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The 9.8. Changes Discussion Thread Merger


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I agree, what they did is not balancing. They completely destroyed ember for end game and made trinity obsolete. They made bastille worthless against infested. All the while they did nothing to Nova. So don't yell "DEY BALANCED TEH GAEM!" until they nerf Nova.


They did buff Mag and Nyx from what I hear but if their point was to lessen the "not all frames are viable" they failed horribly. As banshee is useless outside of boss runs and Excalibur is only filler if you can't get anything else. 


I'm all for nerfs if they make sense but this doesn't.

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Perhaps all of her dmg is supposed to be done with the use of skill, not tank. I know for some this may seem absurd, but avoiding dmg is way better than taking dmg, and unlike other mmos, you dont avoid dmg by sitting there and getting a lucky roll of the dice to 'dodge', you have to actually do it yourself in this game.


Back to strawmen?

Edited by SanityRobot
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Because people are generally myopic and self centered.


They convince themselves that the currently imbalanced thing they are playing actually isn't imbalanced, they are just THAT good.


The fact that DE is awful at balancing, and take forever to make changes just perpetuates the feelings. Allowing Nova to be far and away better than everything else at dealing damage for months will just give people time to settle in. If they'd had attempted to at least lessen the gap shortly after release it wouldn't have nearly as much impact as it will when it eventually happens.


It makes me cringe when people suggest buffing everything to pre-nerf Vaub and Nova levels though. Vaub made entire factions irrelevant while Nova made all enemies below level 100 irrelevant. Those two frames singlehandedly obsoleted around 95% or more of the content. Bringing even more frames to their level will just go ahead and make the remaining 5% obsolete.

Edited by SanityRobot
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Aside from the straight nerf to bastille, without any upside, I'm in agreeance with all the changes to current frames. Ember wasnt supposed to tank like she did, so they took her defence skill and gave her more dmg, leaving tanking to the pro, Rhino.


They gave Trinity a CC as well as health drain, but I agree, I'm not a fan of the way they changed energy vampire. If they could make it give all the energy once the enemy is defeated, and not just waste the energy, then I would be happy with it. And Link is awesome now. Link to more baddies? Yes please.


And yeah, they should have buffed excal and banshee, but they didnt, perhaps in a later patch, And no, they didnt nerf nova like they should have, so the game remains unbalanced. But its at least a few steps closer to being that way.

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I agree, what they did is not balancing. They completely destroyed ember for end game and made trinity obsolete. They made bastille worthless against infested. All the while they did nothing to Nova. So don't yell "DEY BALANCED TEH GAEM!" until they nerf Nova.


They did buff Mag and Nyx from what I hear but if their point was to lessen the "not all frames are viable" they failed horribly. As banshee is useless outside of boss runs and Excalibur is only filler if you can't get anything else. 


I'm all for nerfs if they make sense but this doesn't.

News for you... Nova dont kill S#&$ now and die REALLY quick

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I'd like to start off by saying this isn't a hate thread about power changes or nerfs, so if that is what you expected you will be sorely disappointed.

After the livestream when you announced the changes, I was reasonably happy. Power changes were needed, armour a nd elemental changes are going to be great, huzzah! Then I checked the forums and saw all the hate about the power changes.

A lot of the hate revolved around the power changes effectively being nerfs in the current game. I however took up arms and was attempting to defend DEs decisions, saying "when armour and element 2.0 comes, the power changes will come and not be nerfs, but changes."

Then, DESPITE the forums basically screaming for you not to add the power changes in the current armour and element system, you did it anyway. It was never going to end well, couldn't it have waited til update 10?

Now all you have done is change the frames to suit a new game system which you haven't yet implemented, making a lot of players a lot of angry.

I myself haven't played the game since the update, so I am not making any comments about the changes to the warframe powers, only that the timing is all wrong. Armour 2.0 and element 2.0 should have been at the same time as frame changes, now you have just created a lot of palm to forehead action. It is a similar occasion to when you buffed enemy difficulty first, leading to the game being too difficult before we had the changes to cope with it.

Another gripe is that yet again, you have updated the game in a controversial and sizeable manner, on a FRIDAY.

I realise that you may want to work hard all week, then relish in the fruits of your labour over the weekend. But please, in future would it be possible for you to update mid week? Or on mondays? Get the update all ready and raring on Friday, but then release it on Monday morning!

When a big update is released there are bugs and you want us to test and find them, fine. But a lot of people only get to play on weekends and if an update creates a large bug that renders a certain part of the game impossible or no fun to play, that's just not okay (massive fps drops, ember fire blast team killing).

It's also not enjoyable playing with a few minor bugs for a weekend, that you know could have been fixed rapidly the next day had the update been on a friday.

Finally the controversial updates, like the current one, lead certain people to get angry, not play and turn their attention to the forums. This leads to huge amounts of hatred to build up amd flame wars, and I guarantee you will have lost players because of this. Jad the update been midweek, staff would have either been able to update the game or inform the players for in depth of their decisions and prevent them from rage quitting.

Tl:dr, think before you leap when it comes to updates, "should we really change the game in X direction before we change it in Y direction". Please no more updates on Fridays.

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From my side of view :


Nerf is needed , but not the way they are doing it , if you nerf you give something in exchange , lets say for Example : Nova get M prime nerfed as many


wish for it , its will have to go with power 1 or 2 stronger or change in def / hp / shield , but DE just giving bad point so people is more than hostile


I'm sure if you Take off one bonus and give something that was needed you will get less complain


Edit : Anyways the patch note does not show it but Nova got nerfed (armor def?) + m prime range and some other thing

Edited by Chaosdreamer
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If they had the time to test everything they designed we wouldn't be needed now would we?


We still have the damage remodel to factor in before we can say something is still weak or strong.

Lots of things aren't coming out well but that's how programming is. It takes a while and it's messy but if things aren't tried progress will never be made.

I'm not saying I don't get frustrated with how things come out sometimes, I do, but I know this isn't as easy as many people would like to think it is.


Many people complain how they went back on their word for a lot of things, and in terms of trust that isn't the greatest, but in terms of making a better product, I think it's good to go back and look at things they previous said, and do something different if they aren't working well.

There were many things they weren't expecting about the player base they have, so sticking with some of the things they previously promised probably isn't such a good idea.


Things are going to have to be done that people won't like, new and old, but I think they're trying their best to make as many people happy as they can.


I'm not saying don't complain, just I don't think the devs themselves should be being bashed directly.

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This is perfectly concise for what EVERYONE needs to understand about the Ember changes.

Hence why they shouldn't have implemented these frame changes in the current system. I'm sure ember will be viable at killing stuff before it can get to her with her massive DPS in future updates, but not this one.

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i really have high hopes for the next step that DE has in mind.

no idea how it will turn out, but im hopeful.

sadly, given DEs track record, my hope is probably ill placed.

more on topic:

i agree op, they should have waited.

breaking the current game in favor of what you plan to do is a little derp.

more so when you could have just waited and everyone would have been happier if you had.

its all good if you want to change things for the better of the game, in fact, please do, but time it a little better next time.

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I've been on the forums long enough to know for sure, that in a month or 2, everyone will look back at these moments fondly.


"Hey, remember when things were too easy and there wasn't a challenge?"


"Yeah, I remember that. Funny times."


It's happened before. In fact, every time DE does something enough people don't like, in a couple months it's all forgotten and forgiven. As a community, I can honestly say we're batsh*t insane.

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