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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I like the thought of Loot the Dead, it gives Necro its own niche. Honestly, all of his abilities are fairly unique and I can't wait to see how he will fit into the game. I know they accidentally mentioned life drain on the live stream, but honestly, these powers sound cooler. hopefully the cloned mobs earn experience for teammates, as opposed to not earning any, like with chaos

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I like the life absorb idea a lot more. Soul leech could be a good name for it. Necro seems like it could be the darker cousin of the Warframes it should have better Necromancer powers. Search The Dead, come on that's a horrible power with a horrible name. I think this frame has great potential, I would love to feel like a badass Necromancer who can drain the life of my enemies and resurrect the dead but with names like Clone The Dead and a useless power that spawns more ammo and other resources I never need, I have little interest in Necro besides he looks AWESOME!


I don't want to wait longer for Necro but I think it needs a bit more work on the powers. It almost seems like they were just joking around with the names and actually used them thinking nobody would care. I want good powers for an awesome Warframe.  Soul Punch needs a new name, Search The Dead needs a complete rework and Clone The Dead needs a new name. 


I really like Necro and think the model looks terrific. In my humble opinion the powers need a lot of work to make it feel like a Necromancer. 

Edited by JahziLLa
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loving the look of the frame but the powers seem so poor in comparsion to other frames.this could look such an awesome frame but so useless with them powers i like power 4 but it seems more like the 1 power with totem it would be cool if it did damage instead of making enemies run away, soul punch sounds kinda cool .and search the dead just seems so pointless.

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Skill set sounds Awesome!! Like  that all his skills will be able to be used effectively no matter how high lvl the enemy is (im looking at u ember!!)  Will we be able to see the enemy soul leave its body with SOUL PUNCH?(Would be pretty B.A.)


Also what if the enemy became petrified instead of froze during TERROR TOTEM (freezing seem to be Frost's thing but petrification (world comes up as wrong?)freezes them too, just a thought

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The issue that most players have with Loot the Dead is that it doesn't really contribute anything meaningful to the game and it doesn't contribute anything meaningful to the player personally besides "more lewtz dirt cheap"


A skill like that doesn't reward or encourage skillful play or tactical decision.


It's not really something that can benefit a team much (energy and health are hardly scarce on the battlefield)


It's unreliable and relies on rng to be any good (Do you really want to spend 50 energy just to have a chance of MAYBE getting a net return of another 25 energy and some ammo for guns you probably aren't using? If you're lucky...)


It's not really thematically sound for necro (why would a frame embodying the spirit of a necromancer be concerned about weedling more loot? Something like that would be better suited to a fat, greedy warframe who's design is based off the ninja thiefs of eido, like Goemon or something.


it doesn't synergise with the rest of his kit at all. It can't really compliment or be complimented by any of his other skills. It's just 'there'.

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I have some name suggestions, if they haven't already been mentioned.


Soul Punch:

-Reaper's Touch


Terror Totem:

-Wretched Will

-Figure of Fear

-Mark of Terror

-Wraith of Dread

-Don't Fear the Reaper


Loot The Dead:

-Grave Robber

-Soul Thief


Clone The Dead:

-Call of The Necronomicon

-Call of The Mechronomicon



That's all I have for now...Just thought I'd share though ^_^

Edited by JEFFY40HANDS
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Now we need a warframe with a rocket punch :3

I don't love search the dead... maybe if the mechanic was dropping mats for every x enemies killed in a certain time frame I'd be more interested.

Nyx's chaos + clone the dead = Some very awkward moments for enemy mobs.

But again, soul punch and terror totem really sound lilke nice abilities


PS: Post #666 on necro ftw

Edited by alteriego
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You know, I think I can understand why they went with Search the Dead rather than Life Drain.


I didn't see the original description for Life Drain, but I'll assume that it was spammable. If he had two abilities that were spammable (it and Soul Punch), that would mean a choice between two projectile abilities of similar effect, but one heals you and (probably) deals AoE damage to make up for any increased cost. People would constantly be comparing the two, and once a general consensus was reached, one would cease being used.


Meanwhile, people are suggesting an ability that grants him some direct damage mitigation, which doesn't quite fit with his arsenal and would probably make him just a bit too well-rounded, and generally unfocused; consider Volt, whose abilities emphasize casting from the energy pool, on top of a mobility tool to keep or close the distance as you please... and the immobile Electric Shield which enhances gunfire and nothing else, a source of many complaints. Necro's abilities focus on staying out of the foreground (Terror Totem and Clone the Dead) and setting up for the party (Soul Punch, and yes, even Search the Dead), while a bone golem or flesh barrier or whatever you want to call it would very much put him on the front lines.


I'm not advocating Search the Dead, as I still do not think it is a good skill. I just see why they considered it over alternatives.

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Soul punch- Terrible name, Skills seem's like a decent 1st skill.

Does the armor debuff stack? or how does that work. Oh bad name 


Terror totem- bad name, Meh of a cc skill, I can only imagine how bugged or ugly looking the AI reaction to the skill will be. As a cc skill i rather mobs be stuck or slowed or something rather than running away. But i guess it would be useful against infested. Any other faction seems it would be utterly terrible. bad name. Edit : maybe an effect  like mobs are startled with fear and freeze, sorta like someone getting scared of a threat and just standing there without knowing what to do. (throwing suggestions around)


Search the dead.- really... just wow. bad name, bad concept, complete waste.


Clone the dead- As far as i'm informed you only get nano's from mobs YOU kill. Bad. not exactly sure how much damage the nano's will do, seems useless as well. Esp for higher level runs. Edit: i don't really understand what the animation would be for this skill. they die and a bunch of little robots just lol around biting S#&$ or what? i feel like it would look a bit silly as well..


Overall his skill set seems like a complete waste. Names, are terrible and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th skills seemingly all need fixing.


Only visible plus at this point to me is his design. More frames are needed but this skill set it terrible. 


But hey i said the same about nova. Look how that turned out.

Edited by SoulDust
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Soul punch- Terrible name, Skills seem's like a decent 1st skill.

Does the armor debuff stack? or how does that work. Oh #$$ name 


Terror totem- #$$ name, Meh of a cc skill, I can only imagine how bugged or ugly looking the AI reaction to the skill will be. As a cc skill i rather mobs be stuck or slowed or something rather than running away. But i guess it would be useful against infested. Any other faction seems it would be utterly terrible. #$$ name


Search the dead.- really... just wow. #$$ name, #$$ concept, complete waste.


Clone the dead- As far as i'm informed you only get nano's from mobs YOU kill. Bad. not exactly sure how much damage the nano's will do, seems useless as well. Esp for higher level runs.


Overall his skill set seems like a complete waste. Names, are terrible and 2nd, 3rd, and 4th skills seemingly all need fixing.


Only visible plus at this point to me is his design. More frames are needed but this skill set it terrible. 


But hey i said the same about nova. Look how that turned out.

All names are subject to change. Including "Necro".


As for his skills, I don't think his ult does any damage, just raises enemies you killed prior to casting.

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Search the dead will never be useful. That should be a frame mod or aura or something. Not a waste of a skill. Also yes i know it does not damage, but they said nano bots are something come out and fight for you? or was i just tripping balls. Nevertheless why have a skill like that when i could just run with Nyx? come on now these skills are garbage 

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I don't like his ultimate. Well, I can like it if it goes the way I think it will go. Here's what I think:


Nyx has a similar ability, to make enemies into allies. But they're all still killable, and the rest of the team usually just kills them anyway. And it's not even her ultimate ability, so it seems weird that this is Necro's ultimate...


Let's put this into perspective. If Necro uses his Clone the Dead ability on the X number of enemies he killed, then he has a bunch of dead followers, yes? Alright. Then Nova comes up and decides to use HER ultimate. Boom, now Necro's ultimate deems completely useless.


Now this can change, Necro's Clone the Dead ability now makes the enemies into actual allies, and they will not take damage from fellow teammates. This seems like it's all said and done, right? His ultimate is actually quite helpful. But wait... What about Nyx?


Now Nyx gets undermined by this, slightly at least. Depending on the amount of enemies he can change (X) then it shouldn't change much. But if he were to change the last 10-15 people he killed into followers, well then... Nyx isn't as useful as Necro can be. But if it's only 3-5 enemies changed into allies, then Nyx won't get undermined as much, and he could still end up being good, or his ultimate could be less effective then players want it to be.


Now because we're on a fence here, I do suggest a complete change in his 4th ability, because it is too similar to another warframes ability. (Nyx)

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I see, 


Point still stands though, why bother with that nonsense when you could just use nyx, Search the dead why even bother installing that as a skill. Doesn't even really fit..like why. Why use fear against anything but infested and even still, if they just run you'll have to deal with the same situation again. Unless i'm missing something.

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