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On 2018-08-29 at 9:28 AM, Zimzala said:

Because it promotes elistist, meta-gamers power to kick anyone 'not playing the right way' more than it helps grouping.

IME, vote-kick is not fun in most games for anyone other than the meta-gamers that think every team has to be the more efficient for the task and want to force that on everyone else.

Fun is subjective. Meta-gaming and 'perfect groups' to 'maximize rewards' does not equate to fun for everyone.

All you just said is very rare, and only takes place in difficult content like a 5man group in a MMORPG where having a bad player will prevent you from completing the level. In games like this it siimply wont happen, especially considering if you kick someone they wont be replaced by another unless mission just started. It would be a wonderful way to punt a leach, and put an end to them overnight.

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On 2018-08-29 at 10:45 AM, CupcakesMoo said:

It also turns games into a second job. 

Would have no effect on a game like this, no difficult content. Nothing a noobish player can hold another 3 back from doing like in a more difficult game. And if they do finally make something hard, people will run it with clans anyway as a pug would be a nightmare.

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On 2018-08-27 at 3:27 PM, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I don't report higher MR AFK people either, because I remember that one time my sister came home with take-out and asked me to help her get it out of the car. I was in a survival and we were already beyond 20 minutes, so if I left the wouldn't be able to get another player. I didn't mean to AFK more than 1 minute, but then she wanted to talk my ears off and you know, she brought the food. I finally excused myself, apologized to the group, but they were already at extract and most likely hated my guts. In other words, sometimes real life happens.

Every once in a while, there's that player that shows up at the Mot and tries to hide in one of those spots, they come in with Banshee or Ember thinking they're going to wreck, but end up bleeding out several times in the first five minutes. So they try to go to a hiding spot and wait it out. I find these players annoying.

I'm not sure about the whole reporting other players thing. Some people are too quick to judge and if they see someone stop playing for more than 30 seconds they will automatically assume the player is leeching when, in fact, they might of had a soda or coffee spill, or their controller died.

Leeching is wrong, but so many of us mod our weapons and frames to obliterate maps I wonder how many of the "leechers" are actually just tenno that have given up trying because the MR22 Saryn is massacring the enemies so fast.

Just some food for thought...

I just tell folks what's going on and tell 'em I'll be right back, I find that always works and I expect that out of other higher-ranked players as well. If they go on an extended afk and don't say anything, it's meatshield time and they're the main course!

Like for instance, if we were doing a game and you told me what was going on with your sister, I'd cover you until you were free - that's the way I roll. I don't really bother reporting players, I make camping, hiding players bullet sponges for me until they Tenno up and face our foe!

Though I am a MR22 (or almost) and I do play Saryn a lot, don't expect any free rides with me, I strip that armor down and that's it - you're going to earn your bread just like I do or get shot to pieces and get nothing for all your troubles.

Edited by Mach25
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On 2018-08-27 at 11:00 PM, lolibonker said:

I have experienced a lot of people that have gone fishing while I've been farming for the new frame Revenant and I find it so annoying cause they are just leaching from other people kindness and I don't like it, like if you are going to fish for an amp then go solo cause it's pretty boring when you jump in on the plains playing the highest leveled mission and you just see someone going to fish. So like I want to know if more then me have experienced this and would it be a good idea to like add some griefing report or do you think it would be a problem or like is it only me that wants this. Btw I know that I got S#&$ English.

So far havent experienced this

Report those people they deserve it

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