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Seasonal Exclusives


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No, it isn't anything like that at all. Stop doing comparisons to real life, because they are getting less and less related to the discussion.


I'll stop making real life comparisons when real life stop being accurate. Until then, Suffer.


More fun with Dictionary.com:


Exclusive: Excluding or not admitting other things. (IE: People who weren't there.)


You sir, need to stop trying to argue that Exclusive should be Seasonal.


Seasonal: Fluctuating or restricted according to the season or time of year.


... Now that I got that out of the way...


If you want a Game on Game example... I'll give you one...


It would be like.. Playing World of Warcraft or Years on end like a hopelessly drug addicted child.. and then choosing to play (Insert Game here), and demanding to have access to everything that has every ever happened has just because you decided to play the new game now, and not years ago, when WoW had it's iron-clad fist firmly up your "you know what."


There are events in Guild Wars 2 going on RIGHT NOW that if your not playing it, you don't get to see any of it EVER AGAIN. One time content, Last for about 2 weeks and then it is gone. Are you over on those Forums too demanding every event be brought back seasonally?


I doubt it.. and you know why? Because the Opportunity Cost of playing Warframe does not outweigh playing Guild Wars 2 for you. If you cared more about Guild Wars 2, that might be a different story, but you don't! That is the beauty of Opportunity Cost, It is different for every single person alive, much like your opinions and mine.



Of course, I know there's probably a snowball's chance in hell, considering it's been discontinued for lore-based reasons, but a man can dream, right?


Arguing definitions is pointless.



Definitions are the bases off all written and verbal communication on this planet, there is no arguing them, just hit dictionary.com.

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Yet YOU are doing it.

Hm, perhaps I am. I suppose I worded that improperly.


I mean to say, making arguments based on definitions is pointless. This is because while the definitions are set in stone, that does not mean that people cannot change their minds. Actually, now that I think about it, definitions aren't set in stone. They just don't change quite so quickly.



The only issue is that these are oversimplifications. Details are missing, and those could have an impact on their relevance.


What items is Guild Wars 2 handing out for these events? Are they the best items in the game for whatever purpose they may serve?

Is this player of WoW a reasonable human being who understands basic human interaction?

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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I'll stop making real life comparisons when real life stop being accurate. Until then, Suffer.

Then at least make better comparisons. None of this "Dating someone for being popular and then demanding a better relationship for it" crap.

More fun with Dictionary.com:


Exclusive: Excluding or not admitting other things. (IE: People who weren't there.)


You sir, need to stop trying to argue that Exclusive should be Seasonal.


Seasonal: Fluctuating or restricted according to the season or time of year.


... Now that I got that out of the way...


If you are going to insist that dictionary definitions are important to this discussion, then I should probably point out the two definitions you posted aren't even mutually exclusive(oh look, I used the word exclusive again).

Not admitting people to get a seasonal item outside of the season is still exclusive.


If you want a Game on Game example... I'll give you one...


It would be like.. Playing World of Warcraft or Years on end like a hopelessly drug addicted child.. and then choosing to play (Insert Game here), and demanding to have access to everything that has every ever happened has just because you decided to play the new game now, and not years ago, when WoW had it's iron-clad fist firmly up your "you know what."


There are events in Guild Wars 2 going on RIGHT NOW that if your not playing it, you don't get to see any of it EVER AGAIN. One time content, Last for about 2 weeks and then it is gone. Are you over on those Forums too demanding every event be brought back seasonally?


I doubt it.. and you know why? Because the Opportunity Cost of playing Warframe does not outweigh playing Guild Wars 2 for you. If you cared more about Guild Wars 2, that might be a different story, but you don't! That is the beauty of Opportunity Cost, It is different for every single person alive, much like your opinions and mine.




Definitions are the bases off all written and verbal communication on this planet, there is no arguing them, just hit dictionary.com.

Your game on game comparisons assume that I agree with what those games are doing... Or that I actually care what those games are doing. Which I don't. Quite frankly I don't think power should be permanently exclusive. Cosmetics are fine, but power is not. Edited by Grilleds
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ITT: a couple of reasons why people are abandoning this franchise in droves.


[size=12]Protip: it's not exclusive weapons [/size]


The entire argument is moot anyway as weapons will be returning through events sometime in the future, the same exclusive events that they were available for to begin with.

Edited by -Kittens-
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ITT: a couple of reasons why people are abandoning this franchise in droves.


Protip: it's not exclusive weapons


The entire argument is moot anyway as weapons will be returning through events sometime in the future, the same exclusive events that they were available for to begin with.

Where and when was that confirmed? I must have missed that. I do recall them saying that Primed Chamber would return in a future event though, which is why I didn't mention it in my OP.

All the stuff we've done to get certain exclusives would be for nothing. The community would raise hell (I would as well). I missed out of Branton Vandal, but it doesn't faze me at all. Just keep an eye out for future events/chances.

For nothing huh? So your Snipetron Vandal and Strun Wraith would disappear if another event offered them as rewards? Edited by Grilleds
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^ No, it would lose the meaning of exclusivity. Believe it or not, people like standing out. That exclusivity was part of the reward players received for doing a certain event or being faithful. If they decided to re-release a vandal or something, that would give us less incentive to participate in future events where a weapon is up for grabs and less faith in the company's credibility. If they promote a weapon as exclusive, it should stay that way.

Edited by MEsoJD
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^ No, it would lose the meaning of exclusivity. Believe it or not, people like standing out. That exclusivity was part of the reward players received for doing a certain event or being faithful. If they decided to re-release a vandal or something, that would give us less incentive to participate in future events where a weapon is up for grabs and less faith in the company's credibility. If they promote a weapon as exclusive, it should stay that way.

You still keep the exclusive badges that will never be available again. Something can be exclusive to events and still appear in future events while still being correctly referred to as exclusive (you can thank previous posters for my use of semantics here, apparently they think its important).

Power should never be permanently exclusive. Cosmetics should, power shouldn't. I shouldn't be significantly more powerful than a new player because I killed 20 motionless enemies during an event that they were not around for, and because I ran around for 20 minutes pressing 4 during another event that they were not around for. However I should have still gotten the weapons for doing that, and said weapons probably should be powerful. To balance that, said weapons should probably be reintroduced in another event when the game launches. I'm proposing that they be reused in events on a yearly basis. That way, the power and flexibility I have due to owning those weapons, isn't permanently locked away to them. What IS locked away to them, is some silly cosmetics that don't give me any gameplay benefit.

Keep in mind, if my suggestion is used. You still have weapons that other people can't get for a whole YEAR. That's one whole year of exclusivity. The only caveat is that after that time, they become briefly available again, and then after that, its another whole YEAR of them not being available. That is still pretty damn exclusive for something that offers a gameplay benefit.

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^ As I stated before, "If they promote a weapon as exclusive, it should stay that way." They can release event related weapons, etc continualously if it wasn't stated as being exclusive from the get go. That said, my last commennt still stands. I would lose a lot of respect if they went back on their word. Really don't see the need for furher conversation on the matter. 

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I dunno about you, but Vulkar is pretty okay for up to level 50...By then you could go with a Paris...

Besides, snipers are generally lacking (C'mon Tenno Sniper, show yourself already). Snipetron /Vandal was removed for a reason more than it wanting to be exclusive...As if we aren't already gimped with lower sniper drop rate mods, there aren't much to choose from at all. (C'mon tenno sniper....)

I think SWraith will be outpowered very soon, but if there was some gifting system, I'd throw your friends my SWraith. I hate shotguns after all. (My SWraith is still unranked for what it's worth.)

Exclusives are exclusives after all, well at least I think weapons can stay Exclusive for all they're worth. Until Armor 2.0, they aren't hitting the top of my list of wants. Mods however do lock out some people for building their weapons/frames differently, these shouldn't be exclusive...Especially those ammo mutator mods. Sometimes I wished I learned about the forums during the event to know I needed points for some awesome bow ammo...Considering I main sniper-ish weapons. But meh, it's okay if I don't have that one (or two, including sniper mutation and that chamber thing) because I don't consider any level beyond Ambulas or T3 Void as "Metagame" to fool around in, and our mods can currently overpower those levels even without the armor rework.

So yeah...Exclusive items can remain exclusive, they aren't very much different in function to their non-exclusive counterparts anyway. (Yeah just wait for that new double barreled shottie.)

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A few things in your opening post:
1) The ammo mutators will be returning in future events
2) The only other "exclusive" mod is "Primed Chamber" and that was only given out to the top 100 players in the drone event and DERebecca has stated that it will be comming back in future events, probably as part of the top 100 again.  And it should stay that way as a reward for being in the top 100.
3) The reason stating you have the exclusives affects the argument is it seperates this thread from another pointless QQ thread about it.

Anyways, on to the meat of my post:
I believe that exclusives should stay 100% exclusive if they are stated to be so.
It encourages me to do the event and participate in the game.  Otherwise it goes: "Why should I try to get the completion score in this event?  It'll just be back in a short period of time anyways..."
Further, the exclusive weapons aren't just a congratulations on achieving something, they are also a way of saying "I was here back when...".
I have had new players see the Strun Wraith and the Vandals and ask about them.  And while they were bummed out that it was exclusive they were excited that in the future they have a chance at new exclusives that people after them wont be able to get.  That immeadiately drove up their interest in playing the game and sticking around till the next event.  So in that regards the exclusives actually achieve something good: Player retention.

Further, most of the QQ about the exclusives on the forums are about the vandals given out to CBT players.  New players want them and the question is: Why?  Those vandals were given out as a reward for playing in the CBT and providing various forms of feedback and metrics in the game.  New players haven't done that and weren't there so why should they be given a chance to get them?
It invalidates the time that players played somewhat.  Why?  Because something that was a reward for playing through the increadibly buggy (especially early CBT) and providing feedback and metrics is now available to people who didn't do anything.  That is not fair to the people who spent time playing in CBT.

As for the Snipertron Vandal:
Most players spent time killing more than 20 of the drones.  They put effort into getting it and worked to finish the event so that they could successfully clear the event and get their shiny weapon.  DE said it was exclusive for two reasons: Lore violation (corpus weapon that uses bullets instead of energy projectiles) and because the event that gave it out is over.  
In fact the ONLY reason that DE brought back the snipertron in any form?  Because they removed it from the in game store without saying anything or any warning.  DESteve had even said that if they had given warning when they were originally removing the snipertron they wouldn't have put it in as an event reward.  And then it really would be exclusive to the CBT people who bought it before they removed it from the store.
If they started giving it out regularly then that invalidates the work that people put into the first event to get it when they were told that it was exclusive and never coming back.
Same with the strun wraith.

A real world example of why jut giving it out to players wouldn't be fair to the people that already put in the time to get them:
Your boss tells you that if you work the next 2 weekends during a special one time promo where it will be more swamped than any other time and you'll get a raise/promotion (such as to manager of a new store opening nearby).  After that promo is over a co-worker learns you got a raise/promotion and then goes to the manager asking for the same promotion by working the next two weekends (where it wont be anywhere near as busy as what you went through).
Would it be fair to you and what you did if your boss agreed and gave him the same promotion for working 2 regular weekends as opposed to working during the, much busier and harder, *one time only* promo that you had to do?

That is essentially the same situation it is in for the exclusive weaponry.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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A few things in your opening post:

1) The ammo mutators will be returning in future events

2) The only other "exclusive" mod is "Primed Chamber" and that was only given out to the top 100 players in the drone event and DERebecca has stated that it will be comming back in future events, probably as part of the top 100 again.  And it should stay that way as a reward for being in the top 100.

3) The reason stating you have the exclusives affects the argument is it seperates this thread from another pointless QQ thread about it.

Anyways, on to the meat of my post:

I believe that exclusives should stay 100% exclusive if they are stated to be so.


It encourages me to do the event and participate in the game.  Otherwise it goes: "Why should I try to get the completion score in this event?  It'll just be back in a short period of time anyways..."

Further, the exclusive weapons aren't just a congratulations on achieving something, they are also a way of saying "I was here back when...".

I have had new players see the Strun Wraith and the Vandals and ask about them.  And while they were bummed out that it was exclusive they were excited that in the future they have a chance at new exclusives that people after them wont be able to get.  That immeadiately drove up their interest in playing the game and sticking around till the next event.  So in that regards the exclusives actually achieve something good: Player retention.

Further, most of the QQ about the exclusives on the forums are about the vandals given out to CBT players.  New players want them and the question is: Why?  Those vandals were given out as a reward for playing in the CBT and providing various forms of feedback and metrics in the game.  New players haven't done that and weren't there so why should they be given a chance to get them?

It invalidates the time that players played somewhat.  Why?  Because something that was a reward for playing through the increadibly buggy (especially early CBT) and providing feedback and metrics is now available to people who didn't do anything.  That is not fair to the people who spent time playing in CBT.

As for the Snipertron Vandal:

Most players spent time killing more than 20 of the drones.  They put effort into getting it and worked to finish the event so that they could successfully clear the event and get their shiny weapon.  DE said it was exclusive for two reasons: Lore violation (corpus weapon that uses bullets instead of energy projectiles) and because the event that gave it out is over.  

In fact the ONLY reason that DE brought back the snipertron in any form?  Because they removed it from the in game store without saying anything or any warning.  DESteve had even said that if they had given warning when they were originally removing the snipertron they wouldn't have put it in as an event reward.  And then it really would be exclusive to the CBT people who bought it before they removed it from the store.

If they started giving it out regularly then that invalidates the work that people put into the first event to get it when they were told that it was exclusive and never coming back.

Same with the strun wraith.

A real world example of why jut giving it out to players wouldn't be fair to the people that already put in the time to get them:

Your boss tells you that if you work the next 2 weekends during a special one time promo where it will be more swamped than any other time and you'll get a raise.  After that promation is over a co-worker learns you got a raise and then goes to the manager asking for the same promotion by working the next two weekends (where it wont be anywhere near as busy as what you went through).

Would it be fair to you and what you did if your boss agreed and gave him the same promotion for working 2 regular weekends as opposed to working during the, much busier and harder, *one time only* promo that you had to do?

That is essentially the same situation it is in for the exclusive weaponry.



*Scan Complete*

It appears this post is made of 60% Win, and 60% Awesome. Scientists are hard at work trying to figure out how that is possible.

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I don't disagree with the post, but can we stop with the "real-life" analogies and "examples"? They're all just unrealistic fictions that we make up in our heads, idealized circumstances made to back up our points.


I have a Lato Vandal, though I don't know why anyone would want one other than bragging rights. It's completely overshadowed by most of the other pistols.


Good points, and fair analysis. My main issue with the exclusives is that they're simply the best items there are for what they do. The Snipetron Vandal and Strun Wraith are simply that much better than whatever else is available to non-event goers that I feel that not giving them a reasonable alternative isn't really fair.


I don't mind if exclusives stay exclusive as long as those who missed the event have reasonable alternatives which can compete with them, but right now, there really aren't any alternatives for the Snipetron Vandal and Strun Wraith, and there don't seem to be any coming up soon.

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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And if you looked into the DC you will see that there are models and plans for more shotguns and sniper rifles, as well as at least one AR.  While for now the exclusives are at the top of the list, just wait for more content to be put out that includes equivalent weapons for the future members of the game to get their hands on.
At this point its a matter of time.

And I would consider the Sobek a competitor for the SWrath.  Why?  A longer fall of distance plus larger clip size to deal with larger groups before having to reload.  Also the Sobek has a tighter spread making it easier to land more pellets on the weakpoints of enemies.

And finally, that example I gave was actually what happened to one of my friends when he was working at a tech store during the launch event for the Windows Surface tablets.  The boss said no to the other coworker, stating fairness as why he wouldn't offer the promotion to him.  So not all examples are as ficticious as you think they are.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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And if you looked into the DC you will see that there are models and plans for more shotguns and sniper rifles, as well as at least one AR. While for now the exclusives are at the top of the list, just wait for more content to be put out that includes equivalent weapons for the future members of the game to get their hands on.

At this point its a matter of time.

And I would consider the Sobek a competitor for the SWrath. Why? A longer fall of distance plus larger clip size to deal with larger groups before having to reload. Also the Sobek has a tighter spread making it easier to land more pellets on the weakpoints of enemies.

And finally, that example I gave was actually what happened to one of my friends when he was working at a tech store during the launch event for the Windows Surface tablets. The boss said no to the other coworker, stating fairness as why he wouldn't offer the promotion to him. So not all examples are as ficticious as you think they are.

I cannot count the new Sniper Rifle until I see its stats. Are you expecting me to place my hopes in something which doesn't even exist as a model in game yet? If I could, I'd toss the Vulkar Wraith in with the "possible alternatives" group.

And as for the example, that's fine then. But if you look back through the thread, most of the analogies given are simply ridiculous. Or something. Maybe I'm dreaming.

Also, that example's actually fair! Putting in more work should be rewarded with more rewards (in an ideal world). But how is running an event again giving people the same rewards for less work? There wouldn't be any less work put in - it's still the same requirements, and there's no less work required.

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And we can be said to have done 'more work' by being here and participating in the event while it was going.  Because what about all the players that didn't play during those events even though they were playing the game?
Plus, having the same reward offered regularly for events leads to this issue with events in the future:
"Why should I try to do this event?  I already have the main reward from it so whats the point in going through the work again for the exact same thing?"
This hurts player retention with the events (which is the opposite of what they are trying to do)
Or leads to "Why should I try to do this event?  The same reward will just be offered later..."  Again it leads to less people playing the event because there is nothing special and unique in that event that no one else will get.
Giving people weapons that serve as bragging rights, which the exclusive weapons do, keeps them more interested and engaged.  And while they are higher in stats currently than other weapons of the same type it is simply a waiting game to see what DE will release in those categories that will compete, and it is only a matter of time.

And, if you permit me to use another real world example, as this one may be more on base (as you did bring up a valid point against my last one):
It was in high school with a small competition that anyone could compete in at any time (it was actually part of a charity event my highschool was taking part of).  The principle had said that anyone taking part in the event would get a reward that was worth a small amount of money(never saying specifically what the reward was, and only saying that the people who take part will get it and *no* one else) and had the notice up for nearly a month.  Myself and 14 others decided to take part in it.  At the end we all got special season passes to a local water park.  It was a one time charity event.
After the reward was given out there were people that tried demanding that they do it over again now that they know how good the reward is(Similar to not knowing how good the SWraith was going to be), etc etc, and that they should have a chance at getting the reward.
The principle just told them that they should have taken part in the first place, and even had to deal with parents about it.
He stood firm and while the school had other charity events where people took part in (noticeably more people than in the first event) the principle always gave out different rewards, in essence rewards that were 'exclusive' to that specific charity event.
Now, the principle could have gone back on his word that those specific rewards wouldn't be given out at any other charity event, but he didnt and stood by what he said.
Further, having those exclusive rewards that were always different did one very important thing:
It drove up interest in doing the future events.  Why?  Because they knew that whatever they got in those events wasn't going to be a repeat of a previous event.  And what did that do?  Make every event worth doing.

If they start having regular events that give out the same rewards, then what is the motivation to do any specific event that occurs?
The purpose of the events is to drive a large number of players (both old and new) into playing the game and get them hyped for a short while.
If they didn't offer something unique, that will never come back, and useful (such as the weapons) they would see a lower turnout in the events.
So besides being a reward for being there, it also serves as an incentive for coming back to the future events.

Would you rather do an event with a prize that you know will be unique and will never come back into the game?  Or would you rather do an event where you know that the prize will be back only a few  events down the line?

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I know there's a lot of people that say they want the exclusives, but i have to agree with angius.  They should remain exclusive.  the players that were playing during the time they were released worked hard for them and deserved them.  those that reset or are new, well tough love.  I wasn't here for snipetron vandal or braton vandal, but i really don't care.  sure it sucks, but w/e just be better without those weapons than those with them.  they're a crutch. 


Once again, its not fair to the people that kept their acct and started earlier to give the ability for weapons that were exclusive to no longer be.  Mods are a different story, and they've been pretty good at re-adding them into the game.


"Worked hard"


You mean they were lucky enough to have the time to spend an hour playing a game that they probably would have played for an hour anyway?


I'm all in on OP's suggestion. Having permanent exclusivity is stupid.  It's only there to give the people that were lucky enough to participate in the events some sort of satisfaction of having something a portion of players don't. Then you have the kids that try to tell you owning one of these exclusive weapons/mods is like a "badge of honor" showing how "loyal" they are to the game/DE. B1tch please. I don't feel proud when I look upon a weapon I got in an event. More like "gee, I'm glad I was around to do that event because I'd never be able to obtain this gun."


I myself missed the Strun Wraith challenge because of out of town business I had to take care of. Finally was able to get in a game today and saw everyone with their new shiny shotguns, all 3 of them telling me how much they wished they could trade them for the Snipetron Vandal I was using.


Sorry. Giving players the peace of mind of knowing you can potentially get these weapons further down the line is worth more than having the lucky ones feel smug/"more loyal". The events are supposed to make you feel like you're doing something fun to advance the overall game and get something extra while you're at it. Instead, it's just another grind that you're pretty much forced to do unless you want to forever forfeit the OP weapon reward.

Edited by RaptorShinRyu
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Well,  there's four sides to this story that I see:

-The people who do have the exclusives that want them to stay exlcusive

-The people who do have the exclusives that don't care if others can obtain them.

-The people who don't have the exclusives that want them

-The people who don't have the exclusives and don't care about exclusivity


If seen a lot of posts that fall into the first category, one or two that fall into the 2nd category. I'd personally like to hear from someone that doens't have an exclusive and that doesn't want them, but I'll just say I fall into the 2nd/4th category:


So I recently got the Strun Wraith, you know what I did with my Hek? I sold it, why? Well if you have the Strun Wraith you'll know why


I don't care about exclusivity, I care about maxing. So before I got the Lanka I used the Vulkar. I had to use it (for sniping) because I never bought the snipetron bp when it was available in store, I never would have expected it to be removed, I mean who would? As for that being lore-breaking, I hope they the extremely lore breaking chain guns that both the hyena and jackal have. 


Also, the whole argument about being there for event entitles you to the exclusive wep is kinda silly. I have 300h mission time and almost 600h total game time. You think someone that has all the exclusives but less that 100h total game time deserves them? I don't care about them so I won't be the judge of that.


In conclusion I feel sorry for anyone that want's to snipe that isn't MR 7 and that doesn't have the snipetron vandal. That tenno sniper should be on par with the snipetron I hope

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Well,  there's four sides to this story that I see:

-The people who do have the exclusives that want them to stay exlcusive

-The people who do have the exclusives that don't care if others can obtain them.

-The people who don't have the exclusives that want them

-The people who don't have the exclusives and don't care about exclusivity


If seen a lot of posts that fall into the first category, one or two that fall into the 2nd category. I'd personally like to hear from someone that doens't have an exclusive and that doesn't want them, but I'll just say I fall into the 2nd/4th category:


So I recently got the Strun Wraith, you know what I did with my Hek? I sold it, why? Well if you have the Strun Wraith you'll know why


I don't care about exclusivity, I care about maxing. So before I got the Lanka I used the Vulkar. I had to use it (for sniping) because I never bought the snipetron bp when it was available in store, I never would have expected it to be removed, I mean who would? As for that being lore-breaking, I hope they the extremely lore breaking chain guns that both the hyena and jackal have. 


Also, the whole argument about being there for event entitles you to the exclusive wep is kinda silly. I have 300h mission time and almost 600h total game time. You think someone that has all the exclusives but less that 100h total game time deserves them? I don't care about them so I won't be the judge of that.


In conclusion I feel sorry for anyone that want's to snipe that isn't MR 7 and that doesn't have the snipetron vandal. That tenno sniper should be on par with the snipetron I hope

I don't have Snipetron, Snipetron Vandal, Lato Vandal, Braton Vandal.

I don't care if they'll come back, I like the challenge of sniping with a projectile (Paris/Paris Prime) already and Vulkar just needs a little polish (when heavily modded, still makes for a good sniper. Reload only being a giant downside).

I only have SWraith as an exclusive weapon, and I'm willing to give it away if I can because I downright hate shotguns outside Left4Dead. (even then, I tend choose ARs over Shotguns. I like exploding heads.)

A good sniper is already scary with a Vulkar, heavily modded, it may even be useful in 100- non-infested content as long as your aim is true. Maybe if it had 150 base damage instead or an armor ignore type of damage, it would be good, or even better than what I missed.

The game really lacks snipers and I acknowledge that, the loss of the Snipetron series is just a small blow to the already hard style of sniping. (low ammo drops, low ammo, low pool of selection)...

OT Starts here:

Although then on topic, I'd let people keep their exclusive weapons to themselves, suuuuure my like for sniping means I could use the Snipetron Vandal...however my adaptability means I can also use Bows just as effectively and the Vulkar is still there. (The only problem I have with Vulkar is when I'm in a team of rushers, the long reload means I can't do a lot of long jumps for zorencopters or such.)

Exclusive weapons aren't as powerful than what they're given credit for...They are now, but that's because our pool of weapons seems to be doing nothing but spawn more Assault Rifles (the first Tenno Weapon on the line is an AR, go figure.). Here's hoping that pretty soon, we'll actually have choices for Snipers and Shotguns.

Edited by Erusa
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Very very minor, unrelated nitpick: why don't you quote me? XD I might just be used to it from doing it on a different forum, but I wonder why people don't do it here.

The times which the OP has been talking about are very long times, a year is a very long time to wait for something, even with warframes taking 3 days to build. I feel that you're exaggerating somewhat about the commonality of the events OP is suggesting.

That aside, your example does make sense. People do want the Snipetrons because they're good. I don't feel that that completely justifies hanging it out of reach for the rest of their time playing, though. Free tickets are nice, but visits to a water park aren't exclusive only to those with free tickets.

As for me, I may not have played the Arid Fear event quite so much if I'd known that the mods would have been added to the nightmare mode drop table so quickly, but I probably would have if there was another event like it instead. Why? I had the time to get 100 points that weekend, and I wouldn't want to get to 50 or something then have to run all those missions again just to get Lethal Torrent.

OT Starts here:

Although then on topic, I'd let people keep their exclusive weapons to themselves, suuuuure my like for sniping means I could use the Snipetron Vandal...however my adaptability means I can also use Bows just as effectively and the Vulkar is still there. (The only problem I have with Vulkar is when I'm in a team of rushers, the long reload means I can't do a lot of long jumps for zorencopters or such.)

Just a clarification: I don't want the Snipetron Vandal because I'd be more effective with it - I use a 4-forma'd Lanka rather than the Vulkar, and that thing will tear nearly anything a new facial orifice with a single shot.

I only want it because I want to have fun tackling the higher-level content with a hitscan sniper rifle. I do prefer hitscan to projectile (I feel a lot more accurate with them), but I'm willing to use a projectile for the sake of effectiveness. (And to see people get cut in half by a tiny blue dot.)

Still, I'd be down with a Vulkar buff. The thing sounds awesome, it actually makes enemies react like they got hit by something powerful, and it doesn't look too shabby (or maybe it looks shabby and that's what's cool about it), so I wouldn't mind using it more if it was more effective.

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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Vulkar reminds me of my favorite Sniper Rifle...The AWP.

Loud, takes a long time to reload, usually small clip size.

Sadly we're in space and the AWP no longer exists, bullets are but mere playful rounds that Grineer armor shrugs off like it was nothing....

Just we wait...Armor 2.0...these hitscan weapons may gain new life, projectile-based weaponry might no longer have such the huge advantage it has now...Then maybe these "Event exclusive weapons" would be nothing more than the type of weapon you'd take to a level 200 endless defense, which, imo, isn't the type I'd consider as something I'll do to pass time with (nor "end-game" as some may call it). Even then, with time, they will be overshadowed by better weapons that aren't even exclusive.

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Vulkar reminds me of my favorite Sniper Rifle...The AWP.

Loud, takes a long time to reload, usually small clip size.

Sadly we're in space and the AWP no longer exists, bullets are but mere playful rounds that Grineer armor shrugs off like it was nothing....

Just we wait...Armor 2.0...these hitscan weapons may gain new life, projectile-based weaponry might no longer have such the huge advantage it has now...Then maybe these "Event exclusive weapons" would be nothing more than the type of weapon you'd take to a level 200 endless defense, which, imo, isn't the type I'd consider as something I'll do to pass time with (nor "end-game" as some may call it). Even then, with time, they will be overshadowed by better weapons that aren't even exclusive.

My favorite sniper rifle is that piddly little gun that the Sniper had in TF2. No reloading, but you had to wait about 1.5 seconds between each shot. Satisfying as hell to land headshots on Scouts at close range, though.


The Vulkar's mainly got three things dragging it down: Small clip size, glacial reload speed, and ineffective damage against armor (mostly infested ancients and Corpus heads - corpus heads just have 0x bullet damage).


The combination of all three means that its potential damage per clip isn't high enough for a lot of things once they start getting more armor/health, and if you're not killing something in at most one clip with the Vulkar, you're wasting incredible amounts of time. On top of that, each clip isn't very good for killing that many enemies to begin with, usually 2-4.

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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-The people who do have the exclusives that want them to stay exlcusive

-The people who do have the exclusives that don't care if others can obtain them.

-The people who don't have the exclusives that want them

-The people who don't have the exclusives and don't care about exclusivity


I am in 2nd category almost, dont have s.vandal, but I dont like snipers in this game, i prefer ogris/shotgun or any aoe/spray-n-pray style, so s.vandal is more or less irrelevant for me.


That being said, I am 100% with OP. I didnt work hard for those items, I just happened to be there and roflstomp thru the events. None of the events were hard, and most of them were plain boring and idiotic.

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Op weapon reward huh? I guess that depends on your definition of op.  In any case, i'm sorry that you missed out on the event, Real life always trumps game time.  But there is honestly nothing game breaking about the weapons that have been awarded to events.  In all honesty if any of them had armor ignore then maybe they shouldn't be exclusive.  but not a single one of them does.  so no more op weapon huh


I have to disagree with you about the idea that it makes players resent the ideas of events.  Tsukinoki has 2 very applicable real world examples that I agree with.  And whats more, as unfortunate as it may be, they aren't going to change the idea of exclusive weapons. Mods are a different story, but I know that some have been asking for them. and as for the difficulty of playing for "an hour" it actually was pretty tough on the first few days because of so much lag due to pixel overloads.  if you haven't done the survival mode yet, then you'll just have to look around on teh forums because many many many people were complaining about it.


Also back on track to what you're saying.  So if an alert with a catalyst or a reactor or vauban pops up and you're not there to do it, but other people are, do you want that reactor/catalyst/bp alert to be immediately available to you when you're ready? you may not think they're the same thing, but in all reality what you and OP are asking for is for people to turn back time and retrieve what you feel was "taken" from you. 


I have none of the CB weapons, or the snipetron vandal, and quite frankly my dear i don't give a damn. Players earned it by being part of that experience.  belittling their efforts later will just come back on you when you have something that you worked hard for and then some newbie picks it up in a regular run.

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