculous crossovers and multiple games, doe, check your privilege grammar!

  6. *snip*



    You should have rigged it up and put it into a more menacing pose like.


    Also someone complained about the face being all creepy like, yeah, err... how about you make that part all golden glowy like? Turn the material of the face translucent, and golden diffuse colour, slap some light source behind it? I can't imagine how that would look like though...


    But overall pretty good and somewhat fast work, gj!

  7. I think this is good. Gives a reason to build and maybe max a lot of weapons that were underused, while this isn't an optimal solution to make people at least try if not use those weapons, but it's a good one, I support this.


    Maybe it could be implemented retroactively too where it makes sense?


    Just my 2 cents.

  8. I, and I'm pretty sure a lot of you others, have had it up to here with DE's recent incompetent additions to the game.


    I don't know why they are so keen on trying to jump the shark lately, with terrible and rushed ideas like the anti-afk system and nullifiers, but I don't even care about their reasons, and neither should any of you.


    Not letting them getting away dumb decisions like those I mentioned above, while they are waving "It's still in Beta! XD" Get Out of Jail Free card around, is our duty as consumers. I mean the game's nearly been out for 2 years, for god's sake.


    You know the recent vote about what should be replacing the syndicate T4 key rewards? The one with two awful choices?


    Yeah, vote with your wallet instead. Don't buy plat until they get their stuff together.

  9. It's not even an mmo, lmao. It's a Multiplayer TPS, with mmo elements (region chat, hubs)... But it's not an mmo, not even if it's gonna have raids.


    It'd be an mmo, if it lets ALL players on the server / region, to be able to perform PVE or PVP in the same zone at any given time (in theory at least).


    Surely the game changed a lot, but improved? Imho nope.


    But dude, Nullifiers! =))) So awesome.


    Anti Corrupt Nullifier Starter Pack:


    - Tank >>> you want live after the "slice attack"


    - Boltor Prime / Soma Prime >>> if you want kill the bubble use automatic weapons


    - Any melee >>> really does not matter, use any

    Alternatively: git gud scrub, amirite? X^D

  11. And the Opticor beams come out of your monitor and actually hits you! That is what we need!


    But before some sensitive people lose their heads over it, add epilepsy warning!



    Only the Orokin nullifiers though, we can't have the regular corpus ones being too OP, be reasonable.


    Yes, let's not get too generous. Opticor vandals for the normal ones will be fine. They leave around legos on the floor, with a slowing effect, in a large area for a while, after they hit!

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