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Posts posted by SpaceOddity



    How experienced are you with conclave?

    I've been playing conclave for about 6 months now, off an on. I've been getting into it more recently, within the last month or so. I'm almost always in the top half of the scoreboard.


    How experienced are you with Lunaro?

    I played my first game of Lunaro yesterday, to be perfectly honest. It seems very fun, and something I can certainly get in to.



    How experienced are you with Warframe PVE in general?

    I am MR22 in PvE, with two years of Warframe under my belt.



    How experienced are you with PVP in other games?

    I used to compete in Titanfall as a semi-pro.Won more than I lost, and was one of the better Titan Pilots in the world when I left the game. Other than that, I have about 300 hours in Dark Souls 3 PvP, and 120 hours or so on Base Invasions in Metal Gear Solid V. That's the big three PvP games I used to play.



    What is your favorite weapon type in conclave (if any)?

    I love my single-fire rifles. My Latron Prime is my go-to gun, and with it, I have about a 1.7 k/d.


  2. Quote

    Tell us about yourself. Anything, doesn't have to be only game  related, Any question you have.

    Hey! I'm SpaceOddity, a MR21 player in USEast. Been playing for about a year and a half now off and on. Currently in my early twenties, studying for my Real Estate license and looking for an apprenticeship in the trade. Generally I slum around my apartment either watching bad horror movies on netflix or playing video games. When I'm not in the mood for technology, I'll walk down to the harbor and read a book on the beach, or play with my dog in a park.

    I'm also Time Magazine's "2006 Person of the Year", a fact I take with pride.




    Tell us Your In-Game Name.




    Tell us Your favorite movie, food, fandom, other games you play.

    For favorite movie, It's gotta be "Double Down", a film by Neil Breen. The whole movie is a convoluted mess of plot and scenes, and it feels like you're watching an acid trip. It's hilarious in how bad it is, and at the end, it leaves you speechless with how totally pants-on-head-crazy it finishes.

    For food, Chicken and Waffles. There is no other dish on earth that can beat fluffy waffles, some nice fried chicken, and a maple syrup glaze. It sounds weird, but if you've ever had it, you know that they're basically mana from heaven.

    For fandom, I'm a 40k nerd through and through. Been playing since I was 10, reading the books since 12. The universe is amazingly deep and so well written. Not to mention the game itself is a hell of a lot of fun, and painting models is a blast.

    As for other games I play, I play Payday 2, Hearthstone, Dark Souls 3, Stellaris, every Metal Gear game, and a lot of narrative games (Dear Esther, Gone Home, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, games like those). Oh, and I get really drunk sometimes and read terrible visual novels to my friends.



    Make sure you understand the rule and the agreements above.

    I have read the rules and agreements, and understand them!



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