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New Bow with trick arrows, idea that borrows a trick from Azima


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the bow would be for trick arrows meaning you would have 2-4 different damage types and you would select them with the alt fire button, 

 the first ideas I have would be a explosive arrow that would have the highest status chance so you could element tune it to your hearts content  would also do lot of impact damage and the detonations would have a small delay  when they hit " bonk" second or two before it explodes 

that would give you something that would spread corrosive all around for example.

second idea would borrow from the book of Azima it would fire a projectile that would stick to enemy or wall and then lets out a burst of bullets/projectiles at near by enemies in a way that azimas secondarie fire works, but with free aim unlike the locked fireline of the azima disc so it would be free to target any enemies max 3 meters from the arrow stick point, this on would be high in puncture dmg

Third one might be some shrapnel shell then spread out from there this would do slash damage

the visual design would be something to do with the zenith weapons 

would be awesome if the arrows would change depending on the arrow type

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Calm down Hawkeye, it's a interesting concept and I doubt it'll be hard to do because a similar thing exists with one of Khoras pistols if I remember correctly but idk about the puncture arrow, it doesn't fit in with a bow so maybe instead of a Azima alt that can be fired every second how about they just add a ton of punch through to it?

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