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Fortuna Enemy Nerf?


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1 hour ago, Iamabearlulz said:

That's because every time they tried to fix a system, the forums all started screeching again (like here, when they fixed OV). It's a learned behaviour that we, the Warframe community have cultivated by refusing to adapt.

Then again, some of those changes really did suck... (looking at you, Plains Archwing)

In what sense should one adapt to: "Ah, that content that was providing an actual challenge is now a super easy snooze fest." 

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17 hours ago, ShortCat said:

Subjective definition of challange aside, compared to all other Corpus enemies in the game, Fortuna variants were and still are more dangerous. Those Corpus have more health, hit harder, have more special abilities and come in bigger variance. This alone is enough to create a new experience.
Yes, those new Corpus units were nerfed, however there is a simple reason behind it. Those are lvl 40 enemies, their overall performance should be somehow copareable to all the other enemies in the game in the same lvl range.

The real reason so many people are unsatisfied is, that we power creeped the presented challange long time ago and the game has to play catch up. Those Corpus on steroids showed a glimpse of what the game could be with proper executed scaling. However, while fully geared player might experience joy, the actual target audience would be overwhelmed by Fortuna (I am not talking about new players, just like PoE, Fortuna is not for new players; I am talking about players, who played a decent ammount of time, completed the Star Chart and feel confident to fight lvl 40 enemies). If the overall scaling would define lvl 40-50 as dangerous territory for seasoned players, I would stay mute. This is not the case.

Also, gimping yourself to create an illusion of difficulty would compromise good game design, however, Warframe has no difficulty satting and caters to a broad spectrum of players, thus it is arguable to say - your loadout is your difficulty setting (until DE works on a reasonable scaling, I would welcome such changes).

This was unbiased and well written cheers man. Thanks

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12 minutes ago, Yousho said:

In what sense should one adapt to: "Ah, that content that was providing an actual challenge is now a super easy snooze fest." 

You can find some good hints here:

For example, you do not have to equip mods if you do not want them. Or, you can go with no D mods on your frame and no V mods nor elemental mods on your weapons. Or, for example, you could restrict your tactics. I imagine you could come up with other creative possibilities (maybe "only equip corrupted mods"?)....

(Or, if you want DE to do all the work, I suppose you could petition for an Elite Fortuna option and then wait and pout.)

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