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The 9.8. Changes Discussion Thread Merger


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Trinity is rarely used in game modes that arent defense. I myself only use my trinity in defense and mobile defense. For raid, Capture, Spy, Sabotage, etc, I use volt or Frost Prime(when he gets out of foundry) for speed or epic defence. If your using trinity during a sabotage mission, your doing it wrong.

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not only that the mob dies too fast the range of is bad too you have to hug the damn mob to get energy

Why are you hugging it,just EV + WoL and walk away.If your'e having the target die you can always put both the skills on the factions heavy unit.I've had randoms spam harder now once they realized I was able to keep their energy up without them having to do anything.It also helps if you equip focus to increase the energy it gives on each pulse.

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 It's their play style.  So, if you slow them down, you are boring them.  Games are supposed to be fun, not boring.


Slow Warframes need speed buff.  Slow makes no sense in a fast game.


your perception of fun is based on speed... ok i respect that. i just have to point out that not everyone thinks that way... maybe if you are talking about raids, boss farming and BP farming yes speed is a necessity but being slow doesnt mean that they become useless. maybe to your preferences it might but keep in mind that in some missions like defense and mobile defense you have to sit tight and def up.

and regarding trinity's speed, using a speed mod greatly helps. based on my experience i most of the time end up being ahead compared to most frames when i play... i think its a matter of how you get there, like wall running over obstacles and the likes...

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So, as long as Nova is nerfed, it's OK that they completely destroy ember, make Trinity obsolete, and make Bastille worthless against infested.



I don't mind if every Warframe is best at certain circumstances than another Warframe.  Expecting each Warframe to be equally good under all circumstances does not produce fun choices.  It means all choices are the same which means you have no choices.




In other words, you're not happy because they didn't nerf Nova to the ground.

Yes that's absolutely what I meant! sarcasm. 


I mean they should balance the frames around something right now it looks like they're swinging in the dark. And yes all frames should be valid in all situations only with differences on how they handle it. For example Rhino can kill multiple enemies with stomp while Loki can disarm them and then dispatch them easily.

Right now the whole game is centered around few frames that are viable and rest that aren't. That is not balance.

And no I don't want Nova nerfed to the ground, I want her skills to be on par with others. She shouldn't have a skill that debuffs, buffs and damages at the same time. Mprime could be balanced by either removing slow or removing double damage while making antimatter drop more reliable and maybe increase the amount of nullstar whatevers. 

But you apparently only deal in black and white there is no inbetween for you is there?

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I'm looking forward to this.


me too i hope i don't fail after opening my mouth LOL, but i'm like 85% sure it will go nicely xD

I've ran through a T3 owning things but maybe there was a nova mpriming for double damage but i don't think so, and i coulda been lagging


it takes a few ticks to kill but def possible and her ulti with both duration mods just has it going and going and going for a lot of extra passive damage.  Imma do it later when i get back from class =)

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The thing about making them craftable is, how annoying will they be to craft?


Will we be able to use them more than once? Or get a stack of 5 upon completion?


Can we use credits to buy ammo for the actual box we crafted?


Will we have to choose between boss farming and getting a new weapon?


Is this to encourage us to farm ammo mutation mods?


Is this a stealth nerf to solo play? (I would be annoyed if it were)


Etc etc. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

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Too bad energy syphons and orbs make EV useless, even more so now that you have to huddle close to the target. And same for WoL health orbs are in abundance.


Fun fact adding continuity makes Energy Vampire give less energy, it lasts longer but ends up giving the same amount of energy as before.

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Slash Dash and Radial Javelin don't need to be updated, but Super Jump is kind of useless at the moment (We can't use it in mid-air?  Really?), and Radial Blind needs to scale with duration mods.  Those are relatively minor problems though. 

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but focus and cont will give you more energy over a longer period of time. total win.

Actually focus may give you more energy than you get without but continuity only makes the power last longer. It will still cap the energy you would get without it, it only affects the duration not the amount of energy you get. 

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Moas actually have reasonable scaling, try killing grineer over level 50 with one casting of WoF. And then compare the time it took to how fast even excal does it.



yeah i was gonna focus grineer b/c corpus are weak and infested.. well.. .fire xD

i have class till 4pm so i should get a video up later tonight.


One WOF should def kill heavies but hopefully it's as fast as it was that other T3 i did xD.. who knows with lag and stuff.  I think i'll be ok and get some nice gameplay.


I was thinking of who to compare the ulti to, but hey other frames will definitely kill faster my statement was that it's definitely POSSIBLE and not even dare i say horrible.  it's pretty average, maybe slightly above average, for example old mag crush would never kill some of the things i've killed with ember

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