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Reticle Glow : Where's Waldo Workaround


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On most frames I find the reticle hard to see, but having recently started up with Nidus again, finding the reticle has become a veritable Where's Waldo, imho.
On my main PC, I actually have a triangle cut out of a post-it, stuck on my screen pointing at the reticle. While that does help, it is obviously not entirely elegant, and for my work laptop, simply not feasible.

Here's what I would propose : (scalable) reticle glow


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Warframe animation interfers terribly with aiming.

I have to say one benefit of stealth frames is you get FPS experience. Warframe movements don’t drag attention away from targeted enemies. I spent the longest time learning to ignore where guns aim and focus on center screen. It’s easier to use an expanded minimap because then one can mentally ignore all the fancy graphics and focus on enemy location.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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3 hours ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

Warframe animation interfers terribly with aiming.

I'm unsure how you meant this. Did you mean the constant movement is distracting in the extreme? I fully agree with you there, if that was what you were getting at. 👌

3 hours ago, (PS4)teacup775 said:

I have to say one benefit of stealth frames is you get FPS experience. Warframe movements don’t drag attention away from targeted enemies. I spent the longest time learning to ignore where guns aim and focus on center screen. It’s easier to use an expanded minimap because then one can mentally ignore all the fancy graphics and focus on enemy location.

Things flapping and moving about is insanely distracting, and makes focusing anywhere nigh-on impossible. It's part of what makes the virtually invisible reticle such a pain. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to "mentally ignore" as you put it, anything. Hence the need for a high contrast reticle that stands out unmistakably by virtue of being motionless in the cacophonous overload of incessantly moving visual effects that is this game. The post-it I mentioned is literally the only effective means I've managed to devise in four years play.

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7 minutes ago, -BM-Inservio said:

I'm unsure how you meant this. Did you mean the constant movement is distracting in the extreme? I fully agree with you there, if that was what you were getting at. 👌

Things flapping and moving about is insanely distracting, and makes focusing anywhere nigh-on impossible. It's part of what makes the virtually invisible reticle such a pain. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to "mentally ignore" as you put it, anything. Hence the need for a high contrast reticle that stands out unmistakably by virtue of being motionless in the cacophonous overload of incessantly moving visual effects that is this game. The post-it I mentioned is literally the only effective means I've managed to devise in four years play.

1) yes. Weapon and frame direction has nothing to do with target, which is where the player view port aims at.

2) high contrast also obstructs view, so it’s a true design issue. A laser sight can also provide a solution as well as ADS snapping. All have their issues.

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