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Game Crashing Freezing With 3- 4 Players


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Have done 10 xini missions so far update todays update 5 of them were with different players and myself and a 2 man team, but when I have 3-4 players game locked up on screen and freeze with some audio in back ground and persists for a minute until I have to Ctrl ALt Del to get out Seems at this point it is when there are  3-4 Players.

Game is much faster FFS and General speed of mobs quicker but what has been changed for sacrifice to gain this speed increase and has something caused a bottle neck in resources or ram not dumping flushing out processing I farm Xini regularly 20 - 30 missions a day and these fault have not happened until this update also using same player in my friends list with which I play regularly with little or no problems in past.

I will Continue to test and see if I can isolate it a bit more or until more people may experience this problems as I have.



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When you say 3-4 players, did they join you prior to the mission or while you're in the mission? and secondly, were you the host?

Well, my case is that Me(as the host) and a friend would enter Xini and we'll do just fine, but a few second after a 3rd member comes in, whether we have started the wave or not, that's when my game freezes. Right now, I'm gonna let my friend host and see If my game would still freeze a 3rd member comes into the game/mission we are in. 

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I used to get 3-5 second hangs on occasion as the host, but since today the game just outright locks up. It doesn't seem to happen when someone joins, but mid-play with a full party. Disabling or minimising graphics settings didn't seem to help. It's a total freeze, like the poster above; I need to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it.

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It seems hosting and having a 3rd member join your squad mid-mission is causing the game to freeze, Why this happens I do not know but I hope we have given enough info to be of some help.

and yea, I can totally relate to you WarHeroman, I'm here because I just had to force close my warframe because I had the same problem again. Oh yea, one more thing, if you join a squad and the host quit, and the host migration chooses you, you are not safe at all.

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same...can't play a single game

im not sure if its related to having a 3rd player or anything but for me even when i was in a full game we played a little bit then boom freeze

i tried 3 xini games in a row, I haven't played one whole game today, only 5 minutes of 4-5 games

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Logged on again today didn't even have to start a game was just in menus doing my normal go back and forth checking frames and adjusting things as I normally do and have and game freeze refuses to go back or move game hasn't completing frozen can still hear ambient sounds and animations in back ground it  just refuses to move why I have no idea I didn't put any expectations on the game other than to navigate menus.

Can even offer a explanation or say it was players that caused it this time face palm it has never down this in the past only since that update.

Edited by WarHeroman
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discussion Primordialis ? do u have a link

Just froze again making a 4 player mission to xini on the way in animation froze its obvious something changed after update my system hasn't changed and other players are having the same problems if u have a solution please offer it.

Edited by WarHeroman
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Yep up to 6 crashes games freezing today pretty much same symptoms are u described same issues I am a technician and have gone through the top 10 -20 things you do to resolve issue nothing has worked so far, game is now dead to me just wasting time and getting angry and frustrated if I wanted this much frustration I would have gotten married, to the developers DO NOT blame the user or his her machine or setup you create a update and it causes all these issues then its up to you to fix the dam thing. or give us a update on the fact you acknowledge the issues and are working to fix them asap.


The whole point of creating separate post is show its a wide spread p[problem not just isolated to one user.

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Yes and No.


If we have one post with many replies it shows that it is far more widespread than three threads dealing with same issue.

Also we are brainstorming together what the likely cause may be. So if we can keep our ideas to one thread it is easier to collate them and come to a possible conclusion to what it actually may be and then we could start finding a fix until DE fixes it.

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Updated my driver to 326.80-desktop-win8-win7-winvista-64bit-international-beta I have a GTX 650 TI


Oh was Using Version 320.18


I will see if that improves or helps


 I use CCleaner to manage cleaning up pc


I used PFPortChecker to se if my ports are ok

Edited by WarHeroman
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If you just read the post made on the other thread(the one who's link we shared on this thread) you would have known what may be causing your game to freeze. Well good luck to you good sir. Have a pleasant day. 

Edited by yangskiii
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Not sure why u keep insisting on me coming to your post I just made my post as I said to show the fact that there is a broader problem with many uses even to the point to making a separate post and this is my own private nightmare I am experiencing be it that others are having similar issues and I can also choose to look at your post and see if anything there has happen updated so why must I post in yours ?,


UPDATE anyway after changing my drivers to the updated beta only served to cause my computer to S#&$ itself and after trying to play in game it froze yet again I even went to the next dramatic end of turning off every option in the display settings of the game vsync dynamic bloom and even made it 32 bit I turned off everything and went back in and created a game 3 players game and guess what it crashed again froze so that was every single display option so that eliminates driver issues display issues changed ping requirements all to no aval.


That's almost my whole Sunday troubleshooting something that wasn't broken but now is after update what have they done to my beautiful game ?

Edited by WarHeroman
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